Here's what I can't figure out

Here's what I can't figure out. How is a person supposed to live and exist with prices the way they are? I found out i can get a student loan. I worked out how much I need with my budget. Now I am going to be taxed. WTF? It seems like I'm going backwards financially. Now I have to do my taxes first and see if I need to borrow more through the student loan just to survive. JUST TO SURVIVE. I knew this would happen back when they started raising people's wages to a "living wage." Now the "living wage" isn't enough for people to live. It doesn't matter what they put in place, because the rich people will just raise the prices of everything to kick around the poor people. And they can get away with it. The poor people will struggle all their lives, and I'm one of them. This is a repeating circle. Raise income for people, then they'll raise the prices of everything, then we'll be poor again, then they'll raise income and then they'll raise prices, raise income, raise prices. Its ridiculous. I'm going to school to make more money, but I'll have a huge student loan bill, and will be poor again. But I can't stop going to school, because I'll have to pay my student loan back now, before I get a better paying job, and I can't afford that. But, us poor people will keep crawling through life.

@purpleTree4652 I'm sorry sweetie 😢 unfortunately this is the way for so many people, it's very sad. Gives you a giant tiny hug ❤❤squeezes you tightly ❤