Improving low self-esteem after 50

Looking for advice on improving low self-esteem.
I've always had self-esteem issues due to my height.
Being 6'-8", I don't really blend into the crowd.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

i know I may feel different if i was in your shoes so to speak but as a height challenged I always wanted to be tall.
I can see the things we avoided as kids to not stand out etc. but after 50, I say embrace every difference and uniqueness about ourselves.
When people are looking at you or making you uncomfortable smile and tell them you have a better view .... if they are jerks tell them their hair is thinning....
Wear a shirt grocery shopping saying "I can easily reach the top shelf " .. lol
Simply Own your gift or height there is nothing to hide celebrate it .... remember you are literally head and shoulders above any petty stares or judgement.

@courageouspanda2006 Don't worry, you are beautyful how you are. (its kinda Strange saying that to a Stranger) I have a Brother who is overweight and got mobbed but there are still people who Love him and i am Sure some people also Love you

I know it may feel awkward cause you do not blend in... but the best things stand out.
That's part of the problem. I do not wish to stand out, I wish to blend in. To be invisible.

Hi there. I’d say take steps to embrace who you are and be the best version of ‘you’. Tiger has made some really good points. I’m on the shorter side and a couple of inches would have been nice. Have a good day 🌹