
im feeling so overwhelmed idk what i want to do in life exceppt sleep all the time. im on disability and it pays the bills but gotta do something with my life not play games all day. thought about many options still cant decide got no car pet would be nice but so much work and responsibility. been evicted a few times so much has happened and im already 37yo pretty scared and btw im a guy if it matters. i see a therapist but idk what would help. maybe a house and car and travel or move to another country or apprenticeship or this or that idk anymore

enjoy what you can. It may help to find community. Even if you’re not religious, church or mental health groups may help. I enjoy volunteering. I know you’re disabled so if you can’t help physically maybe there’s an opportunity that will accommodate you or you can volunteer as a speaker/mentor/accountability partner. Life is beautiful and it can help to remove sources of temporary comfort/addictions to better take note of the little things. I forgot how much I was fulfilled by service,music, and a beautiful day until I cut some things out of my life. Purpose is incredibly personal but once you find something you enjoy or fulfills you spiritually do research and apply yourself. You’ve got it

First of all I'm proud of you that you realise and you are active for you problem.I don't want to make you feel better by saying that there is people who have worse life then you.
You life will be better and you age 37 yo man is no problem especially if you are man
man is like a wine older better we are older we have more experienced we attract more woman if you do it correctly.
(I don't know or you have a wife btw😅)
You wanna talk about want you want to do
I'm apologies for read you fate
But Here is you fate
Mc,host,song writer,novel writer,artist, music, podcaster ...
The card that you got tell me that you ll become a great storytelling you do it more in the way that you cure,heal,treat people you release them form the problem.(that would be perfect)You keep working on this you potentially able to be some president could be small or big cuz the feelings of smaller people you feel them the best.😁
You don't have to belief me anyway I do for entertaining even thu most of the time is scary real 😅😅