How to forgive yourself for past mistakes?
Mar 27, 2016 more
By learning from our past mistakes. Failures are the pillars of our success. To err is human, to forgive is divine. We all are human beings, are we all can have mistakes, but the key piece is to keep our head held high and learning from them.
May 25, 2016 more
move on and be convinced that you are no longer that person by doing better things in life and also by avoiding repeating those mistakes! that way you will forgive yourself and know that you are not capable of making those mistakes again because we all learn from our mistakes!
Jun 24, 2016 more
Forgiving yourself can be one of the most challenging things to do in your life; that's because you know more now than you did before. Mistakes teach us things, and so we gain knowledge. The secret to forgiving yourself is to know that you know more now than you ever would have before if you hadn't made that mistake; instead of regretting it, move on from it, and learn from it.
Nov 14, 2017 more
Sometimes it can be really hard especially if you think that you have done something really bad. However if you have made things better now why is there reason to hat yourself? We all have our past ghosts that haunt us but we can forgive ourselves, just by letting go and moving on. Don't live upon it otherwise it will haunt you for a very long time.
Apr 2, 2016 more
you can`t change the past. you have to accept what you did. But you can decide how you want to life your future live.
Apr 3, 2016 more
Everyday is a new day start it with a smile do some yoga and eat breakfast this gives you a healthier and more clearer mind to think and helps your emotions happier
May 13, 2016 more
You can't change what's already happened. Your mistakes can either make you or break you it's your choice to decide which.
May 14, 2016 more
We all have made mistakes in the past, we make mistakes now and I'm sure we will make lots of mistakes in future. You should realise that without these mistakes you wouldn't the person you are today. You have learned from those mistakes and it's a good thing. If you don't make mistakes that just basically means that you never try anything new and I don't think that that's a good thing in life. So know that those mistakes have shaped you into the person you are right now and don't worry about them, the mistakes, you're gonna make LOTS of mistake and not just you, everyone. But that's okay, we hurt people and people hurt us. We learn and we teach. It's called life.
Jun 1, 2016 more
You should try and write down all the things you learned after that mistake. There's always a good side for a problem you've faced.
Jun 3, 2016 more
When I have made mistakes in my past I generally try to remember that they are behind me. I think you can either learn from your past or let it continue to hurt you. So, I try to learn from it and within that discovery process I am able to find forgiveness for myself.
Jul 4, 2016 more
With every mistake in life there is always a lesson to be learned, as cliche as that sounds it rings true. I would suggest examining the past situation where the mistake was made and determine any possible lessons. A lesson can be big or small, and a small lesson is OK. It could be something like an improvement in your knowledge of life or maybe you learned something new about yourself, whatever it is, it is a valid reason to move on and forgive yourself. Remember you can't move forward in life if you are stuck on the past.
May 25, 2016 more
We are all human. Therefore, we all make mistakes. Mistakes are a natural part of the process; they mean you are trying. A friend/relative would forgive, and so should you. Hope this helped :)
Jun 2, 2016 more
Remind yourself that you're human and you're bound to make mistakes. And what you've done in the past doesn't define who you are today as long as you learn from your mistakes
Apr 7, 2016 more
Mistake is the best way to get success in life.
Apr 10, 2016 more
I'm no expert but I can at least say what I have learned from my past that I think can help. To forgive yourself for past mistakes, first, you have to admit that you have done that mistake and that you cannot take back time or hurt feelings whatsoever. Next, you may want to say sorry if there are people involved and that you have their feelings. After that, put to mind that you have done what you could and that you remind yourself try not to do it again, you have learned your lesson. Remember as well, that, your past should not define you and you deserve to be happy.
May 13, 2016 more
If you've ever wondered how to forgive yourself for past mistakes, then listen to this story. I've made so many mistakes in my life, and hurt so many people, that up until a few years ago I had a really hard time forgiving myself for these mistakes. But then one day - something major happened. I lost a close friend (who I had lost touch with) to cancer. It shocked my system. I realized that I cared about him a lot, and I could no longer tell him that. My ego had gotten in the way. I think it was easier for me to try and block out past mistakes, and pretend that they never happened, rather than to deal with them head on. When you have to deal with something, you can actually process it, and then you can truly forgive yourself for making mistakes. Keep this story in mind. I hope it helps.
May 20, 2016 more
Say to yourself, "Will this matter in ten minutes? Ten hours? Ten day? Ten weeks? (Etc.)" and find something to distract you from the past.
Jun 2, 2016 more
Accept that you are human. Everything is a learning experience and you should take it as such,the fact that you recognize your mistakes means you're growing
Jun 10, 2016 more
Realize everybody makes mistakes and I've definitely learned from mine and it ended up making me a better person than I was before.
Jun 11, 2016 more
At some point, you have to accept that the past has happened and you’ve done everything in your power to amend past mistakes. It’s now time to turn the page and accept those events as part of your story. They've all contributed to making you who you are. Being grateful for those experiences allows you to move on and truly forgive yourself.