50plus-Mindfulness Discussion Topics Dec 2024 to Jan 2025

50plus Discussions Schedule and Topics Note: This Calendar is Not Visible On the App only on Browser on phone or computer unless the latest upgrade shows calendar.
You can also click on Community Calendar and see all the scheduled discussions of 7 Cups
Note as of November 3, 2024, we changed to EST by moving the clocks backward by 1 hour so all times listed will be EST. Time converter https://www.worldtimebuddy.com/
Rest are 50+ but anyone 18 and older welcome!
Mon Date Day Time Room Type Host name Co-Host Topic

I love this! I wish I had seen it sooner. I have been away for awhile, but having this will bring me back at the right times. Great to 'see' you, And @adventurousbranch and @Soulsings

@adaptableOcean4193 great to see you - when you can will be good to see you in topic discussions listed above.

@adaptableOcean4193. Nice to see you again 😊.

I am looking forward to today's discussion. 🙂

@amiablePeace77 Newbie here - how do I access the events listed?

In the 7cups app or browser the 1-1 chats is on one tab click GROUP and you will find it there for 50 & Over at the specified times above 👆…
It will pop up in the group chats for this community on the times it is listed … same place you find the various group chats like sharing circle ⭕️ etc …
Hope that helps … 💕
Hi, so nice to meet you here. To enter topic based chats you need either Either Chief Chat or First Post + Compassion Hero badge. It seems that the Compassion hero badge is missing, you can get it here https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScMEXP6lopKu4ZJAtmctmwk0vq9Fp7T892gWJteqmQoIJa_Dg/viewform.
You will find the support rooms here, some like 50+ are pop up rooms which open only for events, so they will show up on the list 10 minutes before the event. https://www.7cups.com/connect/groupChatrooms.php
You will find some information about joining the group chats here:
You're very welcome to pm (personal message) me if any more questions. You can just click on my profile picture and leave a message.

Bumping this up the list yay 💕💕💕

bumping it up to show up in the feed

bumping this thread 💕💕💕💕
This graphic is distorted and I cannot see times or topics for 50+ group meetings. I am doing this work on an iPhone; perhaps this is problem? Thank you for your time

@space4peace I am sorry this graphic does not display properly on an Iphone. Feel free to attend
Fifty Plus Tuesday 3:30 PM ET Weds 4PM ET Friady 5PM ET Discussion and 6PM ET Open Chat
Mindfulness Monady 3:30pm ET and Thursday 5 PM ET

I should get to one of those chats at some point...

@slowdecline48. Looking 👀 forward to it!

@slowdecline48 HI if you are available there is one today at 3:30 PM EDT is Fifty Plus (room opens 10 minutes before discussion)
Anyone 18+ older is welecome to attend.

@soulsings That's a nice offer, thanks. As of now I've been awake for less than 1/2-hr & am already dizzy (flareup), plus have things to do...will get there if I can.