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Sexual attraction: What's the difference between romantic attraction and sexual attraction?

320 Answers
Last Updated: 01/20/2020 at 3:57pm
Sexual attraction: What's the difference between romantic attraction and sexual attraction?
★ This question about LGBTQ+ Issues was starred by a moderator on 5/12/2016.
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Johanna Liasides, MSc, PhDc


I work with youth and young adults to help them improve depressive symptoms and self-esteem as well as effectively address family, relationship and peer conflicts.

Top Rated Answers
July 4th, 2015 5:34pm
They are often though of as the same thing, but they are not. Sexual attraction is about feeling physically for someone. Romantic attraction is who you would want to date and fall in love with. For example, I could label myself as a homoromantic bisexual if I wanted to. I will only date girls, but I can experience physical attraction to both of the sexes at times.
July 4th, 2015 4:49pm
well sexual attraction is portrayt as an attraction from wich you just wish a sexual relation or just sex and the "no strings attached"while the romantic is one that includes the sexual attraction but you expect a relationship, dating, love, comittement (according to how you define commitement ) basicly someone you are willing to build a life with or willing to change yours so you 2 can fuse together
July 4th, 2015 5:55am
With the first one you feel that being with this person makes you happy and it makes your heart hurt, and the second one makes you to think that you had the necessity of having sex with this person no matter what.
July 4th, 2015 1:41am
Romantic attraction is when you want to date someone and care for them greatly. Sexual attraction usually is more physical. You find them physically attractive. Romantic attraction is about mental attraction as well.
July 3rd, 2015 11:23pm
Romantic attraction is when you're like, "Wow I wan to date that person." While sexual is, "Wow I wanna have intercourse with this person."
July 3rd, 2015 9:20pm
Romantic attraction tends to relate to things like hugging, kissing, holding hands, etc. Sexual attraction is sexual acts. Someone could have no interest in sex, but they could still have a romantic attraction to someone. Or it could work the other way round.
July 3rd, 2015 11:14am
Romantic attraction is very much what you see on the inside of someone, sexual attraction is wanting to have sex or have sexual relations with someone because of their outer appearance.
July 3rd, 2015 2:34am
Romantic attraction is when you want to hold hands, kiss, and go on dates with. Sexual attraction is when you want to have sex with that person.
July 3rd, 2015 1:28am
Romantic attraction is a feeling of emotional love. You enjoy the other person's company, personality, and aspects of them that include but are most definitely not limited to physical. Sexual attraction is love exclusively for a person's body. It is also referred to as lust. When sexual and romantic attraction coexist, a healthy partnership is created.
July 2nd, 2015 8:51pm
Love and lust, two very different things, often mistaken for the same thing. A loving sexual relationship is much different than just a normal sexual relationship when you find each other attractive. It's usually the heat of the moment.
July 2nd, 2015 6:41pm
Romantic attraction seeks affection. Sexual attraction seeks lust/sexual activity. Someone who is romantically attracted would want to be exclusive in some way. Sexual attraction is wrapped in the physical aspect and not much else.
July 2nd, 2015 5:14pm
Romance is who you want to hug and do "romantic" things with,sexual is who you want to have sex with
July 2nd, 2015 4:55am
Romantic attraction is about who you are interested in having a relationship with, whereas sexual attraction is about who you would want to have intimate, physical contact with.
July 2nd, 2015 2:24am
Romantic attraction is when you want somebody to love. You want a relationship with that person, regardless of sex or not. Sexual attraction is when you like someone's body, or you desire sexual activity with them. You may know you are experiencing sexual attraction when you have one night stands but have no desire in continuing a relationship with that person.
July 1st, 2015 9:44pm
In short: romantic attraction is who you fall in love with and would like to go out with, while sexual attraction is who you are attracted to sexually and would like to sleep with. The two often overlap, but not always -- there's plenty of examples of people feeling one without the other, such as one night stands that are often based on lust (sexual attraction) and not a long-lasting emotional bond (romantic attraction).
July 1st, 2015 6:42pm
Sexual attraction generally consists of a physical desire to be with someone, but may not necessarily include any sort of emotional attachment
July 1st, 2015 11:13am
Romantic attraction is the feeling of willing to take someone in your arms for instance, or cuddle them, kiss them... Sexual attraction is willing to have sex with them, even if it is without penetration.
July 1st, 2015 8:56am
Romantic attraction involves feelings and sexual attraction involves genitalia. They can be related or unrelated.
July 1st, 2015 4:23am
Romantic attraction is wanting to be with that person, and do cute couple things with them, meanwhile sexual attraction is being attracted to their body, and wanting to have sex. Both types of attraction are normal, but not everybody feels them in the same way. You can feel on, but the other, or maybe not feel either of them at all.
July 1st, 2015 1:51am
When you are romantically attracted to someone in my opinion you can't take your mind off of how great they are. You just want to talk to them every second of everyday and you just never get bored with them. You want to show how much you care with small gestures or just try to do anything to make them happy and keep them smiling. Sexual attraction is basically lust. It is not love, it's being physically attracted to someone based more off of looks than personality. Mostly you think about having intercourse with the person and that's about it.
June 28th, 2015 8:45pm
Romantic attraction is being in love. the desire to have romantic relationship and romantic activities. Sexual attraction is the desire to have sexual activities with someone (or someones), to who you are sexually attracted. Although they usually go together, they don't have to be connected also, I know some people who are sexually bi and romantically hetero for example.
June 28th, 2015 7:54pm
Romantic attraction is an interest in a romantic relationship, exchange of affection and intimacy, whereas sexual attraction is a an interest in physical intimacy. Both are neither mutually inclusive, or exclusive.
June 28th, 2015 12:18pm
romatic attraction is caring.. the true lov involvment is compulsory where as in the other side its bcoz of hormone s generated by our body
June 28th, 2015 7:19am
Romantic attraction you are going for their personality/comparability. Sexual you're going for lust.
June 28th, 2015 2:06am
Sexual attraction comes first. You want to touch that person, feel their presence, kiss them and so on. Their body excites you, their looks attract you. Romantic attraction needs time - once you get to know the person, the way they say something, the look they have in their eye when they talk about their passion, and how all that makes you smile - now, that's romantic attraction :)
June 27th, 2015 9:45pm
With romantic attraction, you care what the person thinks about you even if you have no hope of getting together with them.
June 27th, 2015 8:09pm
Um. Romantic Attraction is when you are "platonically" attracted to people, as in you would love to hold their hand and kiss them, but you don't feel a need to have intercourse. Sexual attraction includes the possibility of wanting to have sex and having feeling of possible of lust
June 27th, 2015 4:51pm
This is a really good question! I think a lot of people seem to have their own specific definition of the two terms, so here's my own: -Romantic attraction is the more "emotional" attraction. It is feeling attracted to a person in a way where you enjoy spending time with someone, and want to form a close, intimate relationship with them. It's looking -Sexual attraction is more about wanting to have sex with a person. You can certainly have really romantic, emotional sex, but sexual attraction alone is more about the physical components to a relationship, and not the personal parts. Romantic attraction is the love and sexual attraction is the lust in a relationship. They can be intertwined, or someone could only feel one type of attraction. It can also be more gender specific. So, one could identify as being attracted romantically to both males and females, but only be attracted sexually to one of those genders.
June 27th, 2015 1:05pm
Romantic attraction occurs when you feel a strong desire to be close with and spend time with another and want to show acts of kindness for this person. Romantic attraction is about enjoying another's personality and conversations. Sexual attraction is when you feel strong desires related to physical and sexual desires and you wish to be intimate with this person in a sexual way. Sexual attraction is about admiring a person for their beauty and sensuality. It is possible to feel both kinds of attraction simultaneously, as well as each on their own.
June 27th, 2015 6:14am
Romantic attraction is a mindset where you wanna be with that certain person for a lifetime but sexual attraction is a mindset where you find someone hot and your sexual desires go all out.