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Sexual attraction: What's the difference between romantic attraction and sexual attraction?

320 Answers
Last Updated: 01/20/2020 at 3:57pm
Sexual attraction: What's the difference between romantic attraction and sexual attraction?
★ This question about LGBTQ+ Issues was starred by a moderator on 5/12/2016.
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Johanna Liasides, MSc, PhDc


I work with youth and young adults to help them improve depressive symptoms and self-esteem as well as effectively address family, relationship and peer conflicts.

Top Rated Answers
July 25th, 2015 5:04pm
People often speak of the two as if they're the same thing, or as if they always come together, but the reality is that they are two separate things. Romantic attraction is what we tend to think of as "love" - you feel a strong emotional connection to a person and want to spend time alone in their company. Sometimes it is accompanied by sexual attraction, which is where you want to engage in physical (sexual) contact with that person. Sexual attraction doesn't have to be accompanied by romantic attraction or visa versa. Some people feel both, or one, or neither. This video explains some of the different ways that human sexuality and identity can be divided into its distinct aspects:
July 25th, 2015 3:53am
Sexual attraction is more of a physical endurance of you wanting to be or imagining being sexually intimate. However, romantic attraction is refereed to as wanting to be in a relationship with another and commuting yourself towards them.
July 25th, 2015 3:52am
Romantic Attraction: Attraction to have what is considered to be a romantic relationship. Things such as dates would be desired of people you feel romantically towards. Sexual Attraction: Attraction with the desire to have sex with another. This is usually based on physical attraction.
July 24th, 2015 9:58pm
Sexual attraction is something defined as being a general biological 'lure' to someone, whereas a romantic attraction is more of a 'concept' in the sense that it is a desire for a relationship and the aspects that accompany relationships.
July 24th, 2015 8:26pm
Attraction differs, and there is actually a difference between romantic and sexual. Romantic attraction is about having feelings for someone, and loving them as a person and wanting to be by them. Yada, yada, it's about loving people, or having the capacity and potential to love someone. Sexual attraction, on the other hand, tends to be purely physical. You can see yourself being intimate with them physically, but not as much emotionally. Romantic attraction and sexual attraction tend to go hand in hand. Many people say 'heterosexual' to mean that they are both romantically and sexually attracted so a certain gender, but it doesn't mean that they can't be two things tackled differently. It isn't unknown to only be attracted sexually to certain genders, but then not attracted to them romantically. It's about opinion, really.
July 24th, 2015 6:37am
Romantic attraction is more about accepting a person entirely for who they are. Sexual attraction is more about having a physical attraction to a persons appearance.
July 24th, 2015 3:14am
I think romantic attraction is wanting the person for all their flaws. To be attracted to them for their personality and want to stand beside them, even through their darker moments. Sexual attraction is more about the body.
July 23rd, 2015 4:40pm
Romantic attraction is less to do with sexual urges, and more with personality and feelings while sexual attraction is more physical admiration and possible thoughts involving sexual material
July 23rd, 2015 10:49am
Sometimes one can lead to the other, sometimes not. Romantic attraction is when you desire an emotional relationship with that person and sexual is when you desire a physical relationship.
July 23rd, 2015 6:44am
Romantic attraction is a pull to do romantic things with a specific person. Things like, going on dates, buying them flowers, cuddling, sometimes kissing, really just anything you feel is romantic. Sexual attraction is not something I've felt personally, but I've heard it described as a gut pull to do something sexual with a specific person. Some describe it as a need or a warm sensation.
July 23rd, 2015 1:56am
Romantic attraction is when you experience a deep connection with someone emotionally such as "love". . With sexual attraction it's more of "lust" rather than "love".
July 22nd, 2015 11:15pm
The difference between a romantic attraction and a sexual attraction is in a romantic attraction you are attracted to them romantically (meaning you want to have a relationship with them) and a sexual attraction means you want to have sex with them. Nothing else.
July 22nd, 2015 1:27pm
Romantic attraction is defined as Romantic attraction is an emotional response that most people often feel that results in a desire for a romantic relationship with the person that the attraction is felt towards. Many asexual people experience romantic attraction even though they do not feel sexual attraction. So romantic attraction is more a feeling of love like a deeper friendship without getting too physical or just not really desiring sexual interaction. Sexual attraction is desire based on sexual means and can be very physical.
July 22nd, 2015 5:58am
The line between romantic and sexual attraction differs from person to person. Romantic attraction, however, tends to be for things like hugging, holding hands, being together, and (for some people but not all) kissing/cuddling. Sexual attractions are the more heavy parts of a relationship like touching each other under clothes (or even over them), intercourse, and other varying levels of physical interactions. As I've stated though, the exact distinction between the two varies from person to person.
July 19th, 2015 7:48pm
Romantic attraction is the desire to be with another person romantically, sharing time and affection. Sexual attraction is the desire to sexually interact with another person, through touching or intercourse. One can be present without the other.
July 19th, 2015 1:01pm
Sexual attraction is attraction to a person's physical being; you feel attracted to them and would like to have coitus with them. Romantic attraction is more where you feel attracted to their innate being; you feel attracted to them and would like to have dinner with them.
July 19th, 2015 2:43am
As an asexual person who sometimes feels romantic attraction, I think about this a lot. For me, I find that sexual attraction is the more physical urges of arousal and a desire to participate in certain sexual acts with someone else (which I personally don't experience). Romantic attraction, on the other hand, is all the fluffy stuff. Wanting to spend time with someone and talk to them. Long walks on the beach and all that jazz. There might be some physical aspects to romantic attraction, such as wanting to hold their hand and cuddle, but for me, it doesn't include a desire for any activities that I deem sexual.
July 18th, 2015 7:12pm
Romantic attraction is when you want to you love someone and sexual attraction is when you like someone for their parts
July 18th, 2015 3:12am
There is a huge difference between sexual and romantic attraction. Sexual attraction can be an extremely visceral experience. You can be sexually attracted to someone who doesn't attract you emotionally. People can also be attracted to someone who they connect with emotional or intellectually but not physically. Romantic attraction happens when you feel the sexual attraction and the intellectual attraction. You look at a person and connect physically, emotionally, intellectually. You want to give them everything you have. Purr sexual attraction is only physical. It's about the touch. It's about pleasing someone visually and physically. Never goes beyond that physical touch. It's superficial. It doesn't last.
July 17th, 2015 10:47pm
Romantic attraction is being romantically attracted to someone, as in, wanting to date them. Sexual attraction is being sexually attracted to someone, as in, wanting to sleep with them.
July 17th, 2015 3:42pm
Romantic attraction is when you have feelings for someone and love them , sexual attraction is when you desire their body or you like their physical traits
July 17th, 2015 9:59am
Romantic attraction is when you have deep seated feelings for another person that culminate in an adoring love. You want more than just being physically attracted or hooking up; you care about their health, happiness, and your future together. You willingly place their needs over your own and make sacrifices, but do not do so unhealthily. Often times, a sign of romantic attraction is making plans about the future together. Sexual attraction is often the first sign of a budding relationship. You find your partner attractive, but do not feel deep feelings toward them. You desire them, but are not willing to make sacrifices or work towards a cohesive future together. You are interested. As a result, sexual attraction may often be fleeting. However, it is possibly (and recommended) in a relationship to have both romantic and sexual attraction as this leading to a fresh, positive relationship that is build not only on the physical but the emotional. This dual facet allows for growth and happiness for both partners in their relationship and often brings about the phrase "falling in love over and over again."
July 17th, 2015 4:52am
Romantic attraction is when you'd like to have a relationship, on an emotional, romantic level, and sexual attraction is when you're physically attracted to a person and/or want to have sex with them.
July 16th, 2015 7:22pm
Romantic attraction is the want or desire to be in a relationship with a specific person. Sexual attraction is the want or desire to engage in sexual activities with a specific person.
July 16th, 2015 12:53pm
Romantic attraction is when you feel that you love the person in a non-platonic way and you'd want to pursue a relationship with them, but not necessarily have sexual contact with them. Sexual attraction is when someone is sexually attractive to you, and you desire to have sexual contact with the person, but not necessarily pursue a romantic relationship.
July 15th, 2015 5:54pm
Romantic attraction is the deep intimate feeling that you really like this person for their soul, spirit, heart and mind. This is the attraction that has you thinking about the person for hours and all the time practically. The one that gives you butterflies. While sexual attraction, is that tingly feeling you get in your lower regions when you think of them and the fact that you can't stop thinking of their body in a sexual manner.
July 15th, 2015 12:12am
When it's sexual attraction, all you want to do is have a moment with that person. Like, you just want to have sex and that's it. Romantic attraction means wanting to be with that person, caring for them and loving them
July 12th, 2015 4:51pm
Romantic attraction is more towards someone's personality and how they make you feel, sexual attraction is more like lust you like this person's body or they way the look.
July 12th, 2015 9:01am
When your body signals a liking to someone, irrespective of whether or not you're in a relationship is a Sexual Attraction. Sometimes a sexual attraction could lead to a romantic/emotional connection but not necessarily. Sexual attraction is purely lust, infatuation and carnal. As opposed to romantic attraction, it's more about intimacy. Emotional/romantic intimacy could progress to a sexual level. But romantic intimacy doesn't necessarily culminate to sex. True romance is about connecting on a spiritual and emotional level. Spending quality time with one another. Sexual desires can be intertwined with these romantic feelings, but those romantic feelings are not necessarily part of those sexual feelings.
July 12th, 2015 1:54am
sexual attraction means more or less seeing a person and wanting to have sex with them romantic attraction however is seeing a person and just wanting to be in a romantic relationship with them