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How do I independently motivate myself?

150 Answers
Last Updated: 05/12/2022 at 1:16pm
How do I independently motivate myself?
1 Tip to Feel Better
United Kingdom
Moderated by

Tanyia Hughes, Adv Dip Psy


I have been through a lot in life too, which helps me to be able to empathize with situations, thoughts and feelings that we have. Sometimes, it's not easy just being human.

Top Rated Answers
February 23rd, 2020 1:34pm
1. Remind yourself why you want to do something 2. Break down your work into smaller chunks 3. Make your activities fun 4. Promise yourself a reward when you get something done 5. Give yourself occasional breaks to avoid burnout 6. Tell yourself that you can accomplish anything 7. Convince yourself you want to do it 8. Remember your "why."
February 28th, 2020 5:45am
A way to independently motivate yourself is to think about your goals and what would make you happiest if you did them. Then, write them down. Each day, try to integrate something in your day that will get you closer to your goals. For example, if it is to be less depressed, think about what helps you feel better-animals, cooking, reading a book, etc... Then in that moment, you can bring in one of those tools that helps you feel better. Next, if you want to be in nature to help yourself feel better, try to take a walk around the block or take a hike once a week.
March 8th, 2020 8:49pm
Hey there, that's a good question. I think you have to think about the things that exite you. The things that make you so exited to get up, even if they are a big goal that you think is out of your reach! I feel imagining these things happening as if they were actually already happnened also helps for motivation. Doing this for myself has helped a great deal. I think also setting small tasks that when you do them you reward yourself. Set small tasks that when you do them you reward yourslef for. This builds up momentum. Try it out. Hope this helps :)
March 22nd, 2020 10:44pm
I feel like this is best done digging deep and finding out what your true motivation is. Dont worry about fear or judgment but worry about your true happiness. Once you find your happiness, your light; nothing can stop you. When you start to lack that motivation think back on that and hold on to that. Let that little piece of hope guide you to what task or mission you would like to accomplish and remember you serve a bigger purpose that you might not be able to see just now. Always follow your heart as it is your true north star.
March 28th, 2020 9:07pm
I try reading about the lives of people whom I admire and then try to find inspiration from their stories. I also believe that no one is perfect, which enables me to keep on improving. There is nothing in this world that can stop me if I get going. The only real problem is that starting point. Just like friction keeps on increasing untill it reaches a maximum value after which the body starts moving inspite of the friction, we too are made in an analogous way. All we need to do is to find that tipping point somehow, however far that might be.
April 9th, 2020 10:22am
Motivation can be a very difficult thing. For me personally I have to motivate myself to workout everyday and try eat healthier. These are situation that I find hard. I try to think about the my reasons for trying to be healthier and I also give myself goals so I can celebrate my small achievements on the way to my end goal. Think positively about your motivation. Set a plan for yourself and don’t worry if you find yourself straying from the plan every now and then. Just remember why you wanted to set that goal for yourself in the first place.
April 19th, 2020 6:29pm
Motivation is a hard thing some times. You have to set a goal. Set an immediate goal (achieve that day) something simple and very easy to achieve nothing is too small. Set some short term goals (achieve in a few days or weeks). Set a long term goal (achieve in a few months) this will help in keeping you motivated. When you have that long term goal make a vision board things you want to achieve and some inspirational words or quotes. Make your goals for you. If it help tell someone about your goals have them ask you about it every so often to keep you accountable or lend dome support when you need it.
May 15th, 2020 2:10am
To motivate myself, I like to write things down. If I am able to see what I would like to accomplish on a list it holds me accountable for what I want to do. Writing things down turns ideas into reality. If I just think about doing something it becomes easy to push it to the back of my brain and forget about it. When I write things down I am able to cross them off once I have completed them. I find it very fulfilling to be able cross items off of a list. It makes me very excited when I am able to cross another completed task off.
May 16th, 2020 12:06pm
Identify what you want to do - your goal. It might be getting motivated to take a shower. You're at the start (point A), having the shower is the goal (point B). Make a short list of the steps needed to get from point A to Point B. For example, step 1 could be get out of bed; step 2 could be turning the shower on to warm up; step 3 could be getting ready, and so on. If you can't do the whole series of steps, try doing them one at a time. This will build your motivation through giving a sense of accomplishment at each step. Don't think of yourself as a failure for not doing all the steps at one try. Be kind and gentle with yourself and take things slowly. I found this method worked when I had severe depression. I found my mind would only focus on the moment I was in, I couldn't plan ahead for even the next minute. It helped me build up my motivation to do other things.
May 22nd, 2020 3:45am
Motivation is something that guides us through thick and thin, and sometimes it's hard to follow through with it, but it helps when you think about the outcome and how rewarding the process is. Also take time to reflect upon yourself and self-care, keep your mind positive and love yourself, build confidence within you. Motivation is not only about the goals and dreams for our future, but also for ourselves personally. It also helps you see life from a different point of view, and you discover something new about yourself and the world everyday, it's the beauty of life in one of its purest forms.
May 24th, 2020 7:39pm
Something that worked for me was to start reading self help books, listen to motivation podcasts, and listen to up beat music that has independent vibes. If you're on social media, you can follow motivational accounts so you have that support always at hand. Try to start the day with a few stretches, a deep breath, look in the mirror and say "I got this, and nothing can stop me!" because it's true! Confidence is a long process for some, but i completely believe in you and so does everyone on 7 cups. Live your life to the fullest, because everyone falls occasionaly- that makes us human. Cut out any toxic people and bad habits, because they will drag you down with no mercy. Fear is useless, seize the day and make it yours.
June 17th, 2020 12:14am
Watch Youtube videos about your goals. Watch videos that show people achieving those goals. It doesn't even have to be a major life-changing goal-centered video; it can simply be a night routine to get you started on feeling a bit better and productive about your day. It's hard finding that bit of motivation but once you see others doing the same, it can help start a change inside of you. It makes you feel as if you aren't alone and you're not. It may help you find that connection and get you started on things. Don't be discouraged if certain things don't work for you. There's a multitude of other things that can work and help. The path is never easy but the journey teaches you a lot both about yourself and the world around you.
July 29th, 2020 8:55pm
There's something called internal motivators that help us with motivation that comes within yourself versus an external motivator that comes from an outside source Like an incentive. Positive thinking is powerful and telling ourselves to do something for it's own benefit has an impact. For example, doing something that you don't necessarily want to do but you do anyway, because you know it'll make you feel accomplished. Another way is to make something meaningful, find a purpose in your actions. Keeping those thoughts in mind will help motivate oneself independently, and of course the more you do it the better you get
August 1st, 2020 10:54pm
Motivation is very hard to get when anyone is just starting out. So I believe the best way is to get an external resources to help me out. I listen to motivational speech, videos, and podcasts to help me out. There are may ways to go about this but I feel these are the most efficient. Another tip would be making your bed. I know it sounds trivial but when I make my bed in the morning that is already one thing off my checklist for what I have to do that day. Hope this helps, thank you.
August 7th, 2020 6:29am
hello! to independently motivate yourself, you need to think about what you really want. are you satisfied with yourself right now? if not, then WHO do you want to be? once you've identified what you want to achieve, think about how you can get there. appreciate yourself for all the things that you're good at, even if it's something really tiny. thank yourself for taking care of YOU. maybe try writing a letter to yourself where you pen down all your good qualities. exercise, do what you love. do things that are good for you, practice a little self-care, too
September 9th, 2020 2:04pm
You have to set a particular perception for yourself and dedicate your motivation from everything you love without minding others opinion. Because in the first plase it is your life, it's your journey and what comes ahead of you will always depends on your decisions. Motivates yourself to become the best of you and do not let out side forces interferes with the goal you've set. You need to consider all the challenges, conflicts and problems in life as a process for you to grow more independently. You have to motivate yourself in order to keep your emotional and physical well-being cooperates with one another. Life maybe cruel, atleast you are motivated enough to live for it.
January 20th, 2022 3:41pm
Lack of motivation is a common thing, so try not to feel disheartened about it. Take a break, listen to music or activities that help you relax and then you can carry on working. To motivate yourself, firstly remember what are your goals and why you are doing the task in the first place. Make sure that whatever goals you set for yourself are attainable and be specific, so that you can achieve your goals and be motivated to further continue doing your work. Also, maybe try rewarding yourself after you accomplish a certain task. It could be something as simple as rewarding yourself with chocolates if you work for 2 hours. Also maybe having a comfortable environment helps.
June 24th, 2021 11:42am
It's easy to stay motivated when others cheer you on. Your friends and colleagues can be supportive and encouraging and even help when you have projects or tasks to complete. Think of the “end”, not the “beginning”. Your house / apartment is a mess and rather dirty. If you can't bring yourself to move, walk into each room and visualize what it will look like when it is clean and tidy. Sometimes this visual representation is all you need. And here is the related "trick". When you first wake up in the morning, visualize your day from start to finish. See how you achieve your goal. Give yourself a competition. This works if you are naturally competitive. Tell yourself, “I bet you can't paint this wall in 45 minutes. Set a timer and go for it. Turning tasks into competitive play is both fun and motivating.
September 3rd, 2021 6:44pm
Everyone is motivated within their own pace and own tactics. Think of ways you were motivated in the past and what had triggered it and try to replicate those into your everyday life. What are some goals you would like to set for yourself? Having goals to work towards can create a motivational path as you know exactly what you are working towards. Self-reflect and jot down notes to help keep aspects organized and help you adjust or create new goals. It is also ok to feel unmotivated at times, just remember to pick yourself back up and continue to progress.
September 18th, 2021 10:12pm
I find it easy to motivate myself when I am excited and make schedules. I feel that if I set small goals, I can achieve success but if I procrastinate, I will never get anything done. Being excited about what I am doing gets the ball rolling. Whenever I have small goals, that do not require a lot of time each day, I make long term progress. Staying motivated when I am by myself is not always easy. When I succeed in the weekly goal, I treat myself to a concert or a movie. This helps me to feel good about myself and continuer toward my end goal.
October 21st, 2021 6:38am
There are numerous ways to independently motivate yourself. Because, the actual motivation comes from inside of us. So, write down your three major goal and values in a clean neat paper. Now , thinnk and come up with best ten possible solutions that helps you achieve your those three major goals while having inclusion of three top values of yours also. Now, if you are able to pick up three methods among these solution, wou will not be requiring any external motivation, instead since you have discovered solutions on your own, you will be always motivated. You can also listen to videos or read books that motivates you to become best version of yourself.
November 14th, 2021 8:20am
Think about what made you discouraged in the first place. If it was someone else telling you something, if it was you seeing that others are better than you, or if it is just a random thought that popped in your head. Finding the root cause is always important. Then think about the following questions- What should you give back to the society and the people who feel like that? Would you like to be a role model for them? What is the change you want to bring that would make your today better than yesterday? This can be a way to reflect on yourself and a step towards self motivation.
November 19th, 2021 4:53pm
🌿Avoid What bothers you is things and actions that bring discomfort. Try to define your condition, understand yourself and find ways to get rid of it. And while it takes time, it's worth it. 🌿Ignore That you don't care. It's no secret that the distribution of attention to several things / objects at once can weaken you. Concentrate on what is important and necessary to be productive. 🌿Analyze And remember your feelings in happy and not so moments of your life. Try to describe your condition to the smallest detail. Reread what you have written and be inspired to work more efficiently. 🌿Smile And laugh more often. Laughter will help prevent stress and relieve you. Watch comedies, have fun with your friends at concerts - enjoy your free time. Try the exercise for yourself: Every day, find 5 things around you that made you happier today. 🌿Exercise Physically: do not forget about everyday, even small, workouts. Exercise or go for a short run. This will help put the body in order and keep it in good shape, as well as experience pleasant emotions. 🌿Create A suitable environment for yourself that can motivate you to work. The space around you is as important as the people around you.
December 17th, 2021 10:47pm
Independent motivation relies on satisfaction with results and an interest in whatever subject matter is in question. It is more challenging to be motivated for things that do not interest you, however there are some things that are essential to complete. You may find it easier to be motivated for something that does not spark your interest if you adjust the conditions so that the task is more entertaining. For example, if you do not want to wash dishes and using the dishwasher is not an option, then perhaps turn on music or an audiobook and wash dishes while enjoying whatever audio you like to listen to. Motivation comes from many things and sometimes it helps to foresee the end results or what is to come of completing a task. This may help by taking your mind away from the immediate matter of having to do something that does not interest you. For example, if your television needs a minor fix that you can do on your own, telling yourself that the sooner you fix it the sooner you can watch television would be more helpful than dreading the task. Positive thinking helps with positive results.
January 14th, 2022 9:06am
You set goals, you create a vision board. Just have something that will remind you daily why you should work hard. Like maybe put your dream car as a wallpaper. Every time you touch your phone you are reminding yourself the car you have promised yourself. Every day you need to remind yourself why you are waking up and going to work. I think independent motivation is just you finding something that will remind you of the goals you've set and the dreams you've promised yourself to achieve.
March 12th, 2022 4:47pm
motivation should really come from your inner self that is wanting to improve the old habits and overcome maybe bad thoughts or even feelings. To motivate yourself there's so many ways, however you are the only person who decided how to motivate your own soul self. For instance, I personally feel motivated when I put m earphones in my ears and play the most amazing songs and my favorite songs ever. I consider music my only motivational path, as it pushes me to do stuff since it takes my mind off of things that hold me back and keep me unmotivated. So for me is me and my music that boosts my motivation. If you want some music you can hit me up and I'll put you on some real good music.
May 12th, 2022 12:23pm
Motivation. The definition is to bring someone up through positive affirmations or other ways of energy(paraphrased from a dictionary). Self-motivation is an important thing for a person because it keeps up your self-esteem, which in turn improves how worthy you feel. Some ways to self-motivate are simple: -Break down large goals you have into smaller, easier steps. -Surround yourself with people that support and care about you. -Ask and offer help when people want it or you need it. -Embrace positive peer pressure. -Reward yourself at small wins and embrace the losses. -Get enough sleep to be able to function the next day. -Work hard. Good luck❤
May 7th, 2022 9:54am
This is a rather open ended questions. Leaves a lot of room for debate. However, if you are looking to charge your motivation for certain things, without any external forces involved — there are many ways to go about doing that. Firstly, you need to figure out what you want to be motivated to do. And then ask yourself why you want to do or achieve that. After you have been convinced with your answers to WHAT and WHY, develop your plan to achiever your goal. Make it as simple and feasible as possible, but enough to keep it challenging as well. Once you start executing your plan, start following it religiously. Track and assess yourself and keep reminding yourself why you began with your plan in the first place. Do note that it is very common to feel demotivated and you may even end up questioning yourself. But consistency is the key. Keep going at it and you'll eventually get to where you want to. Hope this helps.
April 9th, 2022 9:31pm
Keep telling yourself you are great you have greatness you know what you need to do in order to sail through the day. You have the power to change your destiny put negativity out of your life. Keep your circle small, keep social media to a minimum, dont get sucked into mainstream critics and ignore what people think and say about you. You have the power to make the world a better place and to have a job that is perfect for yourself go out have fun wake up not knowing what the day will bring that is the joy of life
February 12th, 2022 3:35am
To independently motivate myself, I like to make a list of daily and weekly goals. I give them a deadline to complete them by and then I try to follow this goals list. I also like to use this other technique where I tell myself to count to five and then just get up and start doing whatever I need or want to do. This really works for me, especially those morning when I am finding it hard to get our of bed. I just count to five and then it feels so much easier to jump out of bed and start my day.