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How to forgive yourself for past mistakes?

Profile: Zen0
Zen0 on Jun 15, 2016 more
We are humans, and humans make mistakes, so you can´t blame yourself for your humanity. It is part of the process of growing as an individual. We shouldn´t ignore what has happend, but always take the opportunity to learn from the past, apply the lessons in the present, to become a better person in the future.
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Profile: Miranda1999
Miranda1999 on Mar 31, 2016 more
I think the only way to forgive yourself for past mistakes is too accept them, and realise that its our mistakes that make us who we are. Out mistakes take us to where we are in life, whether its a good or bad place. Accept your mistakes, learn from them, and remember our mistakes are who we are!
Profile: FarahFaith66
FarahFaith66 on Apr 7, 2016 more
Past is in the past. We grow from our mistakes. So why not to forgive? We have to forgive ourselves for a better future, through accepting our positive traits that we have in the present.
Profile: LauraListens123
LauraListens123 on Apr 13, 2016 more
The past is in the past you are moving towards to future. Don't worry about what you did I the past, just know what to do in the future.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Apr 21, 2016 more
The answer to this varies on a case by case basis, but the most important thing to remember is that things that happened in the past are just that: In the past. You need to remember that everyone makes mistakes, and accept the mistake as a learning experience.
Profile: SugarCrumbs
SugarCrumbs on Apr 23, 2016 more
There should be no regrets. Don't regret what you do. Learn from mistakes and keep building an awesome and better version of yourself :)
Profile: lovelyBeauty59
lovelyBeauty59 on Apr 29, 2016 more
Everyone makes mistakes and that is completely okay. No one is perfect and messing up is a part of life.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Apr 29, 2016 more
you are not your mistakes and if you do make a mistake then there is no problem with that. everybody makes mistakes as part of human life and they are there to help us become stronger and better ourselves
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on May 4, 2016 more
Mistakes help you learn, they teach you a lesson, so you will remember not to make that mistake ever again. Mistakes help you, it is okay to make mistakes.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on May 4, 2016 more
the best way to forgive your past mistake is to focus on the present , if the past is a fear than just go to the root cause of your fear and face it , fight it . if its a shame than bravely accept it . if its a regret than just let it go . all you know is past was a history , tomorrow is a mystery all you have is today thats why its called present.....
Profile: Maskyxoxox
Maskyxoxox on May 6, 2016 more
To forgive yourself from past mistakes, you must first forgive your own mind. Forgiving yourself is tough, but you can do it. Start slow, forgiving yourself for smaller mistakes, then move into bigger mistakes. This may include forgiving others. Talking to people about the mistakes is always helpful, too.
Profile: imrohan
imrohan on May 8, 2016 more
Its necessary to understand that you cannot do anything about your past in your present, you cannot change them no matter how much you think about them. There's no point in carrying the load of your past mistakes and ruining your present. It's better to learn from them and avoid repeating them in future. So its better to forgive our self and not let our past affect your present.
Profile: Alia2
Alia2 on May 11, 2016 more
It is a fact that anyone in this planet make mistakes. The most important thing to start with ; is to admit you made a mistake. Then you have to remember why you did it -was it because of you or because of someone else- , How this mistake affected your life ? , How did you deal with this ? & Finally How you will not make it again ? These are important question to answer. Just remember that every mistake is a chance to improve & be a better person.
Profile: WhereTheSunflowersAre
WhereTheSunflowersAre on May 14, 2016 more
By learning to acknowledge what you have done, accept it, forgive yourself and take the proper steps to move forward.
Profile: LemonSea
LemonSea on May 14, 2016 more
Forgiveness is a process. It can be difficult, and trying, but try and work on positive affirmations daily, and working on the mistakes that you can change. You are a beautiful, powerful person. We all make mistakes, but your mistakes do not define you.
Profile: WhisperingMist
WhisperingMist on May 15, 2016 more
I try to remember that we are perfectly inperfect and that I am human and the way I am going to learn is by making mistakes and being accountable.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on May 18, 2016 more
You have to realize that you can't change the past. You aren't perfect, no one is, and you have to decide that you're going to leave the past in the past, learn from it, and continue on with your life.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on May 21, 2016 more
Just remind yourself that the past is in the past and that there is nothing you can do to change it so make good decisions in the present to give you a brighter future!
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on May 22, 2016 more
By making your today beautiful and avoid those mistakes and learn from them and when your present will become good you'll feel peaceful
Profile: HelpWisely
HelpWisely on May 25, 2016 more
By accepting that you are a human being and mistakes are necessary in order to learn from them so you can grow more wise and not repeat those mistakes again.
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