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Talk to someone online about Family Stress

Stress is a part of everyday life and can be motivating or draining depending on the nature of the stressor. Families are often a source of stress no matter how old we get. Common causes of family stress are stressful life events, finances, mental and physical illness, substance abuse, and strained relationships. If you’re feeling drained from family stress, reach out to a 7 Cups of Tea listener. Talking to someone about family stress can lessen the negative effect it is having on you. The Family Stress Guide can also benefit you in being able to cope with family stress.

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Therapy is a worthwhile investment in yourself.       I know it may be...
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The woods are lovely , dark and deep but i have promises to keep, and ...
Listens to Over 18

5 star rating


I am a person dedicated to helping individuals with navigating the cha...
Listens to Over 18

5 star rating


Al Salam alaikumArabic is preferred for communicationi will love to li...
Listens to Over 18

5 star rating


Always want to help others in any way. ...
Listens to Over 18

3 star rating
Considering Therapy?
Talk to an expert therapist about family stress


Compassionate and sensitive to feelings with sincere devotion, desire ...
Listens to Over 18

2.5 star rating

Recent Reviews

“Understands autism! ”

Received: February 8th
Listener: @TheFaneFox

“Sun is a very empathetic, insightful, and attentive listener. She is respectful and dedicated to her work. This is a real gem of a person. ”

Received: February 8th
Listener: @comfortingSun4237

“He's calm and understanding ”

Received: February 8th
Listener: @DarkMessiah