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PathStep 15 Compassion hearts539 Forum posts32 Forum upvotes29 Current upvotes29 Age GroupAdult Last activeApril, 2024 Member sinceOctober 29, 2021

Your mind wanders and creates in such beautiful ways that are too vast for you alone, so you weave words to share your mind that is too wonderful to silence.

- quote from a Star Wars fanfic

I come and go, but I still love everyone here ๐Ÿ’•



You can call me Coco, artCoco or Cocoa ๐Ÿ–Œ๐Ÿฅฅ

My pronouns are she/her, they/them or it/its, I'm genderfluid and ace

Newly adult, I was with the teens before and I'm still unsure about how to talk to adults here.

I have AuDHD and insomnia ๐ŸŒƒ๐ŸŒŒ

Recent forum posts
Hello people โœจ๏ธ
Disability Support / by artisticCoconut81194
Last post
March 2nd, 2023
...See more Yeah, so ..... I'm Coco, I'm 17 years old. I dunno if it counts as a disability, but I have ADHD, autism, which includes a bubch of sensory issues, and insomnia. I mostly have problems with identifying my own or other peopke's emotions and with auditory processing disorder (not diagnosed, but obvious). Btw, I'm typing the message on my 37th hour since I last slept, so plrase forgive typos, the text is kinda blurry. Please tzll me if it's wrong for me to join the Disability Community. Have a cookie and some milk ๐Ÿช๐Ÿฅ›
Why don't I work
ADHD Support / by artisticCoconut81194
Last post
December 8th, 2021
...See more Hey everyone, my name is Coco and I have Adhd. I've had symptoms ever since I was little but since I did great in school, no one really paid attention to it. I was just a kid in their own world. Nothing to worry about But right now, I can't. I just can't. I can't sit still. I can't listen to the teacher. I never could, but I never needed to, cause I was smart, but now , my intelligence alone won't take me further without me doing anything. I don't know what to do. I can't study. I don't work. I don't know how to describe it. I'm just scattered, I don't know how I should do, what I should do, or even what I am doing. I always assumed it was the same for everyone and that I just attention-seeking. Now I wonder if I'm the only one who feels that way.
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