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Heather225 profile picture
Listener Classifieds (February 2025) Members, Check Out Our Listeners Accepting New Chats!
by Heather225
Last post
2 days ago
...See more Hello, February! This space is for Listeners currently accepting chats to introduce themselves to the member community! Members, if any listeners pique your interest, you can then check out their bios and see if they might be a good fit for you! Here are some things you can consider sharing (only share what's comfortable): Are you an adult, teen or ATL? Gender: Languages you speak: Topics you'll support: Topics you don’t support: Lived experience: Are you open to taking on members for long-term listening support? Your availability (in EST time) and day(s) if applicable:
Kate profile picture
by Kate
Last post
...See more Any new member of the NAMI Community who introduces themselves and takes the NAMI Oath will receive the NAMI Oath Badge. Please copy, paste, sign and date the following NAMI Oath within this thread: NAMI Oath I pledge a moral oath before my fellow active listeners, 7 Cups members and NAMI supporters. I pledge to help support NAMI's mission and to dedicate myself to building better lives for anyone affected by mental illness. I pledge to always try my best to be a positive influence and make a difference in the lives of others. I pledge to be #stigmafree and respectful of anyone who may be experiencing a mental health challenge. I will educate, advocate and listen to others' experiences without judgment or bias. I will encourage acceptance and understanding. When I see that someone needs more than the peer support I can provide, I will refer them to professional help and appropriate resources. I pledge to make my own self-care a priority and recognize when I need to take extra time to take care of my own mental health. I will keep these promises and I will do everything in my power to promote mental health, healing, and wellness within myself, my fellow members and my world. I believe that no one should face mental illness alone and I pledge to provide peer support to anyone who reaches out to the NAMI Community for help. Signed: Date:
Heather225 profile picture
Listener Classifieds: Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID)
by Heather225
Last post
February 4th
...See more This space is for Listeners who actively and currently support the topic of Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) to introduce themselves. Members: review the replies below to find someone who aligns with your needs. Remember to check their listener bios for further information before connecting. Listeners, please share the following details: Are you an adult, teen, or ATL (Adult-Teen Listener): Gender: Languages you speak: Are you open to taking on members for long-term listening support? Your experience with DID: Any other things a member should know: (Optional) Your availability (in EST time) and day(s) if applicable: (Listeners, if at any point you no longer accept DID chats or wish to update your information, contact me or CheeryMango to delete or edit your response)
Anxioussoul877 profile picture
Test Day Disaster
by Anxioussoul877
Last post
11 minutes ago
...See more Ugh, today has been one of the most frustrating days ever! I was writing a timed test with 40 questions, supposedly with a 15-minutes time limit. But guess what? My timer said 7 minutes! And to make matters worse, my computer wasn't even working properly. But what really took the cake was when I complained about these issues to the person in charge of the examination and the computer personnel. Instead of helping me or apologizing for the inconvenience, one of them asked "what's their business?" and walked past me, and another one blamed me for not arriving on time (despite the fact that the exam started an hour late)! I'm still fuming about the whole experience.
livbinny profile picture
Being on ur own
by livbinny
Last post
47 minutes ago
...See more Not having friends n still doing good? im just trying to push my fear away by doing what i can that i can survive without anyone’s company n help 🙏🏻🥺 what else can we do
andrewtan99 profile picture
Family issues
by andrewtan99
Last post
51 minutes ago
...See more I don't like how my mom treats me harshly for not wanting a girlfriend. While she says almost nothing when my sister wants a girlfriend. It's like she treats her better. Or she hates boys or whatever.
skyraven02 profile picture
by skyraven02
Last post
2 hours ago
...See more Anyone ever make your significant others go to therapy with there kids to show them that maybe the way there kids react to things is because of the way they act? Did you see any improvement?
Anxioussoul877 profile picture
Working On Myself
by Anxioussoul877
Last post
3 hours ago
...See more I recently took time to reflect on my life, and I've come to realize that I want to focus on personal growth. I aspire to improve my mindset, physical health, relationships, and overall way of life. This journey is important to me because I've struggled with the aftermath of childhood bullying, which has led to difficulties in forming connections and trusting others. As a result, I often feel like I'm being judged, and it's taken a toll on my mental, physical, and emotional well-being. I've also struggled with forming intimate relationships, including finding a boyfriend, because I crave a deeper connection with someone, but my past experiences have made it challenging for me to open up. I'm eager to work on myself, but I'm unsure where to start. Any guidance or advice would be greatly appreciated.
genericbeing profile picture
by genericbeing
Last post
6 hours ago
...See more
genericbeing profile picture
This baby crow is bringing you love
by genericbeing
Last post
10 hours ago
...See more
hopefulencounter profile picture
sometimes I think life would be a lot easier if I'm not a moody mess
by hopefulencounter
Last post
14 hours ago
...See more I promise to myself I won't overthink so much but here I am again, back to that point, because it's so weird. Torn between wanting to leave and stay.. :/  well yes actually i dont feel welcomed anymore.. theres a part of me that don't want to leave, but also a part of me that knew maybe it's better if i leave for real..
hopefulencounter profile picture
I'm now adding "and that's okay" whenever I feel uspet
by hopefulencounter
Last post
15 hours ago
...See more having a sudden flashback of bad hurtful-triggering experience?? That's okay. People ignoring me? Also okay. This new mindset really help me to ease my anxiety and worry. Do you think it's effective? or am I losing my mind? Thanks in advance 😄🙏
uniqueGrace8272 profile picture
Love 💕 is in the Air 💕.
by uniqueGrace8272
Last post
16 hours ago
...See more Hey everyone! ☺️ I just wanted to share something really special for the first time on any social platform—I'm in love! It feels amazing, and I get butterflies in my stomach every time my partner looks at me. I find myself reading our text conversations over and over again, just soaking up every sweet moment. I miss them all the time and can't help but wonder—am I the only one feeling this way, or is this happening to someone else too? Would love to hear your thoughts, your stories and feelings 🙈 💕
sunny7997 profile picture
"The feeling of shame, guilt, and fear of failure."
by sunny7997
Last post
18 hours ago
...See more لقد مررت بتجربة أشعر فيها أنني كنت حاضرا حقا. قبل عامين كنت أسير مع التيار، مؤمنًا بالفكرة الخاطئة التي تقول إن الشغف لا يتعب أبدًا. لكن مع ضغوط العمل والخبرة، قررت الاستقالة بعد 14 يومًا. منذ ذلك الوقت، ارتبطت مشاعر العار التي انتابني بسبب استقالتي ارتباطًا وثيقًا. أشعر وكأن أحدًا لن يوظفني بسبب ذلك، وأنهم قد يرونني فاشلاً - مثل المفتش على سبيل المثال. أخشى أن يكذب علي الناس أو يكتفوا بما أقول. يثقل هذا الشعور كاهلي. أريد أن أعمل وأن أتجاوز هذا الكابوس. وما يجعل الأمر أكثر صعوبة هو أنني أعاني من اضطراب الوسواس القهري، وهذه الأفكار تظل تضغط علي بلا هوادة. خاصة أنه بعد استقالتي أصيبت أختي بالسرطان، وكان الأمر بمثابة صدمة، ولكنني واصلت العلاج معها لمدة عام، وبدأت أفهم حجم الصدمة التي حدثت بعد ذلك. I recently realized that I was suffering from wrong thinking, especially since I was following some scientists. In energy, their content was somewhat misleading. After I discovered the truth, it was a shock that brought me back to my senses and reality, and I am slowly trying to correct my mistakes. Imagine that for two years I did not ask for a work certificate until recently. I am shocked. Is it a shock and a distortion of my thinking? And the people I was following and I thought they were guiding me to the right path could not help me, but once I stopped following their delusions and resorted to God and recovered properly, my vision became clear, but I still have some fears, but I am better than before because those things made me feel that I was in control of my reality, and thus I feel very guilty. They were conflicting beliefs. Recently, I discovered that my addiction to social media also distorted my perception of myself, so I immersed myself in those energy sciences and was drawn into anesthetizing my mother, and I thought I was curing her. 
Friendlylistener777 profile picture
Stepping Away For A Little While
by Friendlylistener777
Last post
21 hours ago
...See more Hey guys just wanted to say im stepping away from the app for a bit as i have health problems at the moment not sure when i'll be back but thanks for your support. Take care and see you all when i get back.

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