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How to forgive yourself for past mistakes?

Profile: Luckyhottubsandwhiches
Luckyhottubsandwhiches on May 27, 2016 more
It's hard, but you have to be ready to forgive and forget. What's happened in the past has made yourself who you are today and that's all that matters, we're all human and we all make mistakes
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Profile: alwaysafriend4u
alwaysafriend4u on May 27, 2016 more
you can forgive yourself for past mistakes in 3 steps: 1. recognizing that you made a mistake / admitting the mistake is the greatest step. 2. create/ try to have improving experience where the mistake circumstances are similar. 3. act in the improving experience , this time without the mistake , with a lot of positive feelings resulting for take away. inside your mind you would disassociate the mistake from any negative feelings - for good. more
A big part of forgiveness is acceptance. Accept what you have done and use it as a way to improve your life in the future. Through this process, those things that seemed negative, can turn into a positive.
Profile: Dreamer2626
Dreamer2626 on May 31, 2016 more
Past mistakes happened in the past and can unfortunately not be changed or altered. While it is difficult to forget about, you can see it as an opportunity for growth by learning from it and moving forward. Nobody's perfect. Everybody makes mistakes and that's how we learn and improve :)
Profile: J4nne
J4nne on Jun 1, 2016 more
Everyone makes mistakes and making mistakes is okay. Instead of blaming yourself for the mistakes you've made try to learn from those mistakes. Making mistakes is a way of learning to get to know yourself and your surroundings.
Profile: caterina9999
caterina9999 on Jun 2, 2016 more
By realizing that you're human and humans make mistakes. It's normal. It's natural. It's healthy. Instead of mourning over what you've done, try not to repeat the same mistakes again
Profile: SmellyCat89
SmellyCat89 on Jun 3, 2016 more
Breathe in, take a moment, reflect, and let it pass. Dwelling in the past will only ruin your tomorrow. Everyone is free to go on without guilt.
Profile: Cherishlife20
Cherishlife20 on Jun 3, 2016 more
Maybe ponder over what I did from the start and make a mental note of what led to it. Then realise the situation I would have been in. I must have been in such a terrible situation where I would have committed that mistake and the fact that I'm sorry itself copes to it. It might not be easy to forgive myself but there's no magic. ☺
Profile: TeenWolf
TeenWolf on Jun 4, 2016 more
You need to just sit down and think about it first then do something nice for your self for making this brake threw :)
Profile: LittleBecky
LittleBecky on Jun 5, 2016 more
Remember that you're just a human. We make mistakes, and that's OK. That's normal, what's important is that we take those mistakes and turn them into good things, things to look at in the future and think, wow, I overcame that. You're only human, don't be so hard on yourself.
Profile: Castielsendshelp
Castielsendshelp on Jun 9, 2016 more
I had a lot of stress and I solved it with writing down my thoughts, it really helped me to accept myself and that I am actually great
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jun 9, 2016 more
the easiest way i have found is to let go of the past. yes it is hard yes it takes time. but overall if you keep holding on your limiting your potential to things that are only holding you back
Profile: moonchild29
moonchild29 on Jun 11, 2016 more
Accept what has happened and that it is in the past, so there is nothing you can do about it anymore. You can, however, do something for the present and future time. Forgive yourself for not being able to do more than what you've done, because it's necessary in order to move on.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jun 11, 2016 more
If you didn't do it on purpose to hurt yourself or others. Don't punish yourself. Your intentions were pure. To forgive yourself for a past mistake you have to remember that although hindsight is 20/20. What has been done can't be undone. The only reason you're focusing on the past mistake is because the mistake feels like you've took taken the wrong step when you tend to get it right. You can take a step back to the place that feels right and at least now you know where the wrong step is and how to avoid it.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jun 16, 2016 more
By letting go the past and accepting the fact that you cannot change what has already happened. But you can change what will happen. There's a saying, yesterday is history. Tomorrow is mystery. But today is a gift. That is why its called PRESENT.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jun 20, 2017 more
Remind yourself that you are not who you were when you made those mistakes, and that you have grown as a person. You are awesome, and what's in the past is done and cannot be taken back. Strive to be better than you were yesterday. Work towards being a better person, and in time, you'll be able to forgive yourself.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Mar 30, 2016 more
What's done is done, wasting time on it will just put you off more. Look forward and keep moving. Don't look back. You can't change the past, but you can change your future. Good luck!
Profile: CaringPuppy1
CaringPuppy1 on Apr 7, 2016 more
Accept that everyone is human and makes mistakes. None of us are perfect. We just do the best we can.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Apr 13, 2016 more
Try to understand that anything you've done wasn't solely your fault. Anyone involved has already forgiven you.
Profile: amazingButterfly31
amazingButterfly31 on Apr 15, 2016 more
None off us can. Change our past . In order to move on look to the future we must forgive a pass mistakes and have belief in our self's
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