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L Beginner 1
5.0 star rating
Number of ratings1 Number of reviews1 Listens toOver 18 LanguagesEnglish, Catalan, Spanish Listener sinceDec 11, 2021 Last activein last week GenderMale PathStep 2 People helped11 Chats16

A guy willing to help anyone having difficult time(read bio)

The last years, through volunteering in some organizations in Spain, I have been mentoring teens and people with really bad experiences and circunstances and providing value, guidance, support in order to help them find the right pad to a better, healthy and happier life.

During my young and not so young life i have experienced many issues, difficulties, mental health problems due to my circunstances...all making it very hard to continue fighting.

The reason i am here, is just to help anyone to a better life, the one they deserve. 

Many times it may occur that talking with someone with your same problem, or that has been through it, will help you to feel more understood, not judged and being able to talk freely

If you are having any bad moment, issue , problem... just message me and let's talk:)