Relationship Stress Community: Check-In (Dec 30 - Jan 5)

Hello there, Relationship Stress Community!
To start off this week…
How are you feeling today?
Do you prefer mornings or nights, and what’s your favorite thing about them?
Watching holiday movies or reading by the fireplace?
Excited to hear from all of you! Have a great week ahead <3
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@confidentVision4766 @conscientiousPineapple1782 @ConversationThot404 @Cparsons816 @CraigyP @crazycountry210 @creativeComputer2115 @DanaMH @dancersoul @dancingLake682 @DanielaC @DanielGarzaV @daydreammemories @decisiveScarf8956 @Den2542 @discreetShip7372 @DogFish1 @doodlefroggie @dopey @EchoTheDragon @electricLily13 @ella12346 @ELLE @Emirson2018 @EncouragingSteps @enthusiasticTortoise6681 @eohseo @Everythingisbetterinyourpyjamas @EvolvedScorpio @Explorer6115 @exuberantStrawberries9544 @faithfulHickory1025 @Falkenberg @fantasticDancer50 @Feepersane @Floatingbubbles @fluffycow27 @forcefulFriend4768 @Foreverchangedbyyou @Francescahelps @FranklyMaple @Freshmelon54 @Friendlycomfort81 @frostedPudding @Gabrielamtineo @generousWriter2778 @glasseyedgrace @GodsBabyGirl1981 @goldenFlower74 @gracefulVoice9463 @grassup @Gtalker8845 @GusteeMoon123 @gymnast9460 @Hailey3 @hairyxsnail @HarmonyBlossom @Hashib22 @HealingBrokenWIngs @healingHeart1111 @healinghearts0718 @Healingwhispers14 @Heartofgold07092019 @heavenlyHug9328 @helloapple1885 @helloCity5743 @hereforyoualways123 @heysunshine12 @hippiewannabe @honestWater4345 @honeypie720 @Hope3729 @hopefulPower54 @HopefulPower54 @HumorousPear1826 @iDeepScar @ILikeCilantro @imaginativeneverhappening @imofficiallyburnt @IMott71 @imrose123 @independentClementine6064 @infinitivethoughts2k19 @ingeniousfriend59 @intuitiveSummer6764 @JamilaBrownPsyD @Janet33 @JellyBean299 @jerom222 @joiefae @jwong611 @k87 @Kailah15 @kasmin21 @Katee02 @Katheryn @KatLis123 @Katrine92 @Kentsch @ketket68 @Kevin2009 @kindJoy3316 @kindLemon2749 @kizzyaaliyah @Kpopcat2020 @LadyDair @LadyInSilence @Lalonso2 @LavenderHere @lavenderOrange4849 @LeafOnABranch @LeoisListening @LePapillon @Lexloveslife @lightDrum8955 @lightLemonIsaac5408 @LightSoul108 @limeVillage7000 @Liv143 @Lovelylady18 @Lunasel @Lunaticphilosopher @luvkyleigh @lyricalPillow74 @lyricalpillow74 @madels20033 @magicalHorizon48 @mamapants @Mared @MarvelousMack11 @Mavvinder @mbrito712 @Mellietronx @Mellifluous11 @Mia1602 @MidwesternCalmSeeker @MikkyA @MilaAvery @MissDaria18 @MithLycos @modestPine7046 @Morpheus13 @MotherOfAVirgo @Mountainmystic777 @Mrrytu @MyownkindaCrazzi @nabilah17ism @navyOcean3488 @ngsuling1986 @niceCLEMEMTINE1415 @niceDaisy36 @Ninab0bina123 @ninetaleslove @NityaSpiritualHealer @NotAllHere713 @Offmytrack @onedirection1213 @OneErased @Open2Change @ouiCherie @OwenJackson73 @pandaprincess9 @Pandora3796 @pathFinder1725 @patientBranch9284 @peachkitty @PerpetuallyKekastrophic @persistentShade5213 @phia7292 @phia7293 @pioneeringSkies8568 @PlumBeechwood7549 @purpleMango7295 @PurplePansies21 @Purplerain00001 @purpleTree4652 @PurpleVelvet @quickwittedOwl8855 @quitahearsyou @Radioguy @Randomguyuk @Rebekahwriter13 @red85 @Rednuc270539 @rheyoflight @richbich @rieeavery1920 @RoboPhantom @Roro36 @RoseJuliet @rosenova1513 @rrrak @ryha3274 @Sadstan869 @Saeraleis @safetysource12 @Sailor57 @SaimaK @sarahR2004 @SavoyTruffle20 @selfloveisthecure88 @SentientiaPoecile @Seri123 @sgtdavis33 @ShareenBirgesBASSCounGDYMH @ShawnMendesGoals @She13 @ShineWithin @shugha14 @Siciturastra @Silver0824 @sincereFarm2814 @Skybar @skyfallingrain @Skywalker2002 @Skyy0 @sociableOcean9153 @Softheart01 @Solivagant2609 @somewhathappy @SophieKate547 @SparklingSnowflake15 @Spiritseaker @SpreadPeaceandlove @SpringWaltz @SquishySquid01 @StardustLetters @starplucker123 @Stephen @stephi0504 @strawberrywillow @Sugarcoat3 @SugareeIsMe091121 @Summershy @sunnyApricot6027 @SupportiveMonkey46 @sweetcake0707 @sweetlife101 @SylvestreX @Tahja07 @Tazzie @thegirlnatureforgot625 @TheMcManager @TheMushroomMan1216 @thisllpass @thisthenewme @Tiger222 @TranquilSkye @TravellingPrincess @tryingmybest7 @unassumingHuman4669 @understandingWater785 @Uniquesmiley @urbanwave @vallllllllllllll @w305 @warmheartedPlace7925 @Warrior2684 @Waves4 @Webehejdjfj @weirdbook @Wildarkberry @WinglessYetFlying @Wittie96 @WriterOfTheNight @WunderfrogWeirdo @xandia @XanFransisco @Xerah @YankeeOrangetiger @SpiritTea @Grammy23 @quietlistener2023 @HopefulOne81 @modestRaspberries7557 @BeautifullyLostxo @batgirl1234

Hey there @KatePersephone ! Thanks for the post 💛
To start off this week,
• I’m feeling pretty good today! How about you all?
• I think I prefer mornings probably because, it’s so bright and fresh, and I feel more energized (and maybe a little less sleepy).
• As for holiday vibes, I’d go with reading by the fireplace. There’s just something so cozy and calming about being wrapped up in a good book by the warmth of a fire.
What about you @KatePersephone
@MilaAvery thank you for your response, mila!
i am doing quite well, thank you for asking! (:
i overall prefer mornings because i love the sun and i love when it's light outside and it makes me feel productive and boosts my mood, but i somehow can't bring myself to go to sleep at night because suddenly i start feeling like i need to turn my life around 180 degrees! lol
and as much as i love holiday movies, reading by the fireplace sounds like the best thing to do during winter!

How are you feeling today?
I started today feeling a lot worse than I do right now, so I'm slowly feeling better.
Do you prefer mornings or nights, and what’s your favorite thing about them?
Nights. Always nights. Except that it gets cold sometimes.
Watching holiday movies or reading by the fireplace?
Neither. Skipped out on holiday movies this year essentially. Don't got a fireplace to read by.
@batgirl1234 thank you for sharing with us, batgirl!
I'm glad you were slowly feeling better after feeling bad for sometime!
As someone who loves mornings yet always somehow ends up being awake during nighttime and doing more things when it's late, i get why you'd choose nights!
To be fair myself, I also do not have a fireplace to really read by (i just do it on the bed next to the radiator, haha), and especially with holiday movies, if you've watched them all already, it can be tiring watching them over and over again.. :')

Hi, Persephone,
How are you feeling today? I feel good and relaxed.
Do you prefer mornings or nights, and what’s your favorite thing about them? I love the night. I love the shades of dim lights and that I can relax without any business to take care of.
Watching holiday movies or reading by the fireplace? I guess the movies.

I'm feeling terrible, i prefer nights bc i can just vibe listening to music and id say movies
@FalconFootball91 thank you for sharing with us falcon!
i really hope you are feeling better today <3
vibing to music during nighttime is honestly so nice.. i love it, too! what are some of your favorite songs, actually? (:

How are you feeling today?
tired, but okay ishDo you prefer mornings or nights, and what’s your favorite thing about them?
nights, theyre quiet and peaceful!Watching holiday movies or reading by the fireplace?
ooh, tough choice. but im in the mood for movies so first one!
@daydreammemories thank you for sharing with us daydream!
i get the feeling of being tired honestly, but glad to hear you're doing okay apart from that!
nights are indeed quiet and peaceful, can definitely agree!
it can be quite tough choosing between movies and books to be fair! :'D
