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L Veteran 5
5.0 star rating
Number of ratings86 Number of reviews25 Listens toOver 18 LanguagesEnglish Listener sinceAug 11, 2014 Last activein last week GenderFemale PathStep 502 People helped134 Chats2,345 Listener group chats34 Forum posts20 Forum upvotes22
Hello, and welcome to 7cups. My name is Maddie, and I have a Bachelors Degree in psychology and am interested in pursuing a Master's degree in counseling psychology once I gain more experience within the mental health field through my volunteer work here on 7cups. Although I am not a licensed therapist just yet, I'm fascinated with exploring the psychoanalytic tradition of psychotherapy, which means that I'm very interested in the root causes and origins of current psychological symptoms, but by no means am I a professional psychotherapist. All chats that I engage in with members are strictly as a professional Listener on 7cups and I abide by the rules stipulated in the 7cups contract. To give a brief sketch of my interest in psychoanalysis, this theoretical orientation focuses on the power of the past and childhood in shaping who we grow to become as adults. Often, members seeking help are in pain; anguished and hurting, with profound struggles and issues and "talk therapy", (as psychoanalysis is colloquially known), aims to bring about greater self-awareness through understanding the role that the past plays in the present. Through active listening, being a trained listener on 7cups, and being present with members as they discuss their own stories, my long-term members are often able to achieve transformation and live a healthier and more fulfilling life. I look forward to chatting with anyone who is in need of my services. I AM NOT IN ANY WAY A SUBSTITUTE FOR  SPEAKING WITH A MENTAL HEALTH PROFESSIONAL AND I AM NOT A PROFESSIONAL THERAPIST. IF THIS IS AN EMERGENCY, PLEASE REACH OUT TO THIS LINK, WHERE INTERNATIONAL AS WELL AS UNITED STATES RESIDENTS CAN SEEK IMMEDIATE HELP IF IN A CRISIS:">

Feedback & Reviews
Sweet , kind and empathetic listener
Simply the most wonderful, caring, understanding, trustworthy person in the world!!
loved it, awesome chat
It's been a few months since I first started speaking with Maddie and she has been of immense help, guiding me and making suggestions. It's so nice to have someone to lean on. Thank you, Maddie!
This lady is a very highly skilled and professional listener and fully deserves the highest ratings. She is caring, compassionate, non-judgemental, patient and so very supportive throughout, She is also very genuinely committed to helping others and this quickly shines through each time to put you at your ease, no matter how difficult the problem raised might be. I cannot thank or praise her highly enough.
On initial contact, I found Maddie most approachable and professional, and to obviously possess a range of interpersonal and communication skills and personal qualities all of which a good therapist should display. Excellent initial chat. Thank you Maddie
A professional, caring person.
First session with Maddie and I couldn't be happier. She is a great Listener and I thoroughly look forward to spending more time with her!
Maddie is an extremely attentive and concerned listener that will do anything within her reach to provide you with some valuable insight so that you can feel better about yourself or whatever situation you may be in.
Professional and practical.
Nice :). A breath of fresh air
Really needed this
Maddie is the Therapist! They have an amazing level of professionalism and psychoanalytic capability that you can only expect from licensed therapists.
Really awesome at understanding and asking helpful questions
Maddie was dedicated to listening to me talk about my issues and asked questions that helped me get to the root of my problems. I am looking forward to our next session!
Pure professional without sounding clinical, cold or overly detached. Like a friend who just also happens to know an awful lot about what makes people tick. A very pleasant experience.
Extremely professional. Really wanted to get knowledge of the situation before diving into possible solutions or outcomes. I would definitely recommend this listener!
Very professional, kind and empathetic! I would definitely recommend them!
MaddieTheTherapist was very helpful and she did with a professional and empathetic attitude. I am amazed at how well she made me feel after being down. I would definititely recommend messaging her if you need some friendly advice in a professional manner!
I like her. She's very helpful and professional. Also a good listener :)
I was Beyond satisfied with her, she explains everything in great detail and if you don't understand she try another way. I walked away understand a lot more from when I started!
Maddie is terrific!
Maddie is an amazing, compassionate listener!
Very professional and experienced :)
Lovley to have someone who has clinical training. thank you so much
Badges & Awards
55 total badges
Listening Ear Long Ears PenPal Jester of Smiles Clerk of Bear Hugs Piper of Dedication Jump Start Anxiety Depression Eating Disorders Managing Emotions Panic Attacks Traumatic Experiences Crisis Intervention Listener Oath Sexual Abuse Family Support Grad Cultural Diversity Verified Listener Bullying Chronic Pain Psychological First Aid Graduate Love Bug Refresher 11-2-14 Light Chat Tiny Chat Help Angel College Guide Loneliness Guide ACT Therapy Affirmative Reflection Chat & Text Listening Ace Active Listening 7Cups Guide Loyal Friend Tick Tock Fellow Friend Steadfast Soul I Steadfast Soul II Steadfast Soul III Reconnection Hero I Reconnection Hero II First Chat First Post Five Steps High 5 Hang 10 Open Door Thankful Heart Gratitude Abound Continuing Education