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Managing The Bubble Of Emotions
7 Cups Online Therapy / by soulsings
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1 day ago
...See more * How do you cope with being upset? * How do you manage your emotions so they do not build up and evolve into an argument with another person? Taglist Updated 2/3/25 @3timesLeo @4Jasmine @Admirablerainbow2825 @adventureawaits777 @adventurousBranch3786 @Alaskanskies @AlexMbale @allen99 @allnaturalWillow7138 @alysianna @ambitiousGlobe3422 @ambitioushope1234 @ambitiousHickory9113 @amiablePeace77 @Ashy123 @Astralboy @augustine1304 @balderasdavid799 @BeamsOfHope00 @Beepyy @bence2 @bestThinker1986 @BipolarBear1983 @BlackyDragon @blissedNblessed @bluelemon6419 @bobw @bouncyFireworks3811 @blueAcai236 @BPDBadee @Brittanny17 @brightOcean1599 @candybubblegumsprinkles @calmcoral @CaringSub @CatHanderOutNoah @Catunion @charmaeausty @charliebee1121 @ComfortablePeace2121 @courageouspanda2006 @courageousPomegranate766 @courteousKite6821 @creativeCar5713 @creatingHealthyOutcome @crimsonCoconut1711 @crimsonPapaya @crystalclearnow @cyanVase4070 @CyclingThroughLife @daydreammemories @deborahdebbie @dlynn88911221 @Desmynn6789 @DkIfINeedHelpOrSleep @dysfunctionjunction1224 @Echoheart7236 @EllyMerelyn @emotionalpal710 @emotionalPenguin4374 @empathicPresence9091 @EmpoweringSam @endure777 @energeticThinker6924 @enthusiasticAcai2032 @enthusiasticBeach8170 @enthusiasticTortoise6681 @exuberantStrawberries9544 @FaithMagic @fearlessCup8704 @FleurdeNeige @FlowerEV777 @FracturedPurple @Fradiga @fruityPond7887 @Genlistener @geribear @Gettingbettertoday @Ghasaq997 @GlitteryHearts @glowingPresence86 @energeticThinker6924@GoldenNest2727 @GothamRam @gregariousField7151 @GreyorFelix @gva1audi @happyness @hardworkingBeechwood6063 @heartstopper13 @helloPineapple2451 @helpfulDime0407 @Henry2000 @Hereforyouall144 @hopefaith2011 @imaginativepear6493 @ingeniousLove9924 @intuitivepixie1331 @Itzcharlotteg @JanMad87 @Jordan1872 @k87 @Kenn13chan @kindcircle3085 @kateeew @Kaydeee @kindRiver6 @kohandlen @Kristian1 @kristynsmama @Lauren63 @Leahm9703 @LillyPad12345 @LisaMeighanMBPsS @lostwithouther97 @lovelycoacoa @magneticDreamer6447 @mariah2009 @Marita7391 @meaningfulSilence @meeeeee @meowcat1216 @mia4819 @Mich765 @mindtalk @miraculousTouch2949 @miresama @modestTangerine2193 @MoonMomm @MoreThanJustMe @Mscooper2789 @myloveee3 @mytwistedsoul @navyAcres6073 @nessa104 @NotAllHere713 @oa4me @Oceansky93 @OneErased @onkia122 @orangypie @pamharley003 @paperBird3348 @patientwater @peacefulRainbow05 @peachyOctopus9691 @PhilosophicalModel @PiecesOfWhoeverIWas @pinkpolkadots @PinkTriangle133 @pioneeringHuman7775 @politeGrapefruit179 @pompom @PurpleHearts7 @purpletree4652 @Pvoigt @Qoqnus @QueerChaos259 @rachelkb123 @raddogme @Rainboho @Randumuser1 @redirecting @reguna reservedOwl6476@fighton @reservedPark4029 @resilience2025 @RMaunil @Rod88 @RogueOne1983 @sandie @Scarletpear1945 @ShapeshiftSystem @SilverSeastar @SleepingFoxAkari @slothgurl17 @SnaryPoppins07 @softParadise1540 @soulsings @SparklyFly @sorrowedbunny1256 @SpongeBob2021 @Squidward @StarryCandy6123 @stephbrent @SugareeIsMe091121 @summerkay2024 @tallWalker4850 @TealPhotog @ThadSterling @theroadisbright @thesoda @thoughtsbubbleexpress @ThoughtfulMomma @tifecandy @tinywhisper11 @tiredbubble00 @tjitalia @toughLand5970 @treefrog1234 @txrmentedSxul @UniversalSmile @warmheart0890 @WentToBruv @waves @WorriedMagpie @WorkingitThrough2 @YellowTiger5674 @yzzil @zeffa @Zeraphim @Zsazsa524
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Higher Self Esteem
7 Cups Online Therapy / by soulsings
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12 hours ago
...See more * What is something you've overcome in life that helped you feel better about yourself?   Taglist Updated 2/3/25 @3timesLeo @4Jasmine @Admirablerainbow2825 @adventureawaits777 @adventurousBranch3786 @Alaskanskies @AlexMbale @allen99 @allnaturalWillow7138 @alysianna @ambitiousGlobe3422 @ambitioushope1234 @ambitiousHickory9113 @amiablePeace77 @Ashy123 @Astralboy @augustine1304 @balderasdavid799 @BeamsOfHope00 @Beepyy @bence2 @bestThinker1986 @BipolarBear1983 @BlackyDragon @blissedNblessed @bluelemon6419 @bobw @bouncyFireworks3811 @blueAcai236 @BPDBadee @Brittanny17 @brightOcean1599 @candybubblegumsprinkles @calmcoral @CaringSub @CatHanderOutNoah @Catunion @charmaeausty @charliebee1121 @ComfortablePeace2121 @courageouspanda2006 @courageousPomegranate766 @courteousKite6821 @creativeCar5713 @creatingHealthyOutcome @crimsonCoconut1711 @crimsonPapaya @crystalclearnow @cyanVase4070 @CyclingThroughLife @daydreammemories @deborahdebbie @dlynn88911221 @Desmynn6789 @DkIfINeedHelpOrSleep @dysfunctionjunction1224 @Echoheart7236 @EllyMerelyn @emotionalpal710 @emotionalPenguin4374 @empathicPresence9091 @EmpoweringSam @endure777 @energeticThinker6924 @enthusiasticAcai2032 @enthusiasticBeach8170 @enthusiasticTortoise6681 @exuberantStrawberries9544 @FaithMagic @fearlessCup8704 @FleurdeNeige @FlowerEV777 @FracturedPurple @Fradiga @fruityPond7887 @Genlistener @geribear @Gettingbettertoday @Ghasaq997 @GlitteryHearts @glowingPresence86 @energeticThinker6924@GoldenNest2727 @GothamRam @gregariousField7151 @GreyorFelix @gva1audi @happyness @hardworkingBeechwood6063 @heartstopper13 @helloPineapple2451 @helpfulDime0407 @Henry2000 @Hereforyouall144 @hopefaith2011 @imaginativepear6493 @ingeniousLove9924 @intuitivepixie1331 @Itzcharlotteg @JanMad87 @Jordan1872 @k87 @Kenn13chan @kindcircle3085 @kateeew @Kaydeee @kindRiver6 @kohandlen @Kristian1 @kristynsmama @Lauren63 @Leahm9703 @LillyPad12345 @LisaMeighanMBPsS @lostwithouther97 @lovelycoacoa @magneticDreamer6447 @mariah2009 @Marita7391 @meaningfulSilence @meeeeee @meowcat1216 @mia4819 @Mich765 @mindtalk @miraculousTouch2949 @miresama @modestTangerine2193 @MoonMomm @MoreThanJustMe @Mscooper2789 @myloveee3 @mytwistedsoul @navyAcres6073 @nessa104 @NotAllHere713 @oa4me @Oceansky93 @OneErased @onkia122 @orangypie @pamharley003 @paperBird3348 @patientwater @peacefulRainbow05 @peachyOctopus9691 @PhilosophicalModel @PiecesOfWhoeverIWas @pinkpolkadots @PinkTriangle133 @pioneeringHuman7775 @politeGrapefruit179 @pompom @PurpleHearts7 @purpletree4652 @Pvoigt @Qoqnus @QueerChaos259 @rachelkb123 @raddogme @Rainboho @Randumuser1 @redirecting @reguna reservedOwl6476@fighton @reservedPark4029 @resilience2025 @RMaunil @Rod88 @RogueOne1983 @sandie @Scarletpear1945 @ShapeshiftSystem @SilverSeastar @SleepingFoxAkari @slothgurl17 @SnaryPoppins07 @softParadise1540 @soulsings @SparklyFly @sorrowedbunny1256 @SpongeBob2021 @Squidward @StarryCandy6123 @stephbrent @SugareeIsMe091121 @summerkay2024 @tallWalker4850 @TealPhotog @ThadSterling @theroadisbright @thesoda @thoughtsbubbleexpress @ThoughtfulMomma @tifecandy @tinywhisper11 @tiredbubble00 @tjitalia @toughLand5970 @treefrog1234 @txrmentedSxul @UniversalSmile @warmheart0890 @WentToBruv @waves @WorriedMagpie @WorkingitThrough2 @YellowTiger5674 @yzzil @zeffa @Zeraphim @Zsazsa524
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Building Up Immunity
7 Cups Online Therapy / by soulsings
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17 hours ago
...See more Many people think about staying healthy this time of year in the northern winters. What we do for our body can have a positive effect on supporting our immune system or a negative effect if we do not support it very well. * What are you currently doing to support your immune system? Taglist Updated 1/27/25 @3timesLeo @4Jasmine @Admirablerainbow2825 @adventureawaits777 @adventurousBranch3786 @AlexMbale @allen99 @allnaturalWillow7138 @alysianna @ambitiousGlobe3422 @ambitioushope1234 @ambitiousHickory9113 @amiablePeace77 @Ashy123 @Astralboy @augustine1304 @balderasdavid799 @BeamsOfHope00 @Beepyy @bence2 @bestThinker1986 @BipolarBear1983 @BlackyDragon @blissedNblessed @bluelemon6419 @bobw @bouncyFireworks3811 @blueAcai236 @BPDBadee @Brittanny17 @brightOcean1599 @candybubblegumsprinkles @calmcoral @CaringSub @CatHanderOutNoah @Catunion @charmaeausty @charliebee1121 @ComfortablePeace2121 @courageouspanda2006 @courageousPomegranate766 @courteousKite6821 @creativeCar5713 @creatingHealthyOutcome @crimsonCoconut1711 @crimsonPapaya @crystalclearnow @cyanVase4070 @CyclingThroughLife @daydreammemories @deborahdebbie @dlynn88911221 @Desmynn6789 @DkIfINeedHelpOrSleep @dysfunctionjunction1224 @Echoheart7236 @EllyMerelyn @emotionalpal710 @emotionalPenguin4374 @empathicPresence9091 @EmpoweringSam @endure777 @energeticThinker6924 @enthusiasticAcai2032 @enthusiasticBeach8170 @enthusiasticTortoise6681 @exuberantStrawberries9544 @FaithMagic @fearlessCup8704 @FleurdeNeige @FlowerEV777 @FracturedPurple @Fradiga @fruityPond7887 @Genlistener @geribear @Gettingbettertoday @Ghasaq997 @GlitteryHearts @glowingPresence86 @energeticThinker6924@GoldenNest2727 @GothamRam @gregariousField7151 @GreyorFelix @gva1audi @happyness @hardworkingBeechwood6063 @heartstopper13 @helloPineapple2451 @helpfulDime0407 @Henry2000 @Hereforyouall144 @hopefaith2011 @imaginativepear6493 @ingeniousLove9924 @intuitivepixie1331 @Itzcharlotteg @JanMad87 @Jordan1872 @k87 @Kenn13chan @kindcircle3085 @kateeew @Kaydeee @kindRiver6 @kohandlen @Kristian1 @kristynsmama @Lauren63 @Leahm9703 @LillyPad12345 @LisaMeighanMBPsS @lostwithouther97 @lovelycoacoa @magneticDreamer6447 @mariah2009 @Marita7391 @meaningfulSilence @meeeeee @meowcat1216 @mia4819 @Mich765 @mindtalk @miraculousTouch2949 @miresama @modestTangerine2193 @MoonMomm @MoreThanJustMe @Mscooper2789 @myloveee3 @mytwistedsoul @navyAcres6073 @nessa104 @NotAllHere713 @oa4me @Oceansky93 @OneErased @onkia122 @orangypie @pamharley003 @paperBird3348 @patientwater @peacefulRainbow05 @peachyOctopus9691 @PhilosophicalModel @PiecesOfWhoeverIWas @pinkpolkadots @PinkTriangle133 @pioneeringHuman7775 @politeGrapefruit179 @pompom @PurpleHearts7 @purpletree4652 @Pvoigt @Qoqnus @QueerChaos259 @rachelkb123 @raddogme @Rainboho @Randumuser1 @redirecting @reguna reservedOwl6476@fighton @reservedPark4029 @resilience2025 @RMaunil @Rod88 @RogueOne1983 @sandie @Scarletpear1945 @ShapeshiftSystem @SilverSeastar @SleepingFoxAkari @slothgurl17 @SnaryPoppins07 @softParadise1540 @soulsings @SparklyFly @sorrowedbunny1256 @SpongeBob2021 @Squidward @StarryCandy6123 @stephbrent @SugareeIsMe091121 @summerkay2024 @tallWalker4850 @ThadSterling @theroadisbright @thesoda @thoughtsbubbleexpress @ThoughtfulMomma @tifecandy @tinywhisper11 @tiredbubble00 @tjitalia @toughLand5970 @txrmentedSxul @UniversalSmile @warmheart0890 @WentToBruv @waves @WorriedMagpie @WorkingitThrough2 @YellowTiger5674 @yzzil @zeffa @Zeraphim @Zsazsa524 *
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What Are You Cooking?
7 Cups Online Therapy / by soulsings
Last post
January 28th
...See more Imagine you had unlimited resources and wanted to open a restaurant. * If you owned a restaurant, what kind of food would it serve? * What kind of atmosphere would you create with the decor? Taglist Updated 1/27/25 @3timesLeo @4Jasmine @Admirablerainbow2825 @adventureawaits777 @adventurousBranch3786 @AlexMbale @allen99 @allnaturalWillow7138 @alysianna @ambitiousGlobe3422 @ambitioushope1234 @ambitiousHickory9113 @amiablePeace77 @Ashy123 @Astralboy @augustine1304 @balderasdavid799 @BeamsOfHope00 @Beepyy @bence2 @bestThinker1986 @BipolarBear1983 @BlackyDragon @blissedNblessed @bluelemon6419 @bobw @bouncyFireworks3811 @blueAcai236 @BPDBadee @Brittanny17 @brightOcean1599 @candybubblegumsprinkles @calmcoral @CaringSub @CatHanderOutNoah @Catunion @charmaeausty @charliebee1121 @ComfortablePeace2121 @courageouspanda2006 @courageousPomegranate766 @courteousKite6821 @creativeCar5713 @creatingHealthyOutcome @crimsonCoconut1711 @crimsonPapaya @crystalclearnow @cyanVase4070 @CyclingThroughLife @daydreammemories @deborahdebbie @dlynn88911221 @Desmynn6789 @DkIfINeedHelpOrSleep @dysfunctionjunction1224 @Echoheart7236 @EllyMerelyn @emotionalpal710 @emotionalPenguin4374 @empathicPresence9091 @EmpoweringSam @endure777 @energeticThinker6924 @enthusiasticAcai2032 @enthusiasticBeach8170 @enthusiasticTortoise6681 @exuberantStrawberries9544 @FaithMagic @fearlessCup8704 @FleurdeNeige @FlowerEV777 @FracturedPurple @Fradiga @fruityPond7887 @Genlistener @geribear @Gettingbettertoday @Ghasaq997 @GlitteryHearts @glowingPresence86 @energeticThinker6924@GoldenNest2727 @GothamRam @gregariousField7151 @GreyorFelix @gva1audi @happyness @hardworkingBeechwood6063 @heartstopper13 @helloPineapple2451 @helpfulDime0407 @Henry2000 @Hereforyouall144 @hopefaith2011 @imaginativepear6493 @ingeniousLove9924 @intuitivepixie1331 @Itzcharlotteg @JanMad87 @Jordan1872 @k87 @Kenn13chan @kindcircle3085 @kateeew @Kaydeee @kindRiver6 @kohandlen @Kristian1 @kristynsmama @Lauren63 @Leahm9703 @LillyPad12345 @LisaMeighanMBPsS @lostwithouther97 @lovelycoacoa @magneticDreamer6447 @mariah2009 @Marita7391 @meaningfulSilence @meeeeee @meowcat1216 @mia4819 @Mich765 @mindtalk @miraculousTouch2949 @miresama @modestTangerine2193 @MoonMomm @MoreThanJustMe @Mscooper2789 @myloveee3 @mytwistedsoul @navyAcres6073 @nessa104 @NotAllHere713 @oa4me @Oceansky93 @OneErased @onkia122 @orangypie @pamharley003 @paperBird3348 @patientwater @peacefulRainbow05 @peachyOctopus9691 @PhilosophicalModel @PiecesOfWhoeverIWas @pinkpolkadots @PinkTriangle133 @pioneeringHuman7775 @politeGrapefruit179 @pompom @PurpleHearts7 @purpletree4652 @Pvoigt @Qoqnus @QueerChaos259 @rachelkb123 @raddogme @Rainboho @Randumuser1 @redirecting @reguna reservedOwl6476@fighton @reservedPark4029 @resilience2025 @RMaunil @Rod88 @RogueOne1983 @sandie @Scarletpear1945 @ShapeshiftSystem @SilverSeastar @SleepingFoxAkari @slothgurl17 @SnaryPoppins07 @softParadise1540 @soulsings @SparklyFly @sorrowedbunny1256 @SpongeBob2021 @Squidward @StarryCandy6123 @stephbrent @SugareeIsMe091121 @summerkay2024 @tallWalker4850 @ThadSterling @theroadisbright @thesoda @thoughtsbubbleexpress @ThoughtfulMomma @tifecandy @tinywhisper11 @tiredbubble00 @tjitalia @toughLand5970 @txrmentedSxul @UniversalSmile @warmheart0890 @WentToBruv @waves @WorriedMagpie @WorkingitThrough2 @YellowTiger5674 @yzzil @zeffa @Zeraphim @Zsazsa524
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Get Ready For Today
7 Cups Online Therapy / by soulsings
Last post
January 24th
...See more * How are you preparing your day ahead? * What are you doing when you wake up in the morning to be ready to take on the day? Taglist Updated 1/20/25 @3timesLeo @4Jasmine @Admirablerainbow2825 @adventureawaits777 @adventurousBranch3786 @AlexMbale @allen99 @allnaturalWillow7138 @alysianna @ambitiousGlobe3422 @ambitioushope1234 @ambitiousHickory9113 @amiablePeace77 @Ashy123 @Astralboy @augustine1304 @balderasdavid799 @BeamsOfHope00 @Beepyy @bence2 @bestThinker1986 @BipolarBear1983 @BlackyDragon @blissedNblessed @bluelemon6419 @bobw @bouncyFireworks3811 @blueAcai236 @BPDBadee @Brittanny17 @brightOcean1599 @candybubblegumsprinkles @calmcoral @CaringSub @CatHanderOutNoah @Catunion @charmaeausty @charliebee1121 @ComfortablePeace2121 @courageousPomegranate766 @courteousKite6821 @creativeCar5713 @creatingHealthyOutcome @crimsonCoconut1711 @crimsonPapaya @crystalclearnow @cyanVase4070 @CyclingThroughLife @daydreammemories @deborahdebbie @dlynn88911221 @Desmynn6789 @DkIfINeedHelpOrSleep @dysfunctionjunction1224 @Echoheart7236 @EllyMerelyn @emotionalPenguin4374 @empathicPresence9091 @EmpoweringSam @endure777 @energeticThinker6924 @enthusiasticAcai2032 @enthusiasticBeach8170 @enthusiasticTortoise6681 @exuberantStrawberries9544 @FaithMagic @fearlessCup8704 @FleurdeNeige @FlowerEV777 @FracturedPurple @Fradiga @fruityPond7887 @Genlistener @geribear @Gettingbettertoday @Ghasaq997 @GlitteryHearts @glowingPresence86 @energeticThinker6924@GoldenNest2727 @GothamRam @gregariousField7151 @gva1audi @happyness @hardworkingBeechwood6063 @heartstopper13 @helloPineapple2451 @helpfulDime0407 @Henry2000 @Hereforyouall144 @hopefaith2011 @imaginativepear6493 @ingeniousLove9924 @intuitivepixie1331 @Itzcharlotteg @JanMad87 @Jordan1872 @k87 @Kenn13chan @kindcircle3085 @kateeew @Kaydeee @kindRiver6 @kohandlen @Kristian1 @kristynsmama @Lauren63 @Leahm9703 @LillyPad12345 @LisaMeighanMBPsS @lostwithouther97 @lovelycoacoa @magneticDreamer6447 @mariah2009 @Marita7391 @meaningfulSilence @meeeeee @meowcat1216 @mia4819 @Mich765 @mindtalk @miraculousTouch2949 @miresama @modestTangerine2193 @MoonMomm @MoreThanJustMe @Mscooper2789 @myloveee3 @mytwistedsoul @navyAcres6073 @nessa104 @NotAllHere713 @oa4me @Oceansky93 @OneErased @onkia122 @orangypie @pamharley003 @paperBird3348 @patientwater @peacefulRainbow05 @peachyOctopus9691 @PhilosophicalModel @PiecesOfWhoeverIWas @pinkpolkadots @PinkTriangle133 @pioneeringHuman7775 @politeGrapefruit179 @pompom @PurpleHearts7 @purpletree4652 @Pvoigt @Qoqnus @QueerChaos259 @rachelkb123 @raddogme @Rainboho @Randumuser1 @redirecting @reguna reservedOwl6476@fighton @reservedPark4029 @resilience2025 @RMaunil @Rod88 @RogueOne1983 @sandie @Scarletpear1945 @ShapeshiftSystem @SilverSeastar @SleepingFoxAkari @slothgurl17 @SnaryPoppins07 @softParadise1540 @soulsings @SparklyFly @sorrowedbunny1256 @SpongeBob2021 @Squidward @StarryCandy6123 @stephbrent @SugareeIsMe091121 @summerkay2024 @tallWalker4850 @ThadSterling @theroadisbright @thesoda @thoughtsbubbleexpress @ThoughtfulMomma @tifecandy @tinywhisper11 @tiredbubble00 @tjitalia @toughLand5970 @txrmentedSxul @UniversalSmile @warmheart0890 @WentToBruv @waves @WorriedMagpie @WorkingitThrough2 @YellowTiger5674 @yzzil @zeffa @Zeraphim @Zsazsa524
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Let's Learn
7 Cups Online Therapy / by soulsings
Last post
January 23rd
...See more * What practical life skills do you believe everyone should learn as a teen or young adult? Taglist Updated 1/20/25 @3timesLeo @4Jasmine @Admirablerainbow2825 @adventureawaits777 @adventurousBranch3786 @AlexMbale @allen99 @allnaturalWillow7138 @alysianna @ambitiousGlobe3422 @ambitioushope1234 @ambitiousHickory9113 @amiablePeace77 @Ashy123 @Astralboy @augustine1304 @balderasdavid799 @BeamsOfHope00 @Beepyy @bence2 @bestThinker1986 @BipolarBear1983 @BlackyDragon @blissedNblessed @bluelemon6419 @bobw @bouncyFireworks3811 @blueAcai236 @BPDBadee @Brittanny17 @brightOcean1599 @candybubblegumsprinkles @calmcoral @CaringSub @CatHanderOutNoah @Catunion @charmaeausty @charliebee1121 @ComfortablePeace2121 @courageousPomegranate766 @courteousKite6821 @creativeCar5713 @creatingHealthyOutcome @crimsonCoconut1711 @crimsonPapaya @crystalclearnow @cyanVase4070 @CyclingThroughLife @daydreammemories @deborahdebbie @dlynn88911221 @Desmynn6789 @DkIfINeedHelpOrSleep @dysfunctionjunction1224 @Echoheart7236 @EllyMerelyn @emotionalPenguin4374 @empathicPresence9091 @EmpoweringSam @endure777 @energeticThinker6924 @enthusiasticAcai2032 @enthusiasticBeach8170 @enthusiasticTortoise6681 @exuberantStrawberries9544 @FaithMagic @fearlessCup8704 @FleurdeNeige @FlowerEV777 @FracturedPurple @Fradiga @fruityPond7887 @Genlistener @geribear @Gettingbettertoday @Ghasaq997 @GlitteryHearts @glowingPresence86 @energeticThinker6924@GoldenNest2727 @GothamRam @gregariousField7151 @gva1audi @happyness @hardworkingBeechwood6063 @heartstopper13 @helloPineapple2451 @helpfulDime0407 @Henry2000 @Hereforyouall144 @hopefaith2011 @imaginativepear6493 @ingeniousLove9924 @intuitivepixie1331 @Itzcharlotteg @JanMad87 @Jordan1872 @k87 @Kenn13chan @kindcircle3085 @kateeew @Kaydeee @kindRiver6 @kohandlen @Kristian1 @kristynsmama @Lauren63 @Leahm9703 @LillyPad12345 @LisaMeighanMBPsS @lostwithouther97 @lovelycoacoa @magneticDreamer6447 @mariah2009 @Marita7391 @meaningfulSilence @meeeeee @meowcat1216 @mia4819 @Mich765 @mindtalk @miraculousTouch2949 @miresama @modestTangerine2193 @MoonMomm @MoreThanJustMe @Mscooper2789 @myloveee3 @mytwistedsoul @navyAcres6073 @nessa104 @NotAllHere713 @oa4me @Oceansky93 @OneErased @onkia122 @orangypie @pamharley003 @paperBird3348 @patientwater @peacefulRainbow05 @peachyOctopus9691 @PhilosophicalModel @PiecesOfWhoeverIWas @pinkpolkadots @PinkTriangle133 @pioneeringHuman7775 @politeGrapefruit179 @pompom @PurpleHearts7 @purpletree4652 @Pvoigt @Qoqnus @QueerChaos259 @rachelkb123 @raddogme @Rainboho @Randumuser1 @redirecting @reguna reservedOwl6476@fighton @reservedPark4029 @resilience2025 @RMaunil @Rod88 @RogueOne1983 @sandie @Scarletpear1945 @ShapeshiftSystem @SilverSeastar @SleepingFoxAkari @slothgurl17 @SnaryPoppins07 @softParadise1540 @soulsings @SparklyFly @sorrowedbunny1256 @SpongeBob2021 @Squidward @StarryCandy6123 @stephbrent @SugareeIsMe091121 @summerkay2024 @tallWalker4850 @ThadSterling @theroadisbright @thesoda @thoughtsbubbleexpress @ThoughtfulMomma @tifecandy @tinywhisper11 @tiredbubble00 @tjitalia @toughLand5970 @txrmentedSxul @UniversalSmile @warmheart0890 @WentToBruv @waves @WorriedMagpie @WorkingitThrough2 @YellowTiger5674 @yzzil @zeffa @Zeraphim @Zsazsa524
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The Sound of ...
7 Cups Online Therapy / by soulsings
Last post
January 25th
...See more Everyone responds to different sounds in different ways. * What’s the most pleasant sound for you? * What is the most unpleasant one? Taglist Updated 1/12/25 @3timesLeo @4Jasmine @Admirablerainbow2825 @adventureawaits777 @adventurousBranch3786 @AlexMbale @allen99 @allnaturalWillow7138 @alysianna @ambitiousGlobe3422 @ambitioushope1234 @ambitiousHickory9113 @amiablePeace77 @Ashy123 @Astralboy @augustine1304 @balderasdavid799 @BeamsOfHope00 @Beepyy @bence2 @bestThinker1986 @BipolarBear1983 @BlackyDragon @blissedNblessed @bluelemon6419 @bobw @bouncyFireworks3811 @blueAcai236 @Brittanny17 @brightOcean1599 @candybubblegumsprinkles @calmcoral @CaringSub @CatHanderOutNoah @Catunion @charmaeausty @charliebee1121 @ComfortablePeace2121 @courageousPomegranate766 @courteousKite6821 @creativeCar5713 @creatingHealthyOutcome @crimsonPapaya @crystalclearnow @cyanVase4070 @CyclingThroughLife @daydreammemories @deborahdebbie @dlynn88911221 @Desmynn6789 @DkIfINeedHelpOrSleep @dysfunctionjunction1224 @Echoheart7236 @EllyMerelyn @emotionalPenguin4374 @empathicPresence9091 @EmpoweringSam @endure777 @energeticThinker6924 @enthusiasticAcai2032 @enthusiasticBeach8170 @enthusiasticTortoise6681 @exuberantStrawberries9544 @FaithMagic @fearlessCup8704 @FleurdeNeige @FlowerEV777 @FracturedPurple @Fradiga @fruityPond7887 @Genlistener @geribear @Gettingbettertoday @Ghasaq997 @GlitteryHearts @glowingPresence86 @energeticThinker6924@GoldenNest2727 @GothamRam @gregariousField7151 @gva1audi @happyness @hardworkingBeechwood6063 @heartstopper13 @helloPineapple2451 @helpfulDime0407 @Henry2000 @Hereforyouall144 @hopefaith2011 @imaginativepear6493 @ingeniousLove9924 @intuitivepixie1331 @Itzcharlotteg @JanMad87 @Jordan1872 @k87 @Kenn13chan @kindcircle3085 @kateeew @Kaydeee @kindRiver6 @kohandlen @Kristian1 @kristynsmama @Lauren63 @Leahm9703 @LillyPad12345 @LisaMeighanMBPsS @lostwithouther97 @lovelycoacoa @magneticDreamer6447 @mariah2009 @Marita7391 @meaningfulSilence @meeeeee @meowcat1216 @mia4819 @Mich765 @mindtalk @miraculousTouch2949 @miresama @modestTangerine2193 @MoonMomm @MoreThanJustMe @Mscooper2789 @myloveee3 @mytwistedsoul @navyAcres6073 @nessa104 @NotAllHere713 @oa4me @Oceansky93 @OneErased @onkia122 @orangypie @pamharley003 @paperBird3348 @patientwater @peacefulRainbow05 @peachyOctopus9691 @PhilosophicalModel @PiecesOfWhoeverIWas @pinkpolkadots @PinkTriangle133 @pioneeringHuman7775 @politeGrapefruit179 @pompom @PurpleHearts7 @purpletree4652 @Pvoigt @Qoqnus @QueerChaos259 @rachelkb123 @raddogme @Rainboho @Randumuser1 @redirecting @reguna reservedOwl6476@fighton @reservedPark4029 @resilience2025 @RMaunil @Rod88 @RogueOne1983 @sandie @Scarletpear1945 @ShapeshiftSystem @SilverSeastar @SleepingFoxAkari @slothgurl17 @SnaryPoppins07 @softParadise1540 @soulsings @SparklyFly @sorrowedbunny1256 @SpongeBob2021 @Squidward @StarryCandy6123 @stephbrent @SugareeIsMe091121 @summerkay2024 @tallWalker4850 @ThadSterling @theroadisbright @thesoda @thoughtsbubbleexpress @ThoughtfulMomma @tifecandy @tinywhisper11 @tiredbubble00 @tjitalia @toughLand5970 @txrmentedSxul @UniversalSmile @warmheart0890 @WentToBruv @waves @WorriedMagpie @WorkingitThrough2 @YellowTiger5674 @yzzil @zeffa @Zeraphim @Zsazsa524
soulsings profile picture
Words To Live By
7 Cups Online Therapy / by soulsings
Last post
January 24th
...See more Everyone hears many words that inspire them to live life more fully and with goals to live by. * The words that I would like to live by are _______________________. Taglist Updated 1/12/25 @3timesLeo @4Jasmine @Admirablerainbow2825 @adventureawaits777 @adventurousBranch3786 @AlexMbale @allen99 @allnaturalWillow7138 @alysianna @ambitiousGlobe3422 @ambitioushope1234 @ambitiousHickory9113 @amiablePeace77 @Ashy123 @Astralboy @augustine1304 @balderasdavid799 @BeamsOfHope00 @Beepyy @bence2 @bestThinker1986 @BipolarBear1983 @BlackyDragon @blissedNblessed @bluelemon6419 @bobw @bouncyFireworks3811 @blueAcai236 @Brittanny17 @brightOcean1599 @candybubblegumsprinkles @calmcoral @CaringSub @CatHanderOutNoah @Catunion @charmaeausty @charliebee1121 @ComfortablePeace2121 @courageousPomegranate766 @courteousKite6821 @creativeCar5713 @creatingHealthyOutcome @crimsonPapaya @crystalclearnow @cyanVase4070 @CyclingThroughLife @daydreammemories @deborahdebbie @dlynn88911221 @Desmynn6789 @DkIfINeedHelpOrSleep @dysfunctionjunction1224 @Echoheart7236 @EllyMerelyn @emotionalPenguin4374 @empathicPresence9091 @EmpoweringSam @endure777 @energeticThinker6924 @enthusiasticAcai2032 @enthusiasticBeach8170 @enthusiasticTortoise6681 @exuberantStrawberries9544 @FaithMagic @fearlessCup8704 @FleurdeNeige @FlowerEV777 @FracturedPurple @Fradiga @fruityPond7887 @Genlistener @geribear @Gettingbettertoday @Ghasaq997 @GlitteryHearts @glowingPresence86 @energeticThinker6924@GoldenNest2727 @GothamRam @gregariousField7151 @gva1audi @happyness @hardworkingBeechwood6063 @heartstopper13 @helloPineapple2451 @helpfulDime0407 @Henry2000 @Hereforyouall144 @hopefaith2011 @imaginativepear6493 @ingeniousLove9924 @intuitivepixie1331 @Itzcharlotteg @JanMad87 @Jordan1872 @k87 @Kenn13chan @kindcircle3085 @kateeew @Kaydeee @kindRiver6 @kohandlen @Kristian1 @kristynsmama @Lauren63 @Leahm9703 @LillyPad12345 @LisaMeighanMBPsS @lostwithouther97 @lovelycoacoa @magneticDreamer6447 @mariah2009 @Marita7391 @meaningfulSilence @meeeeee @meowcat1216 @mia4819 @Mich765 @mindtalk @miraculousTouch2949 @miresama @modestTangerine2193 @MoonMomm @MoreThanJustMe @Mscooper2789 @myloveee3 @mytwistedsoul @navyAcres6073 @nessa104 @NotAllHere713 @oa4me @Oceansky93 @OneErased @onkia122 @orangypie @pamharley003 @paperBird3348 @patientwater @peacefulRainbow05 @peachyOctopus9691 @PhilosophicalModel @PiecesOfWhoeverIWas @pinkpolkadots @PinkTriangle133 @pioneeringHuman7775 @politeGrapefruit179 @pompom @PurpleHearts7 @purpletree4652 @Pvoigt @Qoqnus @QueerChaos259 @rachelkb123 @raddogme @Rainboho @Randumuser1 @redirecting @reguna reservedOwl6476@fighton @reservedPark4029 @resilience2025 @RMaunil @Rod88 @RogueOne1983 @sandie @Scarletpear1945 @ShapeshiftSystem @SilverSeastar @SleepingFoxAkari @slothgurl17 @SnaryPoppins07 @softParadise1540 @soulsings @SparklyFly @sorrowedbunny1256 @SpongeBob2021 @Squidward @StarryCandy6123 @stephbrent @SugareeIsMe091121 @summerkay2024 @tallWalker4850 @ThadSterling @theroadisbright @thesoda @thoughtsbubbleexpress @ThoughtfulMomma @tifecandy @tinywhisper11 @tiredbubble00 @tjitalia @toughLand5970 @txrmentedSxul @UniversalSmile @warmheart0890 @WentToBruv @waves @WorriedMagpie @WorkingitThrough2 @YellowTiger5674 @yzzil @zeffa @Zeraphim @Zsazsa524
Feedback & Reviews
Soul is wonderful and no matter how busy they are, everyone still matters
Thank you soo much
This listener is very understanding, non judgmental and kind. I am thankful for getting this support.
Amazing listener ❤️ best one to go to with your issues easy to talk to I would come to soul again
I am learning a lot from soul. They are a great person to learn from. I am blessed and very humbled, to have such a wise person as my friend/mentor and teacher.
So very nice and kind. Very understanding. A very caring person. A very nice Leader. Very easy to work for.
A very grateful individual.
Loved the way, they helped me to understand things better.
What can I say? Soulsings is a wonderful listener and facilitator of mindfulness discussions as well as huddle leader discussions. Very knowledgeable, informative, and extremely patient with those of us who are learning these important concepts. I recommend her highly.
Very kind person.
Nice person. Easy to please and get a long with. Very understanding. Very wise person. A great leader. A great teacher. A great friend.
Amazing Community Leader. They are such a wonderful human being. Very humbled to work with them.
So kind and very supportive.
They were friendly and answered alot of questions
Helpful, Patient, Accepting :D
Very helpful, kind and thoughtful!
Helpful, understanding and kind.
Very helpful insightful listener, patient and caring!
Soulsings is a fantastic listener and group leader. I always feel uplifted after chatting with Soul.
Very helpful and brings me comfort in feeling things will work out.
I love it here, he/she is the best thing ever Very excellent
Soulsings puts on some amazing classes and creates a supportive atmosphere every single time!
They seem calm and it was my first time opening up
Soulsings is always professional, helpful, tries hard to do everything right, follows all of 7cups rules and regulations always, is a nice person to be around, and has always been kind, considerate, good, helpful, and does what is needed for everyone.
Soul is professional and friendly, they say the right thing and just know what I need. They show they care and are there for me when I need someone.
Always helpful.
Concerning thoughts💗
Very good listener
She’s a good listener
She has been very helpful throughout my journey. She is easy to work with and very caring. Been great support and leader
she is very patient and caring
Soulsings helped me through a very hard time with their kindness and understanding. I'm glad that I could connect with them.
Soulsings is very supportive and has such a kind and calming presence.
Very professional and easygoing. Offers great suggestions for emotional self-care.
They are very calm and they made me smile.
She is extremely patient and kind. Her words lead to a solution.
He is a very good listener with very high quality.
thank you for being there for me
Very kind and understanding listener.
Soulsings has a very calming presence. I know I can go to them with whatever is upsetting me and they will help me process what's happening. I get what's needed, whether that's a sounding board or some help with insightful comments.
Extremely patient with me!!! I'm very grateful
Very helpful, was a really enjoyable, relaxing chat. Feel much better now. Wonderful listener.
Soul is amazing listener really caring wanting to support me I built a really good relationship with them and able to talk to them about everything that is going on in my life never turns me down really good at listening to me. They always happy to listen to what you got say and cont wait to continue with getting the support from them keep up amazing work soul thankyou for everything you done for me. They just one off the best listeners out there 💖💖♥️💕 I defo recmend soul if anyone needs to talk
Listened Actively. Offered Suggestions.
Soulsings was great at helping break the ice with day to day chatting to help me feel more comfortable in this setting
He is trying to help me get into 50+ and that means a lot to me.
It was simply amazing! The platform is also very nicely designed to facilitate conversations, thank you 7cups and hats off to the team of dedicated volunteers !!
thank you for being a light in my life soulsings.
Great job helping me to achieve a chat that I wanted to enter.
Soulsings is very helpful!
They are amazing. I couldn't ask for a better person to talk to and guide me
Soul was very patient, caring and gave me lots of helpful tips and links to look at. A credit to this community
Sousings has been very helpful, literally saved my day! :)
The listener was direct and got to the point. Asked good questions and offered a link to further support material.
soulsings is wonderful. I appreciate all the help from soulsings.
Amazingly kind, understanding and very professional. Soulsings made me feel understood. Very thankful for this listener.
Soul is always amazing
Really great really helpful makes me feel comfortable and a really a listener
Thanks - Soulsings met me at the level I am at, and this is greatly appreciated (also rather rare) so THANK YOU! - Owl
Soul is always supportive and helpful!
Soul is always helpful, especially in helping to navigate 7 Cups and best ways to communicate between members.
so very attentive to detail, and reliable~!
You are amazing Soul at everything you do. You deserve 5 star from me. You are doing a terrific job. Keep it up!
Thank you so much for your help. You were fantastic.
wonderfully empathetic and a true mensch.
Such a kind, wonderful person.
thank you for everything soul you are very helpful
soulsings listens carefullly and responds in easy to understand replys
soul is awesome, I would give her 30 bagges for compassion.
my chat with soulsings was really helpful, i even ended happy after feeling really awful.
I had a wonderful time chatting. Helped me so much of taking my mind off of the issues that had me stressed . Helpful and understanding also a wonderful person to just talk to about anything. So happy I had come here to get some of my anxious feeling to go away, this really helped !
Great listener. Helpful and professional. Thank you
Really easy to talk to and very helpful, so nice to talk to someone
soulsings is an excellent listener. Very understanding. Makes me feel like she really gets me. Makes me feel heard and understood. She's wise and gentle. Gives me information without forcing it on me. I feel very blessed to have found her.
Very comforting chat, with good questions. Hope to talk some more.
Truly helped, truly amazing
He was wonderful
Thank you ;)
Very good.
genuine and nurturing ;)
I had a really wonderful session, with a very knowledgeable listener.
I was really down and felt so alone but soulsings brought me up and relaxed.
Soulsings has been helping with my goal and has been very encouraging. I also got some help with problem solving some possible issues.
Very helpful, compassionate and kind. It was a pleasure to speak with Soul, and was left with a more elvated mood after speaking with him/her.

Such a crucial part of 7 cups, and was very speedy with the reply!
Fantastic listener :)
Awesome! Had everything answered and felt great afterwards :)
Really kind and gently person, helped me out by listening to my problems and stayed on for awhile, tried his/her best to offer me advice. The world needs more people like soulsings.
Very helpful! So glad I came across this person!
Such a kind person, thank you so much!
Soulsings is an exemplary listener. She is full of empathy and wisdom. She has helped me so much. What a wonderful person.
Soulsings responded to me quite quickly. Listened to me for a long period of time tonight. I appreciate all the help and advice and just listening!!!
Soulsings is fantast
Great to talk to!
Soulsings is a very good listener. I am having a difficult time right now, and Soulsings suggested some guides for me to read to help me with my depression and loneliness. I want to say a sincere thank you.
Very helpful and wonderful to talk to.
very nice and attentive
Very helpful. Made me feel better.
Badges & Awards
159 total badges
Listening Ear Long Ears Magnet Encourager Sage PenPal Jester of Smiles Clerk of Bear Hugs Piper of Dedication Baron of Big-Hearts Ambassador Ellen Jump Start Anxiety Depression Eating Disorders Managing Emotions Panic Attacks Surviving Breakups Traumatic Experiences Crisis Intervention Peter Pan Listener Oath Work Related Stress Self Harm Sexual Abuse Alcohol & Drug Abuse Family Support Grad Cultural Diversity Quality Mentor Quality Mentor Leader Community Mentor Leader Verified Listener Bullying Chronic Pain Psychological First Aid Family Stress Sleeping Well Graduate Master Scholar Love Bug Einstein Featured Leader Quality Champion Refresher Group Mod Light Chat Tiny Chat Small Chat Chit Chat Big Chat Voice Talker Communicator Speaker Orator Ray of Hope Shining Light Florence Nightingale Help Angel Self-Care Lean-On-Me Relationships College Guide Loneliness Guide Test Anxiety Exercise Motivation ACT Therapy Affirmative Reflection Chat & Text Listening Ace Guest Host Conversationalist Startup Support Perinatal Schizophrenia Group Support Mentor Scrum Report People of Color Guide ADHD Social Anxiety OCD Boundaries Forgiveness Grief Managing Bipolar Managing Finances Teen Transitioning Mentor Surviving Domestic Assault Getting Unstuck Chat Support Mindfulness Support Hello Again Positivity Challenge End of Year Award 7Cups Guide Rocket Listener 12 Steps Community 101 TS Key Flower Crown 3rd Bday Hug-a-friend Sparkler Entrepreneur Self-Esteem Loyal Friend Tick Tock Fellow Friend NAMI Listener Mod Star Mod On Mod Major Mod Champion Doorkeeper Mediator Mod Mod Siren Steadfast Soul I Steadfast Soul II Steadfast Soul III Meet & Greet Proudly Proactive I Proudly Proactive II Proudly Proactive III Proudly Proactive IV Proudly Proactive V Reconnection Hero I Reconnection Hero II First Community First Chat First Post Five Steps High 5 Hang 10 Open Door Weight Management Wiki Team Summer Events 5th Birthday Party Thankful Heart Gratitude Abound 50+ Peer Training 01 Listener Coach Support Key Enthusiast 2.0 Continuing Education Subcommunity Rockstar Community Builder Grad Tulip Personal Leadership 101 Personal Leadership 102 Becoming a Leader Leadership Principles Leadership Graduate Alumni Mindfulness Support 1 7 Cups Leader Cupsgiving