Long Illness

Hi, I just need to talk to someone. I've been ill for going on a month with a weird bug that somehow morphed into an atypical UTI which has caused debilitating fatigue along with heart palpitations and blood pressure spikes. Took docs 2 weeks just to figure out what was going on. I'm on antibiotics and beta blockers now. I've missed more work than I can afford to and am quite stressed and anxious. I know things will turn out OK but I keep wondering how long this is gonna last? I've never been sick this long. It's like my worst fear has come true. I know there are many people out there who have worse health situations and they manage to cope,often with such grace. I guess I'm just impatient. But I so hate not feeling like myself and not being able to do and enjoy my usual activities! How do you cope?Thanks for lending an ear...or an eye, as it we're.

@Judecat42. Hi it’s really hard being sick. When I need more rest and can’t do my usual activities I find watching a good series or reading a good book helps me to cope. I hope that you feel better soon.
I'm at the point now where I'm definitely recovering, but half afraid to trust it and half feeling guilty for making such a big deal of the illness and taking so much time off. I really was feeling awful, weak and shaky and scared, though! Why do I have to be so scared of being sick?? It happens, you get better...except I get scared that I won't get better. This all started during the pandemic and I guess I didn't get over it.

Hey, I got a heart attack some months before pandemics... Less than an year. It was caused by the chicken flu that was running at time.
It was the first time I got to an emergency. Hazmat suits and all as they hadn't figured out what I had.
The first time long into a hospital. 2 months. For luck, we have a public health system around, so it was all free and better than meny hotels I payed 😅.
My health was bad into this occasion, got weak, hard recovery. But turns out I am as health as before (I guess).
Turned out to be a good thing in the end. Got time to think and realize stuff that was stuck or unsolved at my mind. The process of making peace with me started there, in that white, isolated room. Took a few years more, true, bur started there: perceiving my core values and what was important to me.
You will get better. Keep on. And take the chance of get out of that a better person too. You can do it. 💪🏼
@Judecat42 I'm feeling the same way. I get worried I won't get better, I don't know why. I just don't like being sick and feel things are out of my control more. It really bothers me, so you're not alone
Thank you. Yes, I am thinking of good that can come from this. Been meditating a lot and working through my anxiety. I know I'm getting stronger. It took some will and bravery to get back to work. But I did it and today I went back to my spiritual center in person. Thank goodness I didn't have to go to hospital...I live in the U.S. lol. One day I begged my husband to take me to the ER but he talked me our of it...it wasn't necessary and I knew I'd just sit in a chair miserable for hours while they ran tests and found nothing they could help with. Been there before! My pcp has been helping a lot and she's got it mostly sorted!

@Judecat42 I'm glad to hear that things are improving for you.

I’m asking the same questions. At least you’re getting answers to your health problems. Mine are undiagnosed. And I’m feeling weak but yet better.And your right their are people with worse health conditions. I just pray I and you get better. I want to enjoy my usual activities again soon too. Jogging, running, walking, working out. A tear in a muscle can really be devastating. Just like extra weight can cause pre diabetes. Ask how much weight a stupid doctor put on me

@Judecat42 I am so sorry to hear you are sick. It is such a struggle. I suffer from auto-immune diseases, so I can totally relate to being chronically ill and wondering when you will feel better. What are you doing in the meantime while you are recovering? Are you able to get out and visit friends or go to lunch/dinner with people? It can be hard to cope with any long-term illness, and the fear of not getting better is normal.
I was panicking about my doctor because I called and messaged with questions so much, when she went silent for a few days I thought she was upset with me! Irrational, I know. She finally got back to me. She's just busy. But I'm gonna try to not bug her so much. I do tend to have checking and reassurance compulsions when it comes to health stuff!