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How can I support my friend who is transgender?

Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Nov 5, 2014 more
Don't feel like you need to make a big deal out of it. Try your hardest to use their preferred pronouns and name if they've decided to change it, let them know that you're there if they want to talk about anything and let them know you support their decision, and there isn't much else you really need to do.
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Profile: Erynn
Erynn on Dec 24, 2014 more
1) Truly honor their gender identity. Use their pronouns and whatever name they ask you to call them. 2) DO NOT out them. Ever. To anyone. Ask them how Out they are, and if there are specific people or places they are in the closet. They need to be able to choose who they are out to to be emotionally, physically, and economically safe. 3) Do some research! Learn what are common mistakes so that you can avoid them. Learn what people find supportive, so you can do that. If you want to be a Super Friend: 4) Learn about gender roles and expectations and stereotypes and start to understand the gender as a social construct. 5) Read books, watch videos and youtube clips, read blogs by people who are trans, and visit trans-related websites. The more and more you learn, the more you can communicate on a deep and compassionate and articulate level about gender, gender issues, and the many issues trans folk face. More than anything though - Just be their friend. They are who they were before they told you, but now they can be more authentic and open about themselves. Realize what an honor they have given you by coming out to you. :)
Profile: RebeccaH
RebeccaH on Dec 29, 2014 more
Ask them. Your friend will tell you how you can best support them. It may start with using their preferred pronouns, or actively supporting their gender expression. It may also include going with them to LGBT or trans* support groups or clubs, or just being an advocate for them.
Profile: attainablehappiness
attainablehappiness on Oct 12, 2015 more
Understanding. Usually, the reason for hate is ignorance. If you read up on transgender issues and how transgender people feel, you can start to be more empathetic and have discussions on transgender issues. Use the right pronouns, respect their wishes. If you recognize what body dysphoria and hate crimes against trans people are, it will help you support them ultimately :)
Profile: softWingedgiraffe33
softWingedgiraffe33 on Nov 11, 2014 more
A good resource is PFLAG and the Trevor Project, I believe both have resources for Allies :). Also, just be there for them!
Profile: MonBon
MonBon on Nov 11, 2014 more
Treat them like you usually do; they're still a person. Try to use their preferred pronouns and treat them like they're your friend -- because they still are!
Profile: minervasarrowcomplex
minervasarrowcomplex on Dec 21, 2014 more
Remind them that you love them for who they are, and how important it is for them to love themselves, too. If you are confused by their process, ask them questions about what they are feeling. There are great books available on the transgender experience, as well, such as Whipping Girl by Julia Serano. Reading books like these, and sharing them with your friend can be an enormous gesture.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Jun 7, 2015 more
Be there for them no matter what! As a trans, I can say that that is the biggest support I could ever have.
Profile: HelpingHand56
HelpingHand56 on Dec 8, 2015 more
well , understand them and their sitution , ask them what they like to be called and their prefered name . Dont ask them what makes them uncomfortable like what gender they were born as and like sugery and what not , chances are they may not even know , its kinda like a stranger coming up to you and asking where you live . get my point ? you have to be close to someone before they feel comfortable to anwser , for now just be there :)
Profile: uniqueHeart20
uniqueHeart20 on Aug 10, 2015 more
A great way to support someone who is transgender is to use the proper pronouns and let them know that you will be there for them no matter what!
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Dec 12, 2015 more
Honestly, let them know that you are there for them. Ask them how you could help. Very likely, there won't be any specific thing that they tell you. In which case, just love them and listen to them and be their friend like you've always been.
Profile: Gardeviola
Gardeviola on Nov 7, 2014 more
Just accept them for who they are. They are still a person, and please call them by what gender they identify by.
Profile: Emily717
Emily717 on Nov 12, 2014 more
Ask your friend any questions you might have. It's better to ask and get answers than to assume anything. Just remember to be respectful.
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Nov 16, 2014 more
one great day to support them is to use their correct pronouns and always introduce them by using their correct pronouns. that will help with their gender dysforia
Profile: Anonymous
Anonymous on Nov 18, 2014 more
You can support your friend who is transgender by being there to support them and listen and understand what they are going through in their time of need.
Profile: bunnyofdarkness
bunnyofdarkness on Apr 1, 2015 more
I have a friend who is transgender, I think the best thing to do is just try to support their decision. Be there for them, talk about it if they want to talk about it. If you don't know how to treat them, or you feel maybe you should change your behaviour, ask them. It's probably better than you just trying to guess how they want you to behave.
Profile: mysteriousWillow50
mysteriousWillow50 on Apr 10, 2015 more
Simply tell your friend that you support their choices do dress/act/be as they feel they should be. Also be there to listen to them when they need someone to talk to. And most importantly, show that whether their being transgender is a new concept to you or something you've known about for a while that it doesn't affect the fact you still care about them as a person. Also, just my experience with transgendered friends, always refer to them with the pronoun (he/she or the male/femalename) of their preference/choosing.
Profile: manekineko11
manekineko11 on May 4, 2015 more
Ask them. No two people are the same. Some prefer active support and championing, others would rather you just keep treating them as you always have. Don't try to guess their feelings or desires. Just say "Hey, I know you're going through this and want you to know I'm here for you. What, if anything, would you like me to do to show my support?"
Profile: GoldenDragonEyes60
GoldenDragonEyes60 on May 7, 2015 more
Be there for them just like you would any other friend of yours. They're slightly different than other people, but deep down they're just like anyone else, that's the kind of treatment that they would deserve.
Profile: KatieKhaleesi
KatieKhaleesi on May 17, 2015 more
You can listen to them and respectfully use whatever pronouns they wish. Do not try to tell them how they should feel but accept their feelings as valid. Treat them as you would treat anyone who may be struggling, and try to give them a sense of comfort/hope in relation to their situation.
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