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Why can't I eat as much as I used to?

73 Answers
Last Updated: 11/27/2021 at 10:16am
1 Tip to Feel Better
United States
Moderated by

Brooke Bowen, LPC


I am nonjudgmental, supportive, and encouraging. I use an eclectic approach in order to empower you so you can have a happy and fulfilling future :)

Top Rated Answers
July 19th, 2020 9:06pm
Maybe, you have lost weight recently, and your stomach cannot store as much as it could before. This is a definite possibility, but I don't know if this is the answer. There are also eating disorders, which you might want to look into to see if any of them feel like what's happening to you. There's a website called Healthline and you can look up different questions about what is happening to you. If you feel confused or concerned, talk to me, I'd be happy to be your listener. Hopefully, we can figure this out and make you more comfortable with it.
June 11th, 2020 10:20am
When you get stressed, your body reacts as if it’s in danger. Your brain releases chemicals, including adrenaline, that make your heart beat faster and slow your digestion. That can curb your appetite. This is called the fight-or-flight response, and it lasts only a short time. If you're stressed over a long period, your body releases a hormone called cortisol, and it makes you hungrier, especially for high-calorie foods. When you’re sick, your immune system kicks into high gear. It releases chemicals called cytokines that can make you tired and not eager to eat. It’s your body’s way of telling you to rest so it can get the energy it needs to fight what’s making you ill. But eating a little something can give your immune system a boost. Try a bowl of chicken soup: Research shows that it helps with inflammation, and that can make you feel better
April 9th, 2020 7:11pm
it can differ between each person but some common reasons why you may not be able to eat as much as you used to is because when you aren’t consuming the proper amount of food your body needs your stomach can “shrink” so you become fuller faster. another common reason why you may not be able to eat as much as you used to is because of mental health reasons, such as depression, recovery is a vigorous journey and can take a toll on mental health causing you to eat less as a side effect of depression. i hope this helped and stay strong with your recovery journey i believe in you!
February 26th, 2020 11:09pm
The reason you may be having trouble eating as much as you used to may be because , you are experiencing some sort of "mental block". First you should come to the conclusion you have a "mental block". Next you should identify the root cause of your "mental block " a listener could help assist you with that. Then, you should work through this issue once you have identified the root cause. For example your root cause may be because, you are to stressed on your personal life to be able to consume as much food as you have had in the past. Here's something to remember your mental health effects your physical health and vise versa so its good to work on a healthy balance between the two. I hope this helps!
February 7th, 2020 5:06am
i have fallen back into my eating disorder habits and have now been restricting for at least 13 hours almost every day. my parents are going through a rough divorce and my sisters hate my mom and my eating and weight is the only thing i feel like i can control right now and this is how i’m coping. i also want to lose weight but i’ve never learned how so every time i try to lose weight whether i start off healthy or not i always restrict my eating and do anything to not eat or to get rid of the calories after i do eat. my mom knows and i told her there’s nothing she can do about it, i don’t even know if i want to try and get over my disorder, i have so many times but it’s getting harder and yeah.
December 13th, 2019 1:29pm
Maybe it's because of the period of the year... like some people eat too much in summer but not in winter. it depends on it sometimes... and also most probably you have too much to think about, or things to do around you and those things not letting you to eat as much as you used to while ago. you should find the difference between this period when you were eating normally and for now. and try to solve it, if it isn't because of the period of the year.
January 2nd, 2019 6:34pm
There certainly are different reasons for this specific issue. First of all, the metabolism, which is responsible for how much calories our body requires on a given day, slows down as we grow older. As a result, we can't eat as much as we used to. But there are also mental and emotional aspects that should be considered. Our daily encounters, thoughts, emotions, sensations and moods influence our appetite in different ways. Stressful times at work, having to finish a personal project, or going through a rough time with your family or friends might also suppress your appetite.
December 18th, 2018 5:31pm
There are lots of reasons for that. I personally deal with an eating disorder and have learned to study my hunger cues like Sherlock Holmes. It could be a physical thing. Maybe you aren't using up as much energy as you used to and don't need as much food for fuel. You could be sick and your body is busy fighting the sickness inside. It could be mental. Stress can trigger a loss of appetite. Distraction or overworking yourself can also cause someone to eat less just because they don't think about it. I encourage you to take a step back and think about what is going on in your life right now that might have triggered this or if it just came naturally with a change in your body. The human body is amazing, truly. It tells you what you really need, so listen to it. You might find the answer there.
December 5th, 2018 11:16pm
You can't eat as much as you used to for various reasons. It could include social/mental issues that are present in your life at the moment. If you are feeling sad, it helps to talk to someone about it. If you are feeling stressed, deal with the stress directly or find the source. Stress comes from many factors, which could be from school, home, or any other place. If people bully you for your weight, or have in the past.. don't listen to them. The outside of the person does not matter only the inside. I hope this answered your question. Have a great day!
November 7th, 2018 1:14pm
It is totally normal for people that their appetite fluctuates. Sometimes we feel hungrier or not so hungry. Also stomach can grow or shrink so it might be just because your stomach has shrinked. People can experience loss of appetite from many reasons, stress or physical illness for example. Women can even lose their appetite due to hormones, sometimes you may feel hungrier or less hungry depending on your cycle. Remember! if you eat and feel good, I wouldn't stress about it, and if something concerns you then maybe you could talk with someone about it. Parent, school nurse, therapist, friend, i.e.
September 26th, 2018 9:01pm
Depending on your circumstance you might not be able to eat due to several reasons one being maturity. Maturing as we all do comes with its challenges, one of these challenges is that our metabolism is starting to slow down as we get older. Metabolism one of the components to breaking down what we eat slows down over time for some of us. when this happens the breakdown process that allows us to stay our shape takes longer then it used to when we were younger, therefore we tend to see the weight or what we eat shows on us more then it did before. but this is but a brief description, there can be many other reasons that speaking with your healthcare professional would be able to assist in.
April 7th, 2018 9:03pm
Beening depressed and sad. Having a eating disorder. Being anxious about things and worry about things.
May 31st, 2018 8:35pm
it could do with various factors, such as puberty, an illness or a dislike of particular foods. puberty related lack of appetite is normal, but if not dealt with mindfulness can lead to something more complex. a cold or upset stomach might be a reason too. if you see other changes with lack of appetite, a doctor should be consulted. the most normal of all reasons is dislike of certain food that you encounter lately. if an open mindedness to new foods doesnt work, talk to a parent or guardian about food options. if you suspect yourself as developing an eating disorder, it should not be taken lightly