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What do you do when you have no passion or drive?

249 Answers
Last Updated: 08/25/2022 at 7:22pm
What do you do when you have no passion or drive?
1 Tip to Feel Better
United States
Moderated by

Alex DS Ellis, MA, LMFT

Marriage & Family Therapist

Feeling depressed or anxious can be so overwhelming. I want to help you feel better and be able to enjoy life. You are not alone and you deserve emotional support.

Top Rated Answers
May 14th, 2020 12:16pm
Try something new, an activity that you have some interest in. Sometimes a change can help revive passions or gain motivation that can be channelled into different areas. Start small, but it is helpful to develop habits, no matter how small, whether it be writing a journal, exercise, meditation or anything else. Also, what helps me is getting a clear workplace or area - this can be doing a declutter or just cleaning your area to clear your mindset, which gives me more passion and motivation. It is good that you want to get out of this rut, it is just important to make that first leap and then make habits out of that.
May 20th, 2020 6:15am
I ususally find something that I love to do. I go read a book that I loved or I play guitar. I may draw or write poetry, depending on the time I have. People often feel no motivation or passion, and it's a completely normal thing. The best way for me to get through it is do something that I love or talk to friends about it. Confiding in somebody when things go badly is a really comforting thing to do. I'll even go on 7 Cups and talk to some people about what's happening, or I'll talk to the people that I'm friends with on here. :)
May 20th, 2020 2:10pm
When I have no passion or drive, I take a moment to reset my mindset by going for a walk on the beach. Then asking myself how can I get through this? Reflecting on the events leading up to now help me get over this "bump in the road". The lack of passion is completely normal, and everyone experiences it at least once in their life. Resetting and re-establishing your interests, goals, reminding yourself how you got here in the first place, and just taking a moment to step back from reality and releasing the weight of world on your shoulders is the next step in regaining that drive to press forward and work through a difficult time.
June 24th, 2021 2:42am
Thank you for reaching out! It is understandably a tough situation to have no passion or drive. You feel lost. Not knowing where to be and how to be or feel can be frustrating and leave you thinking what gives me joy. Having to do the daily tasks you cannot avoid because it’s expected of you can feel more like an obligation rather than something you inherently are inspired to do. Even small things like getting out of bed or daily chores could feel impossible tasks. You may want to think of any small hobby/interest/activity that you believe sounds interesting. Start with giving such an activity a 2 minutes of your day and gradually find more such pleasurable and healthy things and increase the time to that which made you feel especially good. You may be interested in pursuing art, learning to play an instrument or learning a new language. Knowing the direction you want to go into can be difficult and knowing what you want from life in general. There are several fantastic opportunities to volunteer at 7 cups as a listener, content writer/editor, check-in/sharing circle host. You may think about wanting to give back to the community you are passionate about. Communities range from Depression, Anxiety, Addiction Support and Positivity and Gratitude community. Do you want to make use of these opportunities that are available? Which opportunities catch your eye? You are someone with bags of potential and it takes finding the right opportunities for you. You are absolutely welcome to communicate 1-1 with any of our amazing listeners or therapists on our site to further explore your thoughts and feelings. Passion and drive shines through when there is something to intrigue and inspire you. Sometimes you do not know what interests you until you try!
January 3rd, 2021 2:31am
It is often very difficult to find your passion! I also feel this way at times, but that is why you should explore options. Join a club, volunteer for an organization, learn something new, try a new hobby, travel, and spend time for yourself. For example, several websites can help you learn new things about several types of interests. Everyone can make a positive impact in this world so you should keep exploring how. Having some sort of passion is important in not only finding a career but finding the simple joy in life. Find inspiration from others and start observing things that you like to do.
January 11th, 2021 8:41am
I try to remind myself of the goals I want to achieve. I have a dream and for it to become real I know I have to work. As long as there are dreams there is a hope of reaching them. Wherever I get too stressed, I like to read. It gives you a different place to be for how ever long you wish. No matter how small the step might be, every step forward is a step closer to where I want to be. For me it's also important to remind myself, that my decisions don't have to make sense to others. I'm doing it for me, because it's my life everybody else has their own.
January 21st, 2021 4:59am
I try to ground myself. Take a couple deep breath. Look at my health if I’m eating properly getting enough sleep, Have I respected my body. Is there a reason why I have no passion or drive. Look deep into that and then look deeper into myself. By looking deeper into yourself you usually can find the answer if you know how to do it. then I just give myself a big hug because life’s hard.. We all should take a step back and remember let it be. You are doing the best that you can with the information you have at this moment.
February 24th, 2021 5:22am
There are several things I might do. I might call a family member and talk--or maybe a friend, if I felt like it wasn't appropriate for family. Or I might take a walk if I feel stressed, as that would clear my mind and allow room for new thoughts. Or I might make a cup of coffee, which improves my mood and also gives me time for thinking. I also think about my wife and daughter, who always give me motivation for being my best self. I love to spend time with my daughter, who is two, as she is very innocent and hasn't been corrupted by the evil influences in society yet.
February 28th, 2021 7:52pm
I consider how much time I have to get to do all the things I want in life. Because the truth is, life is short, and our dreams and goals don't have time for having no motivation to do anything. I consider all the goals I want to accomplish, and how the future me is gonna look back and thank me for pushing through so that she could accomplish her dreams. Plus, a teacher of mine once said "90% of the work is just getting started." I know that I just have to push through the beginning and then everything will get better. It always does, no matter how bad things have to get first. It's all a matter of pushing through the darkness to see the light. You just have to get started.
March 3rd, 2021 6:27am
Sometimes all you have is the small push to get through the daily grind. During those times, remember why you're doing it. Why did you pick that job? Who is the person you're texting, and why bother? What's the smell of your dish soap or the flower on the side of the road? Try to breathe and remember it won't wags be this way. You have the ability to survive the days that seem meaningless and there will be days on the other end that mean more to you. Likely this is a chemical imbalance and not your true self; do you need to reach out for help, or just endure until things improve?
March 4th, 2021 3:56pm
I am currently a university student, and due to the pandemic, I have often lost my passion and motivation for my course. What gets me through is the excitement of earning a degree at the end, and working my way up in my career goals. Reminding yourself of why you are doing something can spark that passion all over again! If I am having a day where I just have no motivation at all, I will set myself regular breaks to recharge, and plan activities that I enjoy doing, so I have something to look forward to once I have been productive. What has been working for me recently is sticking on some headphones and playing some music really loud to lift my mood!
April 8th, 2021 4:15pm
Passion is learned and built upon. A person I know said this about love "Everything is infatuation until you live and build a relationship with the person". I extrapolate it to passion and drive in life. When you feel burnt out, take a step back and in time you will find your answers. It is most difficult to be patient, but during that time keep yourself occupied with other activities like taking care of your health, hobbies, or any other activities that give you peace of mind. This in turn, will help you pass time and give you a fresh perspective by which you can look at the same problem with a renewed passion.
April 30th, 2021 6:01pm
I like to write down how I'm feeling and use that as a creative guide. Writing down my feelings make me feel better, it's like an outlet, I should say. I feel safe, happy, and maybe even a little more positive. I like writing anyways, it's like my second job (after being a student). I am always writing, so much I get in trouble sometimes, haha. But writing makes me feel better, calms me down after a long day of work, yelling and maybe even crying. I have too many notebooks, some I use for multiple purposes, some for one.
May 9th, 2021 1:21pm
I make a big old list. I make the biggest list you could imagine! I write down everything that I want to achieve in my life and then I make another list. Things I want to achieve this month and I write down how I will do this. It seems excessive but making goals gives me something to work towards and lets me track my progress. It really motivates me to see it on paper. Another thing I do is tell my friends that I am going to do something as then I have to do it other wise they will hold me accountable
May 26th, 2021 4:10am
When I have no passion or drive, it feels like time reevaluate. Maybe it's time to look into what I'm passionate about and see if those things still hold sway for me. As I learn and grow as a person, my interests change with me. PI look at it like leveling up! Time to move on to the next challenge and see what's waiting for me. Sometimes you have to shed your old skin to make room for the new you! Checking in with yourself every so often can be important and the growth that you discover when you do can be so exciting.
May 26th, 2021 1:44pm
I've dealt with this in the past so I understand this feeling. Personally, I found it hard to find passions or motivation because I had no energy and had apathy for everything around me. I had many hobbies and interests before I became depressed so for me, it helped to think about those and create ideas in my head for what I would do when I had more energy. I tend to be creative so looking at other people's art or finding new shows to watch helped. It can also help to have friends suggest things for you and see what you like to do. Be open-minded and willing to try a variety of things. Remember, it is completely okay to not have one solid plan or interest. Live each day as it's own and try not to compare yourself to others. The most important thing is to do what makes you happy. Just experiment and talk to others.
June 13th, 2021 8:55am
Firstly, what do you think of when you think of the word passion and/or drive? You probably think of people being super productive, getting dream jobs, etc... Not everybody has a super obvious passion. A passion can be anything: cooking, planning, gaming, listening to music, it really doesn't matter. I promise you have passions, you just might not see them right now either because you're depressed (which happens whenever I get depressed; it goes away after a while, promise) or because you don't think your interests count. They do, and if you don't have any now, just wait.
November 17th, 2021 12:33am
When I have no passion or drive, I simply try to take a step back and remember what exactly I am doing and why. Sometimes it is so easy to forget why we are doing something, and looking at things in a different light may be helpful to reassess what you wanted to get out of the situation entirely. Maybe looking up reasons why one loves the thing one was doing, or why one was drawn to that passion. We may always get burnt out when we focus all of our time and energy into one thing. But stepping back and remembering why may help us realize what we were passionate about in the first place.
July 22nd, 2016 12:19am
There are many aspects and factors that affect your lack of motivation which may make it difficult to fix or deal with. You can recharge this shortage of passion and drive by simply just doing what you love and actually want to do!
May 25th, 2022 4:48pm
You try to understand yourself, be there for you and see what you want. You will surely find your passion soon. Try to find yourself, you will find your passion is hidden beneath. Try meditating and relaxing your mind. Try new things, it's ok if you fail but do not give up. Giving up means giving up on yourself and life is not about giving up it is about learning new things and finding yourself. Do what you love the most and there you will find your passion. Everyone has some or the other passion, it just takes time to be discovered and everyone's passion is different from the other
February 24th, 2022 10:14am
I used to think passion or drive is a must to be interacting in the world but over the years my outlook has changed. Passion and drive sometimes can blind us hence we might make wrong choices for ourselves or for others , if we are in a responsible/ leader/head position . Rather than passion . I think setting a simple goal and slowly ,working towards it while practising higher values but at the same time being able to be flexible, non-judgemental is a good way rather then worry about quantity/quality of passion or drive .
February 19th, 2022 7:37am
It’s completely normal to feel unmotivated at times, especially about work. Maybe there’s a task you’ve been ducking for weeks or a new project that’s taken the wind out of your sails. Whatever the cause, it can be downright impossible to get things done when those feelings hit. And that’s OK. Almost everyone struggles with feeling unmotivated and uninspired from time to time. In fact, when we surveyed hundreds of RescueTime users, we found that on average, people are just 60% motivated to do their daily work. Yet while these feelings are normal, they can become a serious distraction if they linger or intensify. So what can you do when that feeling of being unmotivated for work just won’t go away? The progress principle: Why tiny steps are better than shooting for the moon
February 9th, 2022 8:48am
It is important to remember that you are constantly growing and evolving into the person you are meant to be. You will discover and learn your likes and dislikes, your interests and hobbies. However, these things take time and require you to step outside your comfort zone and try new things. It sounds generic however, it is what enables you to truly find what you enjoy. When experiencing issues with drive or motivation, it's important to recognise the psychological aspect to this. The ambition comes from inside you and in my experience, learn to find discipline first, and drive will soon follow.
December 1st, 2021 3:20pm
When I have no passion or drive. I always do yoga or meditate. I also listen to music, talk to family and friends for their support, and motivate myself. These things are very helpful for me. This is something that I never hardly struggle with but I know how hard it can be for someone who deals with this on a regular basis. It is also very easy to lose your passion or drive when you get discouraged so having a good support system has always been beneficial to me. If you are someone who struggles from this you will get through it, just keep your head up.
November 4th, 2021 5:15pm
When I have no passion and drive I turn my focus on my young child. There is nothing I wouldn't do for them, so I must push forward. It isn't the easy thing to do, but none of what is best for us is often easy. To be happy and healthy in life, we must be ok within our own minds. I focus on my child and the gifts we have been given. We are both happy most of the time, safe, and healthy. That in itself is something to be grateful for every minute of the day. Let's always count our blessings.
July 29th, 2021 9:29pm
You take it one day at a time. If you feel like you have no passion but you still need to make a living, pick something you are good at and interested in. From there, you can spend your free time exploring things you like which can lead to you finding your passion. For example, if you don't have any specific passions but are a good writer, you can work for a bit as a journalist while trying out things that sound cool in your free time. Be sure to keep in mind that a passion or drive doesn't have to be for a specific career or hobby. In fact, many people are not passionate about their jobs (but we all need to make money somehow). Instead, your passion can be your family, your free time, or traveling. Find what sparks your fire, and keep in mind that it can be anything.
August 26th, 2021 5:39pm
When I am feeling like I have no passion or drive, I like to go outdoors or do something active. Getting my blood flowing helps me to reconnect with myself and feel a better sense of belonging which then helps me want to do more. There have been numerous times in my life where I have lost my drive, however, the intensity of a workout or doing something I used to love, such as dancing or hiking can bring back memories of times I was full of passion. That helps me want to get back to the state of mind of better times and better drive.
October 15th, 2021 10:03pm
It sounds as though you're feeling burnt out. In this case, one of the first things I'd suggest doing is determining what's making you feel this way. Once you know what's the cause of your burn out you can start to address it. Sometimes this means that we need to step back and take some extra time to delve into self care (whatever that means and however that works for you). You may also want to try some journaling to look inside yourself to determine what you're passionate about. Once you find your passion you can start focusing on it more and then you'll see your drive building up from there.
December 27th, 2020 3:53pm
There are definitely some days where i just want to stay in my bed and not do anything. But during those times I starts thinking I can act upon my laziness or lack of enthusiasm for the day because I have the option to do so. Even though everyone feelings are valid when I think from other people perspective I find a different approach to life. Some times these people are imaginary. That's one way I motivate myself when I want a small push or when I feel so drawn out. Sometimes I do spend a lazy day but I make sure that it is not something I want to keep doing and I am not doing. We ourselves haven't find a reason to keep us motivated
November 5th, 2021 11:42am
What I personally do when I’m having issues with getting out bed, or having issues taking care of myself, (etc.) I remind myself of what got me to where I am now. I have this really big dream of moving to New York and becoming a bigshot lawyer! It got me through SO much. I think about how I want to look when I finally get there, and if I’d be happy with myself if I was there right now. Everybody has different things that motivate them and drive them! The goal is to be extraordinary. Losing your passion or motivation is a normal part of being human! Find what makes you happy and delve into it with everything you are!