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Why do I feel depressed when I'm not smoking weed?

97 Answers
Last Updated: 08/05/2023 at 3:26am
1 Tip to Feel Better
United States
Moderated by

Lisa Groesz, PhD


With evidenced based therapies, we find the root of the problem together to implement solutions. We all face crises, transitions, or disorders at some time.

Top Rated Answers
June 2nd, 2017 8:59am
When you start smoking weed, it can make you feel happy, like you don't even really care about some things most times. So when you stop smoking it you can feel quite depressed sometimes and that's completely normal. I would advise seeing a therapist near you or if it gets really bad, take antidepressants
July 15th, 2018 7:55am
Probably if u smoke alot it makes u fell depressed cuz you don't know what it's like to not be high
January 4th, 2021 2:11pm
when abstaining from drug use, our brain can not produce the same chemicals after a certain amount of time. this is because when you smoke weed, the weed produces it for you. It can be extremely difficult to adjust to the struggles and responsbilities of reality. when people start smoking weed, it can used for many different reasons but regardless it still affects you in the same manner. However, when used to block or hide your pain, it will affect you even more due to the fact that you are removing your main source of comfort. Hope this helps, thank you for reaching out!
January 10th, 2021 5:07pm
Because cannabis is an addictive substance which overuse of leads to substance abuse and addiction. Your body has become dependent on cannabis to feel normal. When you don’t smoke as often as usual you will start to go through a withdrawal from cannabis, hence why you feel depressed . Have you tried to to withdraw in a safe environment or spoken to a family member or doctor about going through this process? Addiction is a very unhealthy habit to have, It’s important you speak to a doctor about that’s as soon as you can. Remember, you’re stronger than you think.
January 21st, 2021 7:06am
All drugs have some side-effects like apathy or heightened emotions. Maybe you've always had a depression problem but the weed made it apparent. Might be that you never realised it earlier. Weed contains chemicals ( THC and CBD) that in general give our body a sense of euphoria and ecstacy. These chemicals alter our mood. Thus you may feel intense emotions of happiness when you take it but when it effects start wearing off, you start feeling low. Filling the gap of time when you were smoking with something else. Focus on your health and well-being and things will start to seem better.
January 29th, 2021 12:50am
When you first try weed it creates a pleasurable sensation. After taking it for a while you'll have to take more to feel that way again. Your body has adjusted to it so you need larger doses. Soon you start becoming dependent on it, and it's hard to stop. At this point you have become addicted. Your body no longer feels normal without weed; you feel depressed when your not smoking it. It's basically a withdrawal symptom. If you quit smoking weed and continue through the immediate withdrawal symptoms, your body will return to normal and the withdrawal will go away.
January 30th, 2021 4:02pm
There are two parts of you that are affected by weed. Your physical body as well as your internal mind. Your physical body is affected by weed because an unnatural amount of serotonin (your happy hormone)is released into your body by the weed. That is why you often feel euphoric and plain old happy when you are high, however when the weed wears off your body stops releasing as much or even less serotonin for long time smokers this is when you experience a low. emotions associated with a low will often be depression. The other aspect that weed affects is your internal mind it also very powerful in creating your reality which can often (if you are unhappy with it) can cause depression.