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summary of Self Compassion

User Profile: pamharley003
pamharley003 January 23rd

 Self - Compassion is giving the same compassion received by others back to them. It means when you are suffering we need to comfort and care for ourselves.  At times we can be our worst enemy and not like ourselves but we need to love and care for ourselves before we can give it to others. 

What can you do for yourself to be more compassionate to yourself?

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@BlueEyes1819 @blueOrange6725 @BlueSky0708 @Blueskye24  @Bluesky1964 @bluevelvet3 @Blugreg @bogartfan @bouncyBeach42 @BookishWendy @bouncyVoice4149 @breezyoctopus @brightChestnut3152 @BrightSugar1923 @brightZebra 8925 @bubblePomegranate7179 @BurdensDown @cafelatte46 @cal1860 @CaliforniaViv @calmblueocean @calmVase7032 @Cammiecat @CandyBubblegumSprinkles @carefreeheart57 @CarefulGrapes590 @carefulsailboat231 @carelady @caringone1004 @CaringPanda45 @caringPumpkin64 @CaringSharon @CaringSub @carscarey @casey90 @cathy @catlady @catmandu @caughtinthemiddle @Cazzy8752 @Cheerie @chickadee123 @Chro411924 @CHT @CintaBali @classylady521 @Cliffg747 @coach411  @Communicativepenny8383 @compassionteHuman5626 @CompassionateLand2815 @Confused7461 @conscientiousCoconut8216 @convivialCake8989 @ConvivialFriend9402 @Cookiecrumbles7079 @coolvibes @CoriF @courageousCoconut7282   @CourageousDaisy1111 @courageousLemon182    @CourageousSpring2022 @courteousLime9432 @CreativeYard1702 @crimsonShade6782 @CtownMimi @ctw1237 @Cubby2020 @curiousbutterfly77 @currentwise @cyanBirch4288 @CyclingThroughLife @DanaMH @DancingJoy811 @dapperPond2037 @Dave94305 @debbiehun @decisivetangerine2856 @decisiveBanana1981 @DDPaintsStuff @DeeGold @DELTA0112 @Den2542 @determinedNectarine9383 @dillon8524 @DinaElwy @diofono @diplomaticoak9588 @discreetMelon5938 @discreettriangle87 @DiscretOcean7936 @doginashirt @dolphinlver @Doodles7 @duces @ecstaticlght @einarsgirl @elderfarm @Electric100 @ElizabethGiovi @EmbStitcher33 @empathicForest15 @Emptynest2020 @emotional232023 @enigmaticOcean8813 @endearingLion70 @Enthusiasticnest1089 @equinox56 @Eva66 @Every1ahome @ExDesertScapegoat @exuberantAvocado5095 @fairmindedStrawberries7429 @Faithfulapple2400 @faithlove1111 @Favor2020 @favour  @fearlessSouth4632 @FlowerLily23 @FoolsSelf @forcefulFriend4768 @forcefulStrings1005 @forcefulWriter32 @forko23 @Freeskier @FriendlyAnju777 @friendly10 @friendlyCat50 @fromthetent81 @frothyMagic6772 @FusionX33 @GabbyGee @Gabriellegahnsuksah @Gale1032 @galfromaway @gardenyarn @generousBalloon786 @gentleEast4230 @gentleLand5245 @GiftedEmpath3 @goldilocks1041 @goodmelon8247 @goodYard1477 @goodStrawberries7059 @GothamRam @gracefulDay3692 @GrammatoBoys @Grandma1 @GrandmaLolly @Gramma2FnM @Grammy23 @Grammy23 @Gr8ful1974  @Greenpear036 @greenSummer1236 @gregariousKiwi9594 @gregariousZebra21 @guitarman087 @Gwen1963 @GypsyRed @HaloCompany88 @hoppa12 @HealingGriz @Heather2020 @helloBike4402 @hellopusher @helloTalker8798 @honestPeach5447 @Hotaru419 @hounddog2021 @HY00 @iamroni  @icanremember  @icedcoffee211109 @IHDW1982 @ihtak @impartialDrum1848 @impartialRaspberries1389 @indigolilly1500 @indigoFriend7851  @indigoMoon1246 @innerLove @introvertedextrovert2122 @intuitiveBunny8426 @intuitiveFriend1097 @Irene2552 @IWuzADuck @JackKost @jackrock @japanesegardengirl @jazzgtr @Jim @jlmouranet @jillwings7@JolivetteListens @JoniGirl @Judecat42W1370 @junem @justbecause @Justbreathingx9 @JustExisting1027 @JustMe1225 @justpassingthrough10 @K8tjee @kala @Katbtrying552 @Kathy1212 @kathy3667 @Kavajava @kcollier6517 @Kevin0291 @kickiree @kickan75 @Kimberley555 @KindblueEyes @kindCloud141 @Kira09 @kit4228 @kitty2018 @kittycat15 @klemen @koyaanisqatse8 @Kurt789 @LadySnowcat @LakeGirl819 @Lara @lateasusual @Lauren63 @LavenderDaily @lesjon @lelahni @Lifer  @lightBalsam5585 @LightSoul108 @lilaj3796  @LimegreenNorth1124 @LindaWinNJ @lisamac724 @ListeningKaty @livefreely04 @LivingLovingLifeRecovery @livingwithbpdx2 @lledmonds1969 @Lolowise475 @lonea @Lonelybeth @LoneShade @lookingforpeace @LostanLonely @Lostinlove50 @love @Love2Boat65 @LovecraftianHorror @LoveResearcher @lrsmith9636 @LucianX @luv2shop @mabelanne20 @madhu @Maebyb@Maka10 @mamamel @mamapants @MariaLands @Marspock @meforexample @Melayla @Melissa22320 @Mellieme l1971 @mellisendis @metta2u @mettagirl @MidwesternCalmSeeker @Mindy @ministermichelle @MissPen@MistyMagic @Mla69 @mm2022 @modestOcean7984 @modestwatermelon2938 @moi2016 @mommabear0562 @MondoRalph @Mooboxer @moocher @morecake @Motherofcats1955 @MrKindness @MsVee2021 @MusicCandy @Musicman50 @musicwithbrass @mutter3 @myer @MysticSoul88 @Nanci @navyAcai7149 @neatandtidy72 @neverendingtime23 @NightListener3262  @nippycat @NotAllHere713 @No1Angel68 @nobodyimportantmn @Nogift @NormaAnne @Oddball76779 @oel @OffMyTrack @OliveCamp8456 @omez125 @OmWeAreOne @Open12 @OptimisticAcres4817 @optimisticRaspberries5247 @outofspace7 @PatienceImpatiens @PaytonGlover @Peace1221 @peaceandlove65 @peachy53 @PepperBunny @PetiteSouris @pgreen6840 @phantomsmilesphilosophicalacai7803 @PitbullMom9 @philosophicalAcres8914 @philosophicalKiwi4956 @pianocat @placidplum3193 @pluckystrings4696 @plumPapaya7147 @plumSkies6526 @politePear3867 @positiveriver9935 @potatoxcrispztrish @powerfulOak2587 @powerfulMaple1852 @practicalbalsam @PracticalCat2637 @proactiveCup703 @Proudme @Puddinpen  @PurpledPeach @purpleNorth4637 @purplefan5510 @purplepansies8591 @purpletangerine87 @purpletree4652 @PurpleWater74 @pxidis @Qooo @quietbeach575 @purpleCircle8013 @quietFlower25 @quietlightning @quietSail6485 @quietStrawberries9260 @Ran3707 @RainbowRosie @rationalWater7635 @RavingTiger @readytolisten7799 @RebelliousMirror @redOrange9587@redCococnut7440 @redPenny @Redpeppers @Redrhapsody @reliableHickory3670 @reliablemoon26 @reliablemoon6376 @repen13 @Resourceful2021 @rhoda @richyShiny39 @RideaRainbow @River416 @Roger57 @RogueOne1983 @Ross63 @roxymar @ruffneckred @Ruthanny1243 @sailinsunshine @SallyMoore @sallymander36 @samSympa3 @Sandidegeer @SarahKind @sb805 @ScarletLand3247 @ScarletPear1945 @SeaLady @Seasidelady61 @secretMap2091 @Sedtzl1 @seeker1898 @SeekerSher @seekinghappy55 @selfdisciplinedPenny281  @seniorlady @sensibleBunny2134 @sensiblePal7535 @ShadowFaerie  @Shycat542 @shycranberry2308 @sillyrabbit7 @sincereGrapefruit4682 @sincerelandsincereOak6832 @SKHK @Skyglider @Skyy0 @SleeplessVet @SloRollin62  @smead85 @Smilintru67 @smokescrunch @sngrlittle @snugglyLight2001 @sonerii @soothingArrow47 @sophiaaiello @SoulfulCat22 @soulsings @spielmanjr  @spongbobishappy @SpreadAloha @StartExploring @stayingsafe @SteampunkOkc @stilltrying126 @sthompso @StormyTimes @straightforwardKiwi7811 @stressBear @strugglingtocope99 @stampy853 @StillSurvivingThriving @Sue1111 @Sue88 @sunnyplum5193 @SunnySpruce3523 @sunnyZebra2336 @Sunshine4691 @SunShineAlwaysGrateful @SusyKaploosy @SuzieQ1 @swammi01 @SweetSami @swim215 @swinston222 @swordpsalm @sympatheticCat267 @Tabbysflower @Tailormade1 @tanimaya @Tanq2u @Tawanda526 @tealCranberry7379 @tealDog6333 @tealPlace1858 @Teresa416 @terrig996 @TexasTabby @thecaringone @thoughtfulRaspberries8714 @ThreeFires @Tish1982 @tranquilheart @Treat @Tri2BHappy @Trying5555 @turquoiseJar411 @twidget @twm @Tyedyedbutterfly @understandingSea8000 @unicornbarb @Vadras @versatileHickory1709 @Vintagelung @VioletVeritas @Walker7957 @WarmWool @waterdragon81 @weatherphoto @WharfRat @Whisper292 @whisperingfairy7 @whispersrlonely @whitewingeddove1107 @Wicket51 @willow3836 @wittyNest2941 @WonnderWoman @Woodlandwalk42 @wordnerd @worstpossibleusername @WorkingitThrough2 @worthystruggle @WrenegadeWen @Yashoda108 @xe14 @xinero @xrosez @Yashoda108 @yzzil @Yushix @youcancallmeLili @zaramerch @Zengrl @ZeeshanZahir 

User Profile: WharfRat
WharfRat January 24th

Not hate myself so much anymore

User Profile: RainbowRosie
RainbowRosie January 24th


I’d say give ourselves some slack if we make a mistake, Everyone makes mistakes so to learn from it and move on. 

1 reply
User Profile: pamharley003
pamharley003 OP January 24th


My motto growing up is one day at a time. Yes, we are not all perfect although some think they are but we can learn from mistakes and hope we do not repeat them again.

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User Profile: coolvibes
coolvibes January 24th

@pamharley003 My understanding of self-compassion is we take ownership of our vulnerabilities and give our self permission to do whatever is necessary to support our emotional and mental health with unconditional acceptance. 

User Profile: amiablePeace77
amiablePeace77 January 24th


What can you do for yourself to be more compassionate to yourself?

I will have a spa day in the weekend but generally I try to avoid to be too harsh on myself. 

User Profile: WorkingitThrough2
WorkingitThrough2 January 25th


My first step may be to recognize that I am beating myself up and then take a deep breath and do something I enjoy to let go.

User Profile: LabeledBPD
LabeledBPD January 26th


so do we determine how much compassion that is given towards ourselves by what’s received from others? Or do we simply give people the amount of compassion or lack of back in response to the compassion received from them? Like you get what you give?

Trying to be the better person and with pure intentions, does not fit into either equation. It’s not conditional. 

You do the best you can where and when you can always. What others have to offer is irrelevant unless it’s malicious and hurtful.

i may be seriously wrong and probably am as , well I’m here after all.