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Moving forward with positive focus
by ASilentObserver
Last post
July 19th
...See more Hello everyone! I hope everyone is doing well. As you might know, we did a growth path survey a couple of weeks ago where we asked what kind of growth paths you all would like to see. And, one of the most requested categories was Moving forward with a positive focus. I'd like to invite you to help me create good growth paths in this category. It would be great to team up where we collectively share what has helped us learn, understand, how to move forward with a positive focus. These can be personal experiences, things people have said to us, books or ideas we have come across, talks or short videos we have found on YouTube, images that we find helpful, etc. Let's share all of the above in this thread and work together to figure out how to make these steps or exercises. It can be used to help others become better at moving forward. Any and all ideas, thoughts are welcomed. This is our discussion space where we can get ideas flowing. We will figure it out as we learn and evolve. Thank you and I'm looking forward to working with you all on creating Growth Path Playlists on this topic! ------------------------- We would also appreciate your feedback, thoughts on these topics too: Open here to check! []
Have you completed a Growth Path? Post here!
by SoulfullyAButterfly
Last post
March 19th, 2023
...See more Growth Paths at 7 Cups offer an opportunity to literally work on growing, in different ways, one step at a time! Have you recently completed a growth path? Use this thread to share your experience! Name the Growth Path you took - consider giving a shout out to its creator/builder here []. Please answer the following questions in regards to the Path you have completed: * How much time did you commit to using the growth path? * What was the most helpful thing you learned from this Path? * Describe the Path you took in 3 words.
Appreciating Growth Path Experts and Creators!
by SoulfullyAButterfly
Last post
November 27th, 2021
...See more Have you recently completed a growth path? Use this thread to appreciate the efforts of everyone on the "team" towards improvement - we want to give a shout-out to every expert, growth path creator/builder as well as every member who join us in the growth journey at 7 Cups! You can view path creators/builders on the path preview pages of the Community Paths [].
Embracing Endings: Finding beauty in sunsets
by Ubebe
Last post
March 10th
...See more If someone asked me if I'm more of a sunrise or sunset person, I'd definitely go with sunrise. There's just something about the fresh start and potential of a new day that gets me excited. Sunsets, on the other hand, used to make me feel kind of sad. They reminded me that things were ending, and I wasn't a fan of that. But lately, I've been thinking differently. I've realized that endings aren't all bad. In fact, they can be pretty beautiful in their own way. It's taken me some time, but I've come to accept that some things and some people and even aspects of my former self just won't be around forever. And you know what? That's okay. Now when I see a sunset, I see it as a reminder of all the good times and experiences I've had. It's like a celebration of the journey, with all its ups and downs. Sure, it's bittersweet, but there's a certain kind of magic in watching the sky light up with those warm, vibrant colors. So yeah, maybe I'm still more of a sunrise person at heart, but I've definitely learned to appreciate the beauty in a good sunset. It's all part of this crazy thing we call life, and I'm just trying to soak it all in.
The Simple Things
by imaginaryfriends
Last post
January 9th
...See more Today I got really stressed about making my bed simple things like making my bed or making food are challenging for me for some reason but after the stressful episode I got ahold of a friend and messaged them as I did it and I completed it we had a small celebration and it made me really happy
Create a forum post
by Gettingbettertoday
Last post
November 24th, 2023
...See more "Members report that participating in the community has given them extra confidence, support and helped them make new friendships. Create a forum post in any community." Extra Confidence: No Support: Efforts made New Friends: What is a friend?
Progress Matters - No Matter How Small!
by IamtheBat
Last post
November 24th, 2023
...See more my experiences here as a listener over the last 8 or so years gave me 2 very important things to perceive life with 1. you can always choose to avoid facing your fears, but all that will lead to, is the inevitable end of facing the fear with more doubt, more regret, and more delay 2. facing your fears, be it your past or anything else, every single day, means that also brings you one day closer, to the end of it 3. Progress, no matter how small, matters! no matter if the step was too big or too small, as long as you are better off than yesterday, that is what truly matters. The world needs the best version of you, you owe that, to yourself
Growth path
by TheTinkerofminds
Last post
April 21st, 2023
...See more Making this for growth path 34
Share your learning: Learning Leadership Growth Path
Last post
March 30th, 2023
...See more Click 'Start Path' after opening the following path link. After you've walked the path, share your 5 key learnings from the path in reply to this thread. [] Let's learn leadership together!
Have you completed a Growth Path? Post here!
by SoulfullyAButterfly
Last post
March 19th, 2023
...See more Growth Paths at 7 Cups offer an opportunity to literally work on growing, in different ways, one step at a time! Have you recently completed a growth path? Use this thread to share your experience! Name the Growth Path you took - consider giving a shout out to its creator/builder here []. Please answer the following questions in regards to the Path you have completed: * How much time did you commit to using the growth path? * What was the most helpful thing you learned from this Path? * Describe the Path you took in 3 words.
Paths' length
by indigoTortoise3129
Last post
February 27th, 2023
...See more Hello, I am new to the paths and I am trying to understand how they work. The ones I am using (Managing Emotions f.e.) seem to go on for a long number of steps (I am at 58) and at some point they start just repeating the exercises. If I "switch path" they don't reset, but just keep going, e.g. I'd start from step 59 of the new path. Can you guide me? I have a premium membership, if that helps clarifying. Thank you!
Step 11
by happychipmunk
Last post
December 16th, 2022
...See more Ok, my step 11 (now 14) is to get a long term listener. It has a link to a forum post. But there is no way to move past the step. If I click the button above I can do something else, but my next step is always to get a long term Listener. However here's the thing, I have a long term listener, I've posted on the forum twice and even talked with other non-long term listeners. I've up voted there post. I've done all I can to move on, but my growth step remains the same. What does this thing need me to do, I don't get it?
Wanted to share a tip
by Osd123
Last post
November 2nd, 2022
...See more i have been struggling a lot with anger lately, and I actually came across this really good tip and trick to toning down anger when it’s too overwhelming or not needed, and though I didn’t find it through 7cups, I thought I’d share in case anyones going through the same: when you’re angry or upset with someone, imagine when they were little. Imagine your partner when they were 7 and they were crying because their father yelled at them about math homework, imagine when your mother was sitting on the curb waiting for her bus in 3rd grade, growing impatient and cold. Imagine all the things that brought them to this point, and find a way to rationalize that they are human too. We are all human, it’s only natural to get upset with on another on occasion, but try to think back to what’s hurt them as well.
Helped me start baby steps
by Sanitarium
Last post
October 24th, 2022
...See more Starting to breathe and think things through fully, nowhere near the end of the path but it’s a start
Surprised at how much it seems to be helping!
by ThadSterling
Last post
October 24th, 2022
...See more I did the journaling path, and another path that I have forgotten; I believe it was the introductory path so to speak. I am currently on Rewarding Yourself for Change, and on the step where I am supposed to post. I will try to remember to follow up once I finish this one, as it is helping tremendously. I created a token system, and color-coded tasks or behaviors and habits that I want to reward myself for, including long-term goals that will have bigger rewards such as meditating every day for a month, for at least 30 minutes. That one seems very difficult to me now, but I know I'll get there! The tokens are for daily activities like making my bed, brushing my teeth, going to work, and finishing my whole shift, and they have a $0.25 cent value, so I don't overspend and have a way to make saving money easier. I'll sometimes use them in exchange for color-coded goal rewards if I've saved up enough, or use them day-to-day to earn things like Sodas and sugary treats, but some things like breakfast will just automatically have their own rewards, such as dark chocolate in the morning, which could help my mood as well. I got a little obsessive about it, but it worked! I ended up being very very productive yesterday, catching up on things I'd been putting off like finding a psychiatrist and therapist since I recently moved. It seems to be helping with anxiety, and a bit with self-esteem too. Sometimes feeling good about my accomplishments is hard, so giving myself permission to reward myself instead of always feeling guilty or overwhelmed for the time I spend doing things I enjoy. Many of the goals are rewards as well, such as being able to enjoy curling up with a good book again and falling asleep thinking of the story. I hope I will be consistent, but not beat myself up if I have off days, but that's why I think the tokens will work. At first, I thought there was no way a token would be helpful for me, but it honestly makes me feel good about myself to think I've earned even $0.25 toward a new book or a movie rental, or a month's subscription to a streaming service. These are things I end up spending too much money on, not using, and then worrying about the waste, and not saving much money. Now, if I can keep this momentum going, even if it's a day where I only make my bed, I will mark that token and probably keep being inspired to earn the other tokens for daily self-care. Sorry I post long, meandering streams of consciousness, I'm working on my communication, but I'm glad this place exists and the paths encourage us to share. Than you!
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