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VictoriaLove7 profile picture
Happy Birthday, Nii! 🌙🥧🥳
Positivity & Gratitude / by VictoriaLove7
Last post
November 17th, 2024
...See more Today, November 6 is Nii's 🌙🥧 birthday! 🥳\(。╹⩊╹。)/ Let's celebrate Nii 🌙🥧 @LoveMyMoonFlowers on her happiest birthday today! ฅ/ᐠ •⩊• マฅ Ⳋ Tagging: @affyavo  @AlleycatNemo @AmiablePeace77 @amiablebunny4016  @AnnaSilverberg  @Angelx28  @anonhelp123  @Antonio7cups @artemisStormWolf  @ASilentObserver  @Audienta @Avaria  @Barltik2065  @Beecake  @blissfulSky8162 @Bluerivercares  @braveFig6308  @BrightestStarInNightsSky @BrightIndigo  @Bubbles2025 @bubblingbreeze14  @callumKing2000  @calmMango9611  @calmMoon2104 @calmmoon6757  @calmrosebud @cancun  @capana4u  @cathugsandharmony @chromaticFinss  @chetan1408   @chevy81  @chyni  @communicativePond1728   @compassionateArrow   @comphi @confidentRabbit7311   @coolmecool  @crescentmoon6858  @daf8   @darkerplaces @daydreammemories  @draven99 @EasyListener  @emotionalTalker2260  @EmberofHope  @EmotionsListener  @Enigmaticcat24 @ExuberantBlackberry9105 @FineFrog15 @floatingdandelion  @freshman12 @FrenchToast  @Gabrielamtineo  @gentleBraid2726  @gentleemperor   @GeorginaHowe @GettingBetterToday  @Gloriad   @GoldenNest2727 @goldenPearr  @GoldenRuleJG  @GrimSox @HardworkingBeechwood6063@Harsvin  @HealingSoul4892 @HealingTalk  @Heartsandrosesandpaws  @HeatherMarie95  @Heather225 @Helgafy @Helper127 @HeavenlyMagic @Hope  @HopieRemi  @hopedreamlove  @Howegeorgia20  @Iampapaya @iloveyouxx  @ImpudentIncognito @InnateJoy9602 @InsightfulPhoenix @Jaeteuk  @Jenna  @Jesusredeemedme2425  @Joe7cups  @Justmeeva @karel0  @KaylaBella @Keith22534    @KindleMissie  @KindSoul10 @Kristynsmama @Kylersartpace @LindseyLobotomy @listenerPanda007 @LittleBirdie30  @LittleSunshine2036  @LisaMeighanMBPsS @Lou73 @LovemyMoonflowers  @MagnificentNutella   @MagnificentSunrise @Mel2248 @MistyMagic  @Morganwindow   @mytwistedsoul  @Mya000  @NewYorker11  @OptimisticEmpath  @ouicherie   @Parkey64  @PetiteSouris @PoliteOcean @RachelListener  @Readbooks7  @RecliningFate  @ReganL  @RogueOne1983  @Robin7cups @Sadcat13 @SilverFairyPest @SirenofSerenity  @Sky2Ocean20  @Slowdecline48 @Snoopyandpeanut   @SolitaryBird  @SomebodySpicy13 @SoulfullyaButterfly @SoulSings @SparklyFly @SparkyGizmo  @Star001  @SummerKay2024  @Sunisshiningandsoareyou @SunshineAlwaysGrateful @SunshineGiraffe123  @sunnyWriting4806 @Suryansh @Swanlistens27  @SweetNutella @SweetsnPeaches  @Takitoteka @TeenyTinyturtle @TheAutumnWitch   @theboymoana  @TheFantasticPengua  @theriverissinging @Tommy   @TulipSmile  @TidyHickory3283  @TinyWhisper11   @UnassumingEyes  @UnitedinFlames   @VaryingCloud  @VerseArt @VictoriaLove7 @Walker7957  @WarmLightxo @Waterfallsofnature36   @WeEarth @Whyme3112  @Wingstoyou  @WishUponAStar968   @yougotmyback  @yourbuddy30  @zaatarHoney
VictoriaLove7 profile picture
Happiest Birthdayy, Sunshineee 🌞❤ @Sunisshiningandsoareyou ヾ(>o< )ノ”💗
Positivity & Gratitude / by VictoriaLove7
Last post
October 9th, 2024
...See more Let's celebrate Sunshine 🌞❤ on her happiest birthday today, September 20! 🥳❤ It's already September 20 in Bhutan 🇧🇹ヾ(●>◡<●)ノ”🍕 Enjoy this video testimonials from those whose lives have been brightened up by Sunshine 🌞❤o(^▽^)o  click here ヘ(ˊᵕˋ ヘ) [] Tagging: @AffyAvo  @AlleycatNemo @AmiablePeace77 @Amiablebunny4016  @AnnaSilverberg  @Angelx28  @Anonhelp123  @Antonio7cups   @ArtemisStormWolf  @ASilentObserver  @Audienta @Avaria @Barltik2065  @Beecake @blissfulSky8162 @Bluerivercares @braveFig6308  @BrightestStarInNightsSky @BrightIndigo  @Bubbles2025 @bubblingbreeze14  @callumKing2000  @calmMango9611  @calmMoon2104 @calmmoon6757  @calmrosebud @cancun  @capana4u @chromaticFinss  @chetan1408  @chevy81  @chyni  @communicativePond1728   @compassionateArrow @comphi @confidentRabbit7311   @coolmecool  @crescentmoon6858  @daf8   @darkerplaces @daydreammemories  @draven99 @EasyListener  @emotionalTalker2260  @EmberofHope @EmotionsListener  @Enigmaticcat24 @ExuberantBlackberry9105   @FineFrog15 @floatingdandelion  @freshman12 @FrenchToast  @Gabrielamtineo  @gentleBraid2726 @gentleemperor   @GeorginaHowe   @GettingBetterToday  @Gloriad  @GlenM @GoldenNest2727    @goldenPearr  @GoldenRuleJG  @GrimSox   @HardworkingBeechwood6063 @Harsvin  @HealingSoul4892 @HealingTalk  @Heartsandrosesandpaws  @HeatherMarie95  @Heather225 @Helgafy @Helper127 @HeavenlyMagic @Hope  @HopieRemi  @hopedreamlove  @Howegeorgia20  @Iampapaya @iloveyouxx  @ImpudentIncognito   @InnateJoy9602   @InsightfulPhoenix   @Jaeteuk  @Jenna  @Jesusredeemedme2425  @Joe7cups  @Justmeeva @karel0  @KaylaBella @Keith22534    @KindleMissie  @KindSoul10 @Kristynsmama @Kylersartpace   @LindseyLobotomy @listenerPanda007   @LittleBirdie30  @LittleSunshine2036  @LisaMeighanMBPsS @Lou73 @LovemyMoonflowers   @MagnificentNutella   @MagnificentSunrise @Mel2248  @MistyMagic  @Morganwindow   @mytwistedsoul  @Mya000   @NewYorker11  @OptimisticEmpath  @ouicherie   @Parkey64  @PetiteSouris @PoliteOcean @RachelListener  @Readbooks7  @RecliningFate  @ReganL  @RogueOne1983  @Robin7cups @Sadcat13  @SilverFairyPest @SirenofSerenity  @Sky2Ocean20 @Slowdecline48 @Snoopyandpeanut   @SolitaryBird @SomebodySpicy13   @SoulfullyaButterfly @SoulSings @SparklyFly @SparkyGizmo   @Star001  @SummerKay2024   @Sunisshiningandsoareyou   @SunshineAlwaysGrateful @SunshineGiraffe123   @sunnyWriting4806  @Suryansh @Swanlistens27  @SweetNutella  @SweetsnPeaches  @Takitoteka @TeenyTinyturtle @TheAutumnWitch @theboymoana   @TheFantasticPengua   @theriverissinging @Tommy   @TulipSmile  @TidyHickory3283  @TinyWhisper11   @UnassumingEyes @UnitedinFlames  @VaryingCloud  @VerseArt @VictoriaLove7 @Walker7957  @WarmLightxo @Waterfallsofnature36   @WeEarth @Whyme3112  @Wingstoyou  @WishUponAStar968   @yougotmyback  @yourbuddy30  @zaatarHoney
VictoriaLove7 profile picture
Happy Birthday, Teeny! 🐢🥳 @TeenyTinyTurtle
Positivity & Gratitude / by VictoriaLove7
Last post
August 20th, 2024
...See more We have a turtley awesome birthday shell-ebration today! 🥳🎉 It's 🐢 Teeny's 🐢 birthday today! 🥳 @TeenyTinyTurtle 🤏🐢 𓇼(„• ֊ •„)੭𓇼꩜ᨒ𓆉︎ Tagging the partycipants 🥳🐢: @affyavo  @AlleycatNemo @AmiablePeace77 @amiablebunny4016  @AnnaSilverberg  @Angelx28  @anonhelp123  @Antonio7cups   @artemisStormWolf  @ASilentObserver @Audienta @Avaria @Beecake @Bella20  @blissfulSky8162 @Bluerivercares  @braveFig6308  @BrightestStarInNightsSky @BrightIndigo  @Bubbles2025 @bubblingbreeze14  @callumKing2000  @calmMango9611  @calmMoon2104 @calmmoon6757  @calmrosebud @cancun  @capana4u @chromaticFinss  @chetan1408 @chevy81 @chyni  @communicativePond1728   @compassionateArrow   @comphi @confidentRabbit7311   @coolmecool  @crescentmoon6858  @daf8   @darkerplaces @daydreammemories  @draven99 @emotionalTalker2260  @EmberofHope  @EmotionsListener @FineFrog15  @freshman12 @FrenchToast  @Gabrielamtineo    @gentleemperor   @GeorginaHowe   @GettingBetterToday  @Gloriad  @GoldenNest2727 @goldenPearr  @GoldenRuleJG  @GrimSox   @HardworkingBeechwood6063 @Harsvin  @HealingTalk  @HealingSoul4892 @Heartsandrosesandpaws  @HeatherMarie95  @Heather225 @Helgafy @Helper127 @HeavenlyMagic @Hope  @HopieRemi  @hopedreamlove  @Howegeorgia20  @Iampapaya @iloveyouxx  @ImpudentIncognito   @InnateJoy9602   @InsightfulPhoenix  @Jenna  @Jesusredeemedme2425  @Joe7cups @Justmeeva @Keith22534    @KindleMissie  @KindSoul10 @Kristynsmama @Kylersartpace  @LittleBirdie30  @LittleSunshine2036  @Lou73 @LovemyMoonflowers   @MagnificentNutella   @MagnificentSunrise @Mel2248 @MistyMagic  @Morganwindow   @mytwistedsoul  @Mya000   @NewYorker11  @OptimisticEmpath  @ouicherie   @Parkey64  @PetiteSouris @PoliteOcean @RachelListener    @RecliningFate  @ReganL  @Robin7cups @Sadcat13  @SirenofSerenity  @Sky2Ocean20  @Slowdecline48 @Snoopyandpeanut   @SolitaryBird  @SomebodySpicy13   @SoulfullyaButterfly @SoulSings @SparkyGizmo  @Star001  @SummerKay2024   @Sunisshiningandsoareyou   @SunshineAlwaysGrateful @SunshineGiraffe123   @sunnyWriting4806  @Suryansh @Swanlistens27  @SweetNutella  @SweetsnPeaches  @Takitoteka @TeenyTinyturtle @TheAutumnWitch   @theboymoana   @TheFantasticPengua   @theriverissinging  @Tobedoctor @Tommy  @TulipSmile   @TidyHickory3283 @TinyWhisper11   @UnassumingEyes @UnitedinFlames @VaryingCloud  @VerseArt @VictoriaLove7 @Walker7957  @WarmLightxo @WeEarth  @Whyme3112  @Wingstoyou  @WishUponAStar968   @yougotmyback  @yourbuddy30  @zaatarHoney 𓇼(„• ֊ •„)੭𓇼꩜ᨒ𓆉︎
VictoriaLove7 profile picture
Happy Cupsversary! ୧( ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ )୨🥳❤ @Sunisshiningandsoareyou 🌞❤
Positivity & Gratitude / by VictoriaLove7
Last post
September 28th, 2024
...See more Enjoy this video testimonials & a poem from those whose lives have been brightened up by Sunshine 🌞❤ & also Sunshine's original quotes! (ㅅ´ ˘ `)💗 click here to watch & enjoy the ♪ song ♪ 🍕ヾ(●'◡'●)ノ🌮 [] Let's celebrate Sunshine 🌞❤ღ(´͈ ᵕ `͈ ღ) on their very very special Cups day!  ୧⍢⃝୨💗 Tagging: @affyavo  @AlleycatNemo @AmiablePeace77 @amiablebunny4016  @AnnaSilverberg  @Angelx28  @anonhelp123 @Antonio7cups   @artemisStormWolf  @ASilentObserver  @Audienta @Avaria @Barltik2065  @Beecake @Bella20 @blissfulSky8162 @Bluerivercares @braveFig6308  @BrightIndigo  @Bubbles2025 @bubblingbreeze14  @callumKing2000  @calmMango9611  @calmMoon2104 @calmmoon6757  @calmrosebud @cancun  @capana4u @chromaticFinss  @chetan1408   @chevy81  @chyni @communicativePond1728   @compassionateArrow  @comphi  @confidentRabbit7311   @coolmecool  @crescentmoon6858  @daf8   @daydreammemories @EasyListener  @emotionalTalker2260  @EmberofHope  @EmotionsListener  @ExuberantBlackberry9105 @FineFrog15  @floatingdandelion  @freshman12 @FrenchToast  @Gabrielamtineo  @gentleBraid2726  @gentleemperor   @GeorginaHowe  @GettingBetterToday  @Gloriad  @GlenM @GoldenNest2727 @goldenPearr  @GoldenRuleJG  @Grimsmark8  @GrimSox  @HardworkingBeechwood6063 @Harsvin  @HealingTalk  @Heartsandrosesandpaws  @HeatherMarie95  @Heather225 @Helgafy @Helper127 @HeavenlyMagic @Hope  @HopieRemi  @hopedreamlove  @Howegeorgia20 @Iampapaya   @iloveyouxx @ImpudentIncognito   @InnateJoy9602   @InsightfulPhoenix  @Jaeteuk  @Jenna  @Jesusredeemedme2425  @Justmeeva  @karel0  @Keith22534    @KindSoul10 @Kristynsmama @Kylersartpace  @LindseyLobotomy @listenerPanda007  @LittleBirdie30 @Lou73 @Lovemymoonflowers   @MagnificentNutella  @Mel2248  @MistyMagic  @Morganwindow  @mytwistedsoul  @Mya000  @NewYorker11  @NoahAnimates  @OptimisticEmpath  @ouicherie   @Parkey64  @PoliteOcean @RachelListener @RecliningFate  @ReganL  @RogueOne1983  @Robin7cups @Sadcat13  @Samar19   @SilverFairyPest @SirenofSerenity  @Sky2Ocean20  @Snoopyandpeanut   @SolitaryBird  @SomebodySpicy13  @SoulfullyaButterfly @SoulSings @SparklyFly  @SparkyGizmo  @Star001 @SukoLovesHito133   @Sunisshiningandsoareyou   @SunshineAlwaysGrateful @SunshineGiraffe123  @sunnyWriting4806  @Suryansh  @Swanlistens27  @SweetNutella  @SweetsnPeaches  @Takitoteka @Teenytinyturtle @TheAutumnWitch   @theboymoana @TheFantasticPengua   @theriverissinging  @Tobedoctor @Tommy   @TulipSmile  @TidyHickory3283  @TinyWhisper11  @UnassumingEyes @UnitedinFlames  @VaryingCloud  @VerseArt @VictoriaLove7 @Walker7957  @WarmLightxo @Waterfallsofnature36  @WeEarth @Whyme3112  @Wingstoyou  @WishUponAStar968  @xIAmAlwaysHereForYoux @yougotmyback  @yourbuddy30  @zaatarHoney
VictoriaLove7 profile picture
Community Moderator of the Month Award: August 2023
Group Support / by VictoriaLove7
Last post
October 4th, 2023
...See more Based on the nominations submitted and the grading according to the criteria and the points tallied that determine the nominee’s overall score, the committee have finalized the winners of the Community Moderator of the Month Award for the month of August 2023. As elaborated in the nomination submitted by the nominators, this community moderator have continuously performed the skills in maintaining supportive and safe atmosphere in chat rooms that they manage. They have shown the willingness to remind users to use chat rooms/support rooms appropriately. They always perform duties diligently, they are present in support rooms during their shift to maintain safe atmosphere, and consistently dependable to mod-related emergencies. Congratulations Iris for earning the Community Moderator of the Month (CMM) Award for August 2023! Each community moderator winner of the Community Moderator of the Month Award, including June and July 2023 CMM winners will get a certificate and a badge. June 2023 Community Moderator of the Month Award Winner: Lou @CommunityModLou July 2023 Community Moderator of the Month Award Winner: Charlie @CommunityModCharlie August 2023 Community Moderator of the Month Award Winner: Iris @CommunityModIris Thank you @ASilentObserver for the approval on presenting a certificate and a badge for our outstanding community moderators. Lou, Charlie, and Iris, thank you for going above and beyond in performing your duties. You have exemplified outstanding service through your work and have exhibited a supportive and firm attitude. Your hard work has not gone unnoticed. Thank you for keeping chat rooms safe and conducive for all. Thank you @GlenM and @Heather225 for your continuous support for this Community Moderator of the Month program. To nominate a community moderator for the Community Moderator of the Month Award, fill out the form here [].
VictoriaLove7 profile picture
Happiest Birthday! 🥳 @Sunisshiningandsoareyou 🌞❤
Positivity & Gratitude / by VictoriaLove7
Last post
December 25th, 2023
...See more Happiest birthday! @Sunisshiningandsoareyou 🥳❤ Thank you for filling all the lives you touch with happiness! Thank you for being *you*! ❤ 🍕ヾ( ˃ᴗ˂ )⸝🍟 • *✰ Let's celebrate @Sunisshiningandsoareyou on their special birthday! 🥳❤ Tagging the partycipants: @affyavo @adventurousBranch3786 @angelx28 @AnimalLover1125 @anonhelp123 @artemisStormWolf @audienta @auraalexus03 @autumnSoul00 @autumnthemoth @avaFoxy @azuladragon34 @Barltik2065 @BellJar2491 @blissfulForest7074 @blissfulSky8162 @BlueRivercares @braveFig6308 @brightBranch1228 @BrightIndigo @bubblingbreeze14 @calmKite923 @callumKing2000 @calmmoon6757 @cancun @capana4u @carebear037 @chaoticListener @cheebsra @chetan1408 @chevy81 @compassionatecar7091 @comphi @confidentRabbit7311 @convivialVillage7837 @cupidtheKingofLove @daf8 @eatingpopcorns @electricTouch2533 @emotionalTalker2260 @EmotionsListener @empathicPresence9091 @fancycloud1868 @Feelicity08 @FineFrog15 @floatingdandelion @freedomauve @Freely1904 @Frenchtoast @Gabrielamtineo @gentleBraid2726 @gentleemperor @Gloriad @GoldenNest2727 @goldenPearr @GoldenRuleJG @Gorg81 @Gouws13 @Grimsmark8 @GuiOakes @Harsvin @Hawaii968 @Healinghand13 @heathermarie95 @Helgafy @Helper127 @Here4good74 @HerHealingSpirit @Hope @hopedreamlove @Howegeorgia20 @intuitivebeing2829 @Insanepotatu @Isentropic @Isitizzy @Jaeteuk @jasmineishereforu @Jenna @Jupiterbeingahuman @justFarheen @karel0 @Keith22534 @kindSoul10 @KindWolf2023 @kyrinkrystal @lifeisnotagame7 @LilFurk @LilisSuperEnergyBar @LindseyLobotomy @listenerPanda007 @LittleBirdie30 @Lou73 @Lovemymoonflowers @lunamum2 @Maddy20 @magnificentNutella @Magpieworries @Mariposa8 @mindrocker @MilaAvery @Minervaaa @MisterYoshee @mytwistedsoul @Narissa @NewHorizon5544 @NewYorker11 @NovaGalaxy @OakSerenity @OnlyWinter @OptimisticEmpath @ouicherie @Parkey46 @passionateThinker3248 @persephone327 @PlatosPlate @PoliteOcean @Popsmokes @prashpal84 @PrincessPunch @prismaticlotus @RachelListener @Rashmieee @Readbooks7 @Rehan1 @RecliningFate @Robin7cups @RogueOne1983 @rubyjane00 @Rubylistens22 @Samar19 @SarahKind @sebb228 @selflessspruce1515 @sirenangel @SirenofSerenity @Slashiris @Snoopyandpeanut @SolitaryBird @SomebodySpicy @SoulfullyaButterfly @SoulSings @SparklyFly @SparkyGizmo @sparrowforyou @Star001 @StargirlTina @SukoLovesHito133 @Summy968 @Sunisshiningandsoareyou @SunshinealwaysGrateful @sunnyWriting4806 @Suryansh @Swanlistens27 @sweetStar7529 @Teenytinyturtle @TheautumnWitch @theboymoana @TheJuggernaut @theriverissinging @Tommy @truesky @TulipSmile @TidyHickory3283 @UnitedinFlames @uniqueShell1180 @ValleyRoss @VaryingCloud @VerseArt @VictoriaLove7 @Walker7957 @Waterfallsofnature36 @Wayward7Good7Intentions @warmheartedCamp3360 @wharfRat @WhimsicalWhimsy @Whyme3112 @Wingstoyou @wonderfulPeace7423 @yougotmyback @yourbuddy30 @yourfriend247 @zaatarHoney
VictoriaLove7 profile picture
Community Moderator of the Month Award: June and July 2023
Group Support / by VictoriaLove7
Last post
August 11th, 2023
...See more Based on the nominations submitted and the grading according to the criteria and the points tallied that determine the nominee’s overall score, the committee have finalized the winners of the Community Moderator of the Month Award for the month of June and July 2023 respectively. As elaborated in the nomination submitted by the nominators, these community moderators have continuously performed the skills in maintaining supportive and safe atmosphere in chat rooms that they manage. They have shown the willingness to remind users to use chat rooms/support rooms appropriately. They always perform duties diligently, they are present in support rooms during their shift to maintain safe atmosphere, and consistently dependable to mod-related emergencies. Congratulations Lou and Charlie for earning the Community Moderator of the Month Award! June 2023 Community Moderator of the Month Award Winner: Lou July 2023 Community Moderator of the Month Award Winner: Charlie Lou and Charlie, thank you for going above and beyond in performing your duties. You have exemplified outstanding service through your work and have exhibited a supportive and firm attitude. Your hard work has not gone unnoticed. Thank you for keeping chat rooms safe and conducive for all. If you would like to nominate a community moderator, fill out the form here []
VictoriaLove7 profile picture
Happy 3 years Cupsversary @Sunisshiningandsoareyou 🌞
Positivity & Gratitude / by VictoriaLove7
Last post
July 5th, 2023
...See more Enjoy this video testimonials from people whose lives have been lightened up by @Sunisshiningandsoareyou 🌞 Click here to watch and enjoy the songs 🍕⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝🍕 [] Let's celebrate @Sunisshiningandsoareyou 🌞 on their vv special Cups day! ❤ (*It's already June 14 now, in Christmas Island. 🇨🇽 🤗❤) @Sunisshiningandsoareyou @SparkyGizmo @Heather225 @GlenM @VictoriaLove7 @aSilentObserver @FineFrog15 @OnlyWinter @Fristo @GloriaD @cancun @OptimisticEmpath @Daf8 @SirenofSerenity @Hope @Lou73 @SoulfullyaButterfly @affyavo @IzumiMizuki @Swanlistens27 @SoulSings @tommy @zaatarHoney @audienta @compassionateOak202 @SunshinealwaysGrateful @ouicherie @mytwistedsoul @teenytinyturtle @Walker7957 @LoveMyMoonflowers @Howegeorgia20 @SukoLovesHito133 @MagnificentSunrise @Helper127 @sunnyWriting4806 @Harsvin @confidentrabbit7311@SuryanshSingh @LittleBirdie30 @Star001 @compassionateCar7091 @ArtemisStormWolf @TulipSmile @GoldenRuleJG @anonhelp123 @GoldenNest2727 @VaryingCloud @ChaoticListener @PoliteOcean
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