How to build a strong long distance relationship?

Jul 12, 2024 more
To build a strong long-distance relationship, trust, mutual effort and communication are prerequisites. In the beginning, establish clear expectations and limits to make sure both parties understand each other. Regular communication is important; it is good to have time for video calls, text messages, even handwritten letters to keep the closeness alive. Besides big occasions, share the small details of everyday life that will help in developing intimacy. The planning of visits and creating goals together provide a concrete aspect to look forward to. Surprise visits and sending over surprise gifts could also help enhance the bond. Let’s be patient and understanding as there might be hurdles but through team work and love they can be overcome. Celebrate success together with offering support during hard times so that even though you are far apart physically your emotional bond should remain strong always.
Dealing with relationship stress?

Sep 9, 2024 more
Building and nurturing long distance relationships can definitely be challenging, and they can evoke stress and anxiety when trying to find ways to manage it. One key thing to remember when in a long-distance relationship is loyalty on both ends and communication. It's a must to communicate effectively especially from different parts of the world, having open conversations and expressing feelings could be hard but is necessary for having a healthy relationship. You should trust you significant other and they should have trust in you. Being so far away, it can be worrying when you're not aware of what else may be taking place in their lives so having trust and being loyal is a significant part of developing a strong long distance relationship with someone. I hope this was helpful.

Sep 20, 2024 more
Relationships, in general, are hard. Long distance relationships are no different... only it may come with its own share of obstacles. Not everyone is built to be able to endure it. It literally takes 2 willing people to make it work and they have to be willing to put in the work. They have to be willing to compromise and sometimes sacrifice. However, as long as both people have established that they are willing and do what is necessary to keep the relationship afloat, then I believe it is possible. Even from a distance, there are little things you two can do to keep the spark alive. Calling, texting, video chatting, writing letters via snail mail, sending flowers and gifts are all excellent ideas. It is about finding what works best for you and your partner to express your love language. When time and money permits, you two can even arrange to link and see one another. The emotional and mental aspects of relationships are important but so is the physical aspect, as well. Even though you two may not be together physically right now, you both should prioritize one another despite all the busyness in your lives. Make each other feel special like they are the most important person in your life. Communication, trust, loyalty, fidelity, etc are all needed. Forgiveness too! I believe when 2 people love each other, they can overcome life's obstacles as long as they do it together. I am wishing you and your partner a very happy and fulfilling relationship. Take care.

Oct 26, 2024 more
Long distance relationships require trust and communication. Being able to trust your partner and them being able to trust you makes it less likely for insecurity to brew. Trust makes it easier to feel safe in the relationship. It also leads to less fights. Good communication is vital. You and your partner should be on the same page about how often you guys need to communicate. Whether that is a day, every other day, or weekly it is important that y'all have the same expectations for communication. Another thing I would recommend is zooms. Zooms are fun because you can look at your partner on your laptop instead of your phone. I remember me and my boyfriend would use zoom every day because it made us feel closer to each other.