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tommy profile picture
Music & Dance Automated Taglist!
by tommy
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December 7th, 2024
...See more Welcome to the Music & Dance Taglist This thread is an auto-updating list. The list is regularly updated by forum leaders and can be found below. Having issues? Reply below and someone will help you! Why should I join the taglist? ✔ Never miss out on sub-community check-ins, discussions or events ✔ Get tagged and notified by community leaders whenever a new relevant thread has been posted ✔ Become a more active member of the community. What do I need to do? ✅ To add yourself to this taglist, press the Post to Thread button below and write the exact words Please add me. ❌ To remove yourself from this taglist, press the Post to Thread button below and write the exact words Please remove me. ------------------------- Current taglist as of 20th June 24 (updated by @bluerivercares) @Aditya006 @Akeri @AloneGhost @Angelwolf8930 @AnimalLover2006 @AquaNyo303 @BelovedMe @BlueMangocat5071 @communicativePond1728 @daydreammemories @DeLeeAh @Elephi @FleurdeNeige @GentleHealingInitiative @GwydionRowan @helpfulBunny6682 @iloveyouxx @Imel3nii @ImpudentIncognito @kindhearted5345 @lovingBraid9917 @naturalBraid8810 @NightingaleListens @novoephemera @OPrimaDonna @PoliteOcean @RedHawk6547 @RIver9852 @sadcat13 @Sakii007 @shadowGREYYSON @Snowy00 @softForest4843 @SparkyGizmo @StarrySkies1236 @Sunisshiningandsoareyou @tommy @WeEarth @weppy9232 @wishfulForest1871
BlueRivercares profile picture
Help Wanted: Music & Dance subcommunity
by BlueRivercares
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January 6th, 2024
...See more Music & dance team is looking for both teen and adult listeners and members to join our team! Regardless of whether you prefer the forums or chatrooms, there is a role available for you and we'd love to have you. It is okay you guys don’t have to sing, dance or play for us 😉.  What is most important for us, is your willingness to be part of a team and actively participate in the community.  (All text in blue are clickable) Roles if you like the forums : Community Mentor (Teen Community Star) Role Description: You’re a good fit for the Community Mentor/Teen Star role if you’re passionate about growing and developing a certain community. You’ll be responsible for overseeing the activity and safety in your chosen area and you’ll work closely with the Community Mentor Leader, Forum Supporters and Project Agents to bring supportive posts and events daily.  Requirements: ■ Age 15 or older ■ Verified Listener Badge (Applicable to listeners only) ■ One month as a Forum Supporter ■ 50+ chats ■ 50+ forum posts ■ 50+ forum upvotes ■ Provide links to 3 recent forum threads written in the last month by you ■ Apply here! [] Quota : 10 posts per month ------------------------------------------------- Forum Supporter Role Description: A forum supporter is a leader who focuses on 1-3 communities and maintains engagement in the forums by posting and replying to threads with compassion and support.  Requirements for members: ■ 25+ forum upvotes ■ 25+ forum posts ■ Make 10+ forum posts per month ■ Taken the Member Oath [] Requirements for listeners: ■ Verified Listener ■ 25+ forum upvotes ■ 25+ forum posts ■ Make 10+ forum posts per month ■ Taken the Listener Community Guide [] & Listener Oath ■ Click here [] to apply! Quota : 10 posts per month ------------------------------------------------- Roles if you like chatrooms : Chatroom Moderator (Listeners Only) Role Description: As a moderator in the group support room, you will be creating and maintaining a supportive and positive community culture in the member chatrooms. Requirements: ■ 25+ group chats ■ 2000+ cheers ■ 4 or higher overall star rating on Listener profile ■ 3+ written reviews ■ Have  Verified Listener Badge [] and Graduate Badge ■ No behavior reports in the past 3 months ■ Been a Listener for at least 6 weeks ■ Been a Room Supporter for at least 2 weeks ■ Click here [] to apply! Quota : 100 messages in the group chat and 2 sessions per month ------------------------------------------------- Room Supporter (Members) Role Description: A member leader who creates the desired environment they feel comfortable in and make the room more welcoming for both members and listeners. Responsibilities: ■ To take part in community building with members, listener room supporters, and moderators of the room. ■ To create a kind, compassionate, and supportive environment in group support ■ To support members in the room through active listening skills adjusted for a group support setting ■ To communicate with the rest of the support team ■ To offer feedback and suggestions to team leaders Requirements: ■ Friendly Face Badge ■ Been a member for at least 4 weeks ■ Have completed the Compassion Course ■ Click here [] to apply! ------------------------------------------------- Room Supporter (Listeners) Role Description: A room supporter is a listener who has been trained to support members in a group support setting and is integrated into the support team. Responsibilities: ■ To take part in community building with members, listener room supporters, and moderators of the room. ■ To create a kind, compassionate, and supportive environment in group support ■ To support members in the room through active listening skills adjusted for a group support setting ■ To communicate with the rest of the support team ■ To offer feedback and suggestions to team leaders Responsibilities: ■ Listener in the community for 4+ weeks ■ 1 written review + star rating of at least 3 ■ Be willing to send at least 50+  messages per month in your chosen group support room ■ Click here [] to apply! Quota : 50 messages in the group chat and 2 sessions per month ------------------------- If you have any questions about what these roles look like in music and dance, please feel free to reach out to me @Bluerivercares []
ashtonacrux333 profile picture
Most Underground or Underrated Artist You Listen To?
by ashtonacrux333
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1 day ago
...See more I’ve been seeing lots of pop-stars being mentioned in here rather than those old, odd bands with song titles so long you can’t remember them. Who’s an artist or a band you listen to that NOBODY knows upon mentioning? For me, most artists I listen to are in that ranking of popularity where they’re not underground, but good luck finding a fan in the real world. Some of those for me are Will Wood (and the Tapeworms), Lemon Demon, Heart Attack Man and Ghost Town. Like I said, not underground, but none of the locals seem to know who they are.
Vivian14 profile picture
Video game music
by Vivian14
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...See more Not gonna lie the music in some videos game just hit hard. Even tho I do listen to music from popular artists but I also find myself enjoying videos game music and find myself just listening to it over and over. Does anyone here also like that?
Elephi profile picture
Do You Like Anime Music?! Post Your Favorites!
by Elephi
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...See more Do you listen to anime music or like Japanese music in general? Here is a selection of a few that I like. Let me know some of yours! I'll start by dropping some opening themes from BLEACH! TW: Animated fight scenes @Aditya006 @AloneGhost @Angelwolf8930 @AnimalLover2006 @BlueMangocat5071 @communicativePond1728 @daydreammemories @DeLeeAh @Elephi @FleurdeNeige @GwydionRowan @helpfulBunny6682 @iloveyouxx @ImpudentIncognito @kindhearted5345 @lovingBraid9917 @novoephemera @PoliteOcean @RIver9852 @sadcat13 @Sakii007 @Snowy00 @softForest4843 @SparkyGizmo @StarrySkies1236 @Sunisshiningandsoareyou @tommy @warmheartedgreyyson @WeEarth @weppy9232 Click HERE [] to be added/removed from the community taglist
jesusredeemedme2425 profile picture
by jesusredeemedme2425
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...See more What’s that one song that keeps getting stuck in your head on repeat?? Mine lately is “Walnuts, peanuts, pineapple smells…” WHY???? At random???? Lol (That’s the rap theme song for Donkey Kong 64 lol)
3stranged profile picture
music :3
by 3stranged
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...See more i've recently fallin back into my falling in reverse phase, anybody else love fir as much as i do? i saw ronnie back in feburary and he was frickin' AMAZING! 
jesusredeemedme2425 profile picture
Lesser-Known Christian Songs
by jesusredeemedme2425
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...See more Post your fave lesser-known Christian songs here! <3 Here's some examples...
CaringCharlie profile picture
1980s Era Dance Music: What was Your Favorite
by CaringCharlie
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...See more The 1980s What a great time in world history in the 1980s. The 80s were an eclectic and revolutionary era for music as an art form. From pop, rock, heavy metal, hip-hop and electronic music, the sheer number of genres that have blossomed out of the 80s is a testament to the phenomenally talented and ingenious artists to come out of the decade. Furthermore, several of these artists have remained relevant throughout the following decades and have continued to make an impact on pop culture today. Can you say "Where's My MTV?" Whether it’s in TV, Film or contemporary music, the sound of the 80s can be heard resonating throughout the modern entertainment industry, and the adoration for this era is only growing with new generations as they rediscover music through social media and creative outlets like *** Who was your most favorite bands of the 80s? Long Live the 80s!  I'll start. Depeche Mode Bronski Beat The Cure... Add to the list and bring great memories back!
Louie43 profile picture
by Louie43
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...See more Hey, I was wondering if anyone liked the 1960s/1970s music. Any of it from any genre, or just the time period. Thanks guys.
JosieBiddulph profile picture
What’s your go-to playlist for sleeping?
by JosieBiddulph
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...See more Hi! Drop artist and songs that you listen to to go to sleep or before bed (:
SentryTheDefiant profile picture
Fun Metal Things 🤘
by SentryTheDefiant
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...See more I'm loving all the metal posts here! Here's some more, choose your skill level 😜 Easy ❤️ Loathe - Is It Really You? [] BMTH - Limousine [] Violent Vira - Saccharine [] House of Protection - It's Supposed To Hurt [] Medium 🤘 The Plot In You - Left Behind [] Make Them Suffer - No Hard Feelings [] Unprocessed - Snowlover [] I Prevail - Self-Destruction [] HaRdCoRe 💀 Disembodied Tyrant - Malphasian [] Imminence - Death Shall Have No Dominion [] Synestia - Death Empress [] Spiritbox - No Loss, No Love [] Bonus Round 🕹️ Electric Callboy - Elevator Operator [] Samurai Pizza Cats - Super Zero [] ATGD - The Swimmer [] Boi What - Neon Tide [] Enjoy some fun metal things, good luck!
Rebeccabanana profile picture
metal bands
by Rebeccabanana
Last post
February 8th
...See more anybody into serious metal? I love fleshgod apocalypse its my fave band and many more! feel free to respond and tell me any suggestions
jonghyunnie profile picture
metal music with a meaning
by jonghyunnie
Last post
February 6th
...See more hi everyone! i'm a listener on here! please know if you ever want to, reach out and i am here. - i wanted to talk about a band that i think has an amazing sound and an amazing meaning. - the band is named Opal In Sky, and they have an amazing metal sound, and lyrics that help me keep going when it's hard. ' Breathe. The joy of everything is prosperous. All in sight of these lives that we've lived, from our innocence as a kid, to now, grown into the same. Flaws shape the things that make us all incredible. When you fall short just breathe. /     ' You'll feel better soon believe me, I swear, I promise this. Self love screams within the pain, It's there. Let it in. Scars beneath are ever changing. I know that it's hard; mend your self by breathing in. '  - Serene  ' Sightless blight swimming in my life it's far from graceful, senseless fight trying to take my mind I'm done being peaceful! Cast aside your concept of light, everything you're fighting for is waiting inside. I will cut this blight that is bleeding me dry, taking its life so it can't take mine. ' /      ' Everything was different, yet the same. Fell astray from the path but became what I needed to be. Everything was different yet the same. I was led in the dark, but I finally broke free. I've become the light, fell astray from the path but became what I needed to be. I've become the light. I was led in the dark but I finally broke free. '-  The Blight  ' I know it's hard, but I promise this, you'll wake up loving every second you exist. So listen please, and free your mind. Cause in time it will be justified. I can tell you first hand when you hold on to the past, it will only bring misery. Find yourself letting go a pain that never lasts. You'll always have the memories. Why hang on to the burdens that only weigh you down? You deserve to be happy again. Cause I can tell you first hand when you hold on to the past, you'll only find misery.' /    ' I know you're scared, but I can swear, you'll forget the times you've screamed out "Life's not fair", So listen please, it's time, to take back your life. ' - The Sacral 

Music & Dance

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