Basically At the End

Life seems like a big trap to me. I have heard of demonic oppression and I am starting to feel if the demons are at it again. I was basically let go from my job. They're letting me stay on until May 3rd. Those ignorant bit**es. They might as well fire me now. It might be better. That way I could focus on the end of my classes and look for a job at the same time. Instead, I am going to keep working and taking classes and now have to look for a job. I think my bosses are going to end up firing me. All of this means that I might not be able to get student loans to finish school. And if I can't finish school, I'll have to start to pay back my student loans, and I can't affford that. All that means I'll have to declare bankruptcy.

if they are giving you until may this is most likely a layoff as position not needed or perhaps not funded anymore....
This is not a reflection on you and yet being angry and bitter to get fired sooner makes it about you. IT may also sour you as looking for a new job in a ticked off mood is seldom successful.
perhaps take a big breath and see this as a new direction or chance to do something else instead of only seeing the catastrophe in everything.