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How can I stop thinking about my ex?

241 Answers
Last Updated: 06/08/2022 at 1:00pm
1 Tip to Feel Better
Moderated by

Kajsa Futrell, RTC


I specialise in respectfully helping people navigate their way through trauma and relationship issues. The adversities in our life can actually transform us.

Top Rated Answers
November 29th, 2014 11:44pm
I made a list of the reasons why we broke up, (things I didn't like, why we weren't compatible, things that hurt me) and countered it with things I deserve: respect, honesty, loyalty. This way you are reminded why the relationship did not work and move forward.
January 2nd, 2015 3:42am
You surround yourself with positive atmospheres. Constantly thinking about your ex is a habit that needs to be broken. Try to find healthy outlets that will not only distract you from these thoughts but also give you a chance to find out what can actually help you if you're ever feeling like this again or upset in the future!
November 26th, 2014 4:50am
Keep yourself busy!! Take up a new hobby, try something you wouldn't, surround yourself with people that make you happy. Sometimes talking to someone or writing about your feelings can really help :)
December 22nd, 2014 11:57am
Sometimes, you just need to erase the messages, delete the number and move on. You don’t have to forget who that person was to you: You just have to accept that… they aren’t that person anymore.
December 30th, 2016 9:42pm
The truth is it's different for everyone. It all depends. Some people find it comforting to surround themselves with family and friends- who can provide the distraction of fun and emotional support you might be needing. Others might prefer to clean out everything and anything that relates to their ex. (pictures, sweaters, etc.) Make sure to think about it thoroughly before throwing anything out. Some people just need time to move on, and that's perfectly fine too.
September 21st, 2016 2:17am
First delete all the pictures, text, emails, social media accounts. Second, ask your friends not to talk to you about him anymore. Finally, write down all the things that he was bad at :) and keep revisiting that list. Take your time and do not rush the process!!
October 13th, 2015 2:11pm
Well, honestly no matter what you do what you say to convince yourself to stop thinking about your ex partner, you may not ever forget about them. It may not be meant for you to forget about them if that even makes sense. Sometimes you just have to let he/she come off of your mind naturally. You probably won't ever permanently erase them from your memory. I can tell you to moveon, but that doesn't mean that you will do it. It doesn't work like that. I can tell you let go and I can tell you how I would try to forget about your ex, but it's all about what's in your heart and what you're willing to do. If you know and feel that you can't moveon from this person and people don't understand where you're coming from with the situation or why you still feel for this person, it doesn't matter. If you accept your feelings then it becomes ok I feel like, regardless of what the ex thinks. One thing that I have learned in all my years of living is that you can't tell someone how to feel. All of you that are having issues with this I wish you Luck!! :)
November 26th, 2014 1:47am
Try keeping yourself busy by doing hobbies you enjoy. Or go out with friends to forget about things.
January 4th, 2015 9:40am
Take however long you need to move on, and talk to someone you trust about what happened and how you feel
January 13th, 2018 6:57am
Do things that'll make you happy yes you can reminisce about the good times and how things were but he/she wasn't for you even if you wanted them to be
January 19th, 2016 3:52am
Always remember on why this person is your ex in the 1st place and where you stand in his life. Figure if its worth your time and effort to think about him/her.
February 22nd, 2018 12:52pm
Keep Yourself occupied, Probably hangout with friends. Whenever you feel you are thinking about them, get up from that place and do something else. In short, Divert Your Mind because you can't overcome the thoughts of them in a day or night. It takes time and gradually you become used to of your current surrounding and priorities.
March 22nd, 2020 4:13am
Some times we build walls to keep the sadness away but we forget that those same walls keep happiness way too. Let happiness enter your life. Do good, work on yourself. Don't keep grudges as everything is temporary. At least that person made you happy for a while. Learn to be happy with yourself. Hibernate, hydrate, heal. Don't be too hard on yourself. Enjoy the little things you get & believe in yourself. Go out, eat properly, exercise, do things your way. You are free! Ukiyo - Floating life! Hope this helps. Sending lots of love & free hugs to all! :)
April 17th, 2020 11:37am
Think what made you and your ex for the breakup. Think what fault of your ex did you stop being with your ex. Think how bad your ex treated you that hurt you badly and made that person your ex. Then why your ex didn't try to save your relationship. Then why your ex accepts he or she failed to correct you if you have your mistake. Then why he or she accept that you can't be with him or her. Think which action from your ex always made you furious. I hope you'll find enough reason to hate your ex now and won't think about your ex.
May 29th, 2020 8:21am
It is very natural to miss your ex. Sometimes you miss your ex because of who they are, or how they made you feel. Either be the case, don't forget why you both are no more together. Things that are over, are over was a solid reason. There can be no going back at times. Universe sends people in our life to teach us something. Every relationship makes you more aware of yourself. It is for your upgradation. Thus, when relationships end, it doesn't necessarily mean the end of the world, instead, just a small part of your world. Humans often mistakenly see their partners as their 'WHOLE world' rather than a 'part' of your world. Universe sends people to us and also takes them away when your learning is done. Leave it up on the universe. And NO, rebound love is never a good option. Instead it makes things worse by leaving us feeling more lonely in the end and the thirst for a relationship never ends. Trust the process and learn from the relationships. :)
August 8th, 2019 3:13pm
I don’t think you can make yourself stop thinking about your ex - I think you just need to give yourself time, be patient with yourself and let yourself feel whatever you need to - for a period of time, anyway. Eventually, you can practice acceptance. The key here, I think, is to not try and force yourself to stop thinking about them. The more you push against the thoughts, the more you’re feeding them. I find that the best solution is to let the thoughts come and go as they please, and one day, the thoughts just won’t come anymore. They have no reason to.
October 15th, 2020 7:01pm
It's valid to tend to to think about your ex, especially after a breakup or in a tough time like 2020 when going out to meet new people can be challenging. So don't forget that you're okay and not in the "wrong" for thinking about your ex! It's a great step that you're reaching out and want to stop thinking about your ex. After my breakup this year with the person I thought I would marry, I kept thinking about them. It was definitely hard. Somethings that did help me were discovering new passions and hobbies I wanted to pursue. Longboarding, water color painting, were just a few of mine. Think about what you've always wanted to try out or love doing, and get to it :) Move your body! It helps to exercise, so whether you like to go for a walk, run, do a fitness video, or dance, moving your body can help clear your mind, raise endorphins and serotonin, and make you feel confident and happy about yourself. Treat yourself to an afternoon of wonder at your local bookshop - is there a book or magazine you've always wanted to check out? Treat yourself to a facial mask or home spa day. Take care yourself and enjoy that you make yourself feel better without depending on others to make you feel happy. Check out a podcast, YouTube channel, or catch up with your favorite shows that make you feel happy. Lastly, do the things that make you feel happy. Again, it's okay if your ex pops up in your mind from time to time. That's natural, but your happiness is in the present moment and that is being written by you. You can totally live your best life through pursuits that give you life and joy. Best of luck -- I know you can get through this!
June 8th, 2018 7:33am
There are a few things to help stop thinking about your ex. But then again, it also depends on the relationship. If you see them almost daily or constantly, make sure they have some closure so the following things won’t hurt as much to them. 1. Delete every picture of them 2. Unfollow or block them on social media 3. Self care- compliment yourself daily, go out with friends, read a book, go on vacation, think about seeing other people 4. Like 3, make sure that you know your worth.
July 26th, 2018 5:29am
its okay to think about your ex, time will actually heal your broken heart. but a quicker way to get over him will take quite effort, don't look at pictures that will remind you him/her. try to do things to keep you distracted. and accept the fact that you guys broke up
June 13th, 2018 11:01am
This can be very hard. It would be an easy answer for me to say, don't think about him, but its harder than that! You need to understand why you broke up and why he is your ex for a reason. After that, you can build closure and slowly start to think about him less. You will never not think about him, because those are memories and with your next relationship, you might need those to help you through. For example, remembering that the restaurant you went to with your ex didn't serve nice food etc.
June 26th, 2019 5:52am
A breakup can be a very painful thing to face in life. But the things are gone is gone. Firstly you should convince your mind and explain to that he or she is no more there and should be ready to get over this.always remind yourself that you deserve much much better. Remind youself that person is the one at lost but not you because , you lost someone who doesn't love you or Care for you and that's why left you but, that person lost someone who loved him or her truly and really cared and therefore he or she is the one at lost. get rid of each and everything that keeps you reminded of him or her and make yourself busy for sometime and if you get reminded of him at that time delay that feeling. don't hate him or her beacuse then you'll be reminded of them back again. Let things go. Be busy with your life.set goals and strive hard to achieve them. Treat yourself well (like go shopping buy things and even party with your friends). Tell your friends not to remind you of your past . And you'll get over things. Always be happy dear. Believe me "you deserve better ".
November 11th, 2019 9:05pm
it’s quite normal to be still thinking about them. Your brain might be telling you to text or call him/her because you miss them and the security of your relationship. Sometimes the pain of missing your ex might interfere with your life on many levels. *Perhaps you can’t concentrate at work? *Maybe it’s causing havoc with the relationships you have with your friends and family? *You might be trying to mask the hurt by drinking or getting into drugs? Experts agree that time will heal your pain but the longer you let it simmer the worse off you will be. Many people don’t realized how difficult breaking up is until it happens. There are all sorts of different routes to end a relationship. And yes, some people can breakup and remain good friends. Just understand that’s more like the exception to the rule and not the rule. Ask yourself if you are truly trying to forget about your ex? If you aren’t on board with this totally, well, it’s just not going to happen. Beware there are certain instances where you ex will creep back into your head and you need to be ready to accept, understand, and take action to move on.
November 8th, 2019 12:45pm
1. Block them on whatever social media you have with them. 2. Stop communicating with them. 3. Think about all the reasons why you guys broke up and why you're better of without them. 4. If it was a bad breakup remember why it was bad and why you wanted them out of your life. 5. Stop going over your memories with them and talking to your friends about them- completely erase them from your life. 6. Move on- start spending more time with your friends or on your hobbies or interests. This helps you move on and forget about them.
October 26th, 2019 4:24pm
To be honest, it is hard to forget someone who was in your life that you shared emotions with, and have memories about. In the moments where you are thinking about your ex, dont run away from it. Sit down in a quiet space, allow those thoughts for a few minutes, focus on the good ones. Remember the reasons for your break up and take a mindful exercise after that. Be it some deep breathing, or what makes you feel calm. Then leave all those thoughts there. Get up and do something else. With time you will be able to control the thoughts and slowly you will find you are having less thoughts about your ex.
August 28th, 2019 6:21am
Realise that as much as you are thinking about the good times, when it's all over, that person was not perfect- of course, nobody is perfect! There must have been times in the relationship where you might have thought "this person isn't right for me." Of course, you shouldn't ever completely discount the good times- the positive feelings you had with them, the great moments that you shared, all of the reasons you were with them, but realise too, that every relationship is a balance, and they are a real person who surely made mistakes. The more you see your ex as a flawed person, the less you will think back on them as a dream you can't get back.
July 28th, 2019 1:13pm
I always say this, the thing you resist, it persists. So, do not resist the thought of anything but think about it once and for all. Go to the roots of the thought, and explore all horizons. And then, you never need to "stop" thinking about anything, the thoughts will just go away. Given this, its also important to keep yourself busy. Empty mind is devil's playground, right? So, find something healthy to do, go for a walk, pursue a hobby, cook, game, spend some time with family, maybe work extra hours. Feed you brain some new thoughts. To dwell in past can be addictive, make an effort to refrain yourself from doing it.
July 21st, 2018 2:00am
Think about why you left your ex, if it’s a bad reason then try to realize that you left them for a reason and then it’s not good for you to be hung up on them.
June 5th, 2019 3:46pm
You can’t just stop thinking about an ex, especially if they meant a significant amount to you. It won’t be like magic, you won’t be able to wake up one day and be okay, believe me if it were that easy everyone would be much happier. One day your going to get up and realize you don’t need them anymore, maybe at one time they helped you through a difficult time in your life but you’ve both grown now, and maybe you’ve helped each other grow as much as you can. You’ll wake up one day and be happy that they were in your life, you won’t regret it, they made you who you are today and that’s something you never could have done alone.
June 20th, 2019 6:45am
This is a good question that we ask our self a lot on points on life but u have to understand first that if u really wanna move on u must out go first before everything u must let this person go AMD understand that sometimes things aren't meant to be for both of y'all together I know it hurts I know u still care but sweetie it gets better trust me it does and now don't focus on finding someone focus on being u on getting yourself together on getting yourself some fresh air cut or on cleaning your room ect focus on u and when u do then your gonna realize that u don't need no one that's when your gonna stop thinking about your ex
June 27th, 2019 9:50pm
Living in the past is like always looking in the rear view mirror. You never get to see the beauty of what is in front of you. Use your past relationship as a learning experience. It can teach you what you want and what you don’t want in your next one. Get back to knowing yourself and nurturing yourself. Get back to knowing who and what you are as an individual and continue to foster its growth. Take the time to begin focusing on yourself again. The ending of a relationship is a loss and it will require structure, routine, and processing that loss to heal.