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National Handwriting Day

User Profile: amiablePeace77
amiablePeace77 January 23rd


National Handwriting Day on January 23rd encourages us to put pen to paper and write out our thoughts.

According to the Writing Instrument Manufacturers Association, it is a chance for all to re-explore the purity and power of handwriting.

When was the last time you wrote a letter or wrote down your thoughts? 🤔

If you find it hard to remember, you probably belong to the increasing number of people who no longer use handwritten words at all but rather type on a device like a computer.  😮

Writing by hand though offers some valuable benefits like

  • Boosts learning
  • Sparks creativity
  • Sharpens your brain
  • Improves your problem-solving skills
  • Relaxes your mind

Let's keep the art of handwriting alive for our own well-being!

What are you doing to keep the art of handwriting alive for yourself?

User Profile: amiablePeace77
amiablePeace77 OP January 23rd


@00WHY00 @1Marg1 @6werved @24963534 @24Help1 @4Rainbow42 @5catsandme @8Khaleesi8 @allen99 @ArinDee @Actuallynobody017 @adaptableOcean4193 @adventurousBranch3786 @adventurousSugar1991 @affableowl5126 @affectionateCat9553 @affectionatePear7889 @agreeablestrawberries1285 @ahaller @ahds2k @ahel58 @akbj @AKmarshmallow @Aksabode @alan254 @alanapiana1970 @Alexy333  @alleywood13 @AllyJingles @amanda @ambitiousNectarine1482 @Amelia763 @Amelia2324 @amiablePeace77 @amiableTortoise2797 @AmiYumi @amusingcranberry1537 @AmusingJet302 @anderly @andy @Angelface50 @AnnieIsMe @aquaCake3636 @ARIBA5 @Artemis13579 @AshcloudMac @Aspace4u @Awesomesummer1628 @ayeyaeyaaaaaaaa @azureblueheron @azuladragon34 @Baby1120 @ballooningSloth @BaltimoreSpring @bamafan96 @Barltik2065 @Beanno @beautifulsoul @becausepuppies @Beck @becknit @beachyone @believing777 @berta0322 @Bestmaple2045 @bestplum1189 @betheileen @better2Bbrave @beverlianne @bigalt21 @Billyjoe9717 @bimmernizer @BirdsWhoWrite @bisketties @bklnstar @BlackApple6420 @BLSD2021 @bluebell34 @BlueEyes1819 @blueOrange6725 @BlueSky0708 @Blueskye24  @Bluesky1964 @bluevelvet3 @Blugreg @bogartfan @bouncyBeach42 @BookishWendy @bouncyVoice4149 @breezyoctopus @brightChestnut3152 @BrightSugar1923 @brightZebra 8925 @bubblePomegranate7179 @BurdensDown @cafelatte46 @cal1860 @CaliforniaViv @calmblueocean @calmVase7032 @Cammiecat @CandyBubblegumSprinkles @carefreeheart57 @CarefulGrapes590 @carefulsailboat231 @carelady @caringone1004 @CaringPanda45 @caringPumpkin64 @CaringSharon @CaringSub @carscarey @casey90 @cathy @catlady @catmandu @caughtinthemiddle @Cazzy8752 @Cheerie @chickadee123 @Chro411924 @CHT @CintaBali @classylady521 @Cliffg747 @coach411  @Communicativepenny8383 @compassionteHuman5626 @CompassionateLand2815 @Confused7461 @conscientiousCoconut8216 @convivialCake8989 @ConvivialFriend9402 @Cookiecrumbles7079 @coolvibes @CoriF @courageousCoconut7282   @CourageousDaisy1111 @courageousLemon182    @CourageousSpring2022 @courteousLime9432 @CreativeYard1702 @crimsonShade6782 @CtownMimi @ctw1237 @Cubby2020 @curiousbutterfly77 @currentwise @cyanBirch4288 @CyclingThroughLife @DanaMH @DancingJoy811 @dapperPond2037 @Dave94305 @debbiehun @decisivetangerine2856 @decisiveBanana1981 @DDPaintsStuff @DeeGold @DELTA0112 @Den2542 @determinedNectarine9383 @dillon8524 @DinaElwy @diofono @diplomaticoak9588 @discreetMelon5938 @discreettriangle87 @DiscretOcean7936 @doginashirt @dolphinlver @Doodles7 @duces @ecstaticlght @einarsgirl @elderfarm @Electric100 @ElizabethGiovi @EmbStitcher33 @empathicForest15 @Emptynest2020 @emotional232023 @enigmaticOcean8813 @endearingLion70 @Enthusiasticnest1089 @equinox56 @Eva66 @Every1ahome @ExDesertScapegoat @exuberantAvocado5095 @fairmindedStrawberries7429 @Faithfulapple2400 @faithlove1111 @Favor2020 @favour  @fearlessSouth4632 @FlowerLily23 @FoolsSelf @forcefulFriend4768 @forcefulStrings1005 @forcefulWriter32 @forko23 @Fradiga @Freeskier @FriendlyAnju777 @friendly10 @friendlyCat50 @fromthetent81 @frothyMagic6772 @FusionX33 @GabbyGee @Gabriellegahnsuksah @Gale1032 @galfromaway @gardenyarn @generousBalloon786 @gentleEast4230 @gentleLand5245 @GiftedEmpath3 @goldilocks1041 @goodmelon8247 @goodYard1477 @goodStrawberries7059 @GothamRam @gracefulDay3692 @GrammatoBoys @Grandma1 @GrandmaLolly @Gramma2FnM @Grammy23 @Grammy23 @Gr8ful1974 @GreenCircleGaia  @Greenpear036 @greenSummer1236 @gregariousKiwi9594 @gregariousZebra21 @Groovygirl11 @guitarman087 @Gwen1963 @GypsyRed @HaloCompany88 @HappyHelper242 @hoppa12 @HealingGriz @Heather2020 @helloBike4402 @hellopusher @helloTalker8798 @honestPeach5447 @Hotaru419 @hounddog2021 @HY00 @iamroni  @icanremember  @icedcoffee211109 @IHDW1982 @ihtak @impartialDrum1848 @impartialRaspberries1389 @indigolilly1500 @indigoFriend7851  @indigoMoon1246 @innerLove @introvertedextrovert2122 @intuitiveBunny8426 @intuitiveFriend1097 @Irene2552 @IWuzADuck @JackKost @jackrock @japanesegardengirl @jazzgtr @Jim @jlmouranet @jillwings7@JolivetteListens @JoniGirl @Judecat42W1370 @junem @justbecause @Justbreathingx9 @JustExisting1027 @JustMe1225 @justpassingthrough10 @K8tjee @kala @Katbtrying552 @Kathy1212 @kathy3667 @Kavajava @kcollier6517 @Kevin0291 @kickiree @kickan75 @Kimberley555 @KindblueEyes @kindCloud141 @Kira09 @kit4228 @kitty2018 @kittycat15 @klemen @koyaanisqatse8 @Kurt789 @LadySnowcat @LakeGirl819 @Lara @lateasusual @Lauren63 @LavenderDaily @lesjon @lelahni @Lifer  @lightBalsam5585 @LightSoul108 @lilaj3796  @LimegreenNorth1124 @LindaWinNJ @lisamac724 @ListeningKaty @livefreely04 @LivingLovingLifeRecovery @livingwithbpdx2 @lledmonds1969 @Lolowise475 @lonea @Lonelybeth @LoneShade @lookingforpeace @LostanLonely @Lostinlove50 @love @Love2Boat65 @LovecraftianHorror @LoveResearcher @lrsmith9636 @LucianX @Luciddreamsicle @luv2shop

@mabelanne20 @madhu @Maebyb@Maka10 @mamamel @mamapants @MariaLands @Marspock @meforexample @Melayla @Melissa22320 @Mellieme l1971 @mellisendis @metta2u @mettagirl @MidwesternCalmSeeker @Mindy @ministermichelle @MissPen@MistyMagic @Mla69 @mm2022 @modestOcean7984 @modestwatermelon2938 @moi2016 @mommabear0562 @MondoRalph @Mooboxer @moocher @morecake @Motherofcats1955 @MrKindness @MsVee2021 @MusicCandy @Musicman50 @musicwithbrass @mutter3 @myer @MysticSoul88 @Nanci @navyAcai7149 @neatandtidy72@neonChestnut9655 @neverendingtime23 @NightListener3262  @nippycat @NotAllHere713 @No1Angel68 @nobodyimportantmn @Nogift @NormaAnne @Oddball76779 @oel @OffMyTrack @OliveCamp8456 @omez125 @OmWeAreOne @Open12 @OptimisticAcres4817 @optimisticRaspberries5247 @outofspace7 @PatienceImpatiens @PaytonGlover @Peace1221 @peaceandlove65 @peachy53 @PepperBunny @PetiteSouris @pgreen6840 @phantomsmilesphilosophicalacai7803 @PitbullMom9 @philosophicalAcres8914 @philosophicalKiwi4956 @pianocat @placidplum3193 @pluckystrings4696 @plumPapaya7147 @plumSkies6526 @politePear3867 @positiveriver9935 @potatoxcrispztrish @powerfulOak2587 @powerfulMaple1852 @practicalbalsam @PracticalCat2637 @proactiveCup703 @Proudme @Puddinpen  @PurpledPeach @purpleNorth4637 @purplefan5510 @purplepansies8591 @purpletangerine87 @purpletree4652 @PurpleWater74 @pxidis @Qooo @quietbeach575 @purpleCircle8013 @quietFlower25 @quietlightning @quietSail6485 @quietStrawberries9260 @Ran3707 @RainbowRosie @rationalWater7635 @RavingTiger @readytolisten7799 @RebelliousMirror @redOrange9587@redCococnut7440 @redPenny @Redpeppers @Redrhapsody @reliableHickory3670 @reliablemoon26 @reliablemoon6376 @repen13 @Resourceful2021 @rhoda @richyShiny39 @RideaRainbow @River416 @Roger57 @RogueOne1983 @Ross63 @roxymar @ruffneckred @Ruthanny1243 @sailinsunshine @SallyMoore @sallymander36 @samSympa3 @Sandidegeer @SarahKind @Sarrahbhai @sb805 @ScarletLand3247 @ScarletPear1945 @SeaLady @Seasidelady61 @secretMap2091 @secretTriangle7438 @Sedtzl1 @seeker1898 @SeekerSher @seekinghappy55 @selfdisciplinedPenny281  @seniorlady @sensibleBunny2134 @sensiblePal7535 @ShadowFaerie  @Shycat542 @shycranberry2308 @sillyrabbit7 @sincereGrapefruit4682 @sincerelandsincereOak6832 @SKHK @Skyglider @Skyy0 @SleeplessVet @SloRollin62  @smead85 @Smilintru67 @smokescrunch @sngrlittle @snugglyLight2001 @sonerii @soothingArrow47 @sophiaaiello @SoulfulCat22 @soulsings @spielmanjr  @spongbobishappy @SpreadAloha @StartExploring @stayingsafe @SteampunkOkc @stilltrying126 @sthompso @StormyTimes @straightforwardKiwi7811 @stressBear @strugglingtocope99 @stampy853 @StillSurvivingThriving @Sue1111 @Sue88 @sunnyplum5193 @SunnySpruce3523 @sunnyZebra2336 @Sunshine4691 @SunShineAlwaysGrateful @SusyKaploosy @SuzieQ1 @swammi01 @SweetSami @swim215 @swinston222 @swordpsalm @sympatheticCat267 @Tabbysflower @Tailormade1 @tanimaya @Tanq2u @Tawanda526 @tealCranberry7379 @tealDog6333 @tealPlace1858 @Teresa416 @terrig996 @TexasTabby @thecaringone @thoughtfulRaspberries8714 @ThreeFires @Tish1982 @tranquilheart @Treat @Tri2BHappy @Trying5555 @turquoiseJar411 @twidget @twm @Tyedyedbutterfly @understandingSea8000  @Vadras @versatileHickory1709 @Vintagelung @VioletVeritas @Walker7957 @WalkingSoftly @WarmWool @waterdragon81 @weatherphoto @WharfRat @Whisper292 @whisperingfairy7 @whispersrlonely @whitewingeddove1107 @Wicket51 @willow3836 @wittyNest2941 @WonnderWoman @Woodlandwalk42 @wordnerd @worstpossibleusername @WorkingitThrough2 @worthystruggle @WrenegadeWen @Yashoda108 @xe14 @xinero @xrosez @Yashoda108 @yzzil @Yushix @youcancallmeLili @zaramerch @Zengrl @ZeeshanZahir    

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User Profile: Admirablerainbow2825
Admirablerainbow2825 January 23rd


When was the last time you wrote a letter or wrote down your thoughts? 🤔

Yesterday, I am looking forward to writing or journaling more by hand as it helps me gain clarity.

I journal my thoughts in a diary as it helps me relax and calm myself down.

1 reply
User Profile: amiablePeace77
amiablePeace77 OP January 23rd


Nice that you journal by hand and that it helps you to relax and calm down! 

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User Profile: YourCaringConfidant
YourCaringConfidant January 23rd

I love writing. ♡ I handwrite something daily. After all, aside from what I do on 7 Cups, I'm also a volunteer letter writer. ♡ There's nothing like the feel of a good pen/pencil in your hands as it touches the paper. :) Don't get me wrong-- a lot of times I just type things on my phone in my notes or in my email out of convenience... but still, I will choose handwriting things always. :)

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User Profile: amiablePeace77
amiablePeace77 OP January 23rd


Not many people will choose handwriting over typing because of time to write something down or also bad handwriting. Great that you still like to write by hand! I believe there is a difference when reading something written by hand than typed, especially when we journaled. Handwriting "speaks" 😉 

👍for being a volunteer letter writer!

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User Profile: BlackBlueWhite
BlackBlueWhite January 23rd


The last time I wrote my thoughts was last night; while journaling.

And the last time I wrote a letter on paper was when I write an inspiring and hopeful letter to the unknown.

I write books & inspiring words on paper, sometimes stick them to my room's wall.

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User Profile: amiablePeace77
amiablePeace77 OP January 23rd


I really like that you wrote an inspiring and hopeful letter to the unknown and could imagine it felt calming.

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User Profile: BlackBlueWhite
BlackBlueWhite January 23rd


It does felt calming, I thought I would give it to the right person when the time comes.

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User Profile: akunknown
akunknown January 23rd


When was the last time you wrote a letter or wrote down your thoughts? 🤔

Recently! I wrote a ❤️ letter to someone I’m currently falling for. But I’ve also handwritten other things too like songs, thoughts, poems, etc. 

What are you doing to keep the art of handwriting alive for yourself?

I keep the art of handwriting alive by handwriting. Yes I type on my devices but I also hand write things down too. 

Writing by hand though offers some valuable benefits like

  • Boosts learning
  • Sparks creativity
  • Sharpens your brain
  • Improves your problem-solving skills
  • Relaxes your mind
  • All these are definitely great and important, healthy, helpful benefits to have. I’m gonna add another one here: the more handwriting you do, the less time you’ll give yourself to spend on a screen which can prevent your eyes from getting fatigue, dry, etc and it’ll help keep your vision as healthy as possible for as long as possible too!

“Let's keep the art of handwriting alive for our own well being alive!”

Yes! I agree with that completely! 

2 replies
User Profile: amiablePeace77
amiablePeace77 OP January 23rd


Thank you for adding another great benefit! 

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User Profile: akunknown
akunknown January 23rd


Of course! It was my pleasure!

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User Profile: Fradiga
Fradiga January 23rd


These days, it's mostly shopping lists and some messages to people whose number I do not have. 

A strange thing is that at least in the US, hand-writing is not taught until 3rd grade, while in France, kids start in Kindergarten or even sooner, instead of learning print with letters a whole inch tall, which is a waste of paper on top of it. While I was raising my family in the US, I was told at the school that the small children did not have the fine motor control needed to learn that. It was strange to hear that when kids who are taught a different writing system cannot help but learn immediately to write in script rather than print.

Just saying....

2 replies
User Profile: amiablePeace77
amiablePeace77 OP January 23rd


To me quick things like shopping lists are faster written by hand then turning on the computer so I do the same.

Every nation has their own point of view, but I believe in learning handwriting right from the beginning is good. 

User Profile: BlackBlueWhite
BlackBlueWhite January 23rd


Wow! From 3th grade!. I learned writing my name with pencil when I was about 5. Here children Start studying 1th grade (at the age of 7) and they write down all their homework with pencil on paper. I agree, I believe Children are different, and they can start writing sooner.

Thanks for sharing this with us!.

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