Support discussions

Thanks everyone for submitting your ideas about discussion topics!
Hello everyone, we hope you’re all doing okay. 💙
Today, we would like to give you an update on discussions taking place in the 50+ and mindfulness community.
At the moment we are in the process of working on discussion templates and also creating new ones for discussions in future. Soulsings, adventurousBranch3786 and me, amiablePeace77 want to offer you the best options possible and for this we need your help.
Please submit possible discussion topics in this thread, example Dealing with feelings of loneliness. Kindly let us know as well what discussion times fit you best.
Kindly also give us feedback on the how the discussions have been going and what you would like to see changed. We kindly ask you to use constructive criticism and avoid being critical and we can work on it.
We appreciate your help 🙏 amiablePeace77 adventurousBranch3786
Kindly click here and fill out this short form to add or remove your names from the taglist
1st part
@00WHY00 @1Marg1 @24963534 @24Help1 @4Rainbow42 @5catsandme @8Khaleesi8 @allen99 @ArinDee @Actuallynobody017 @adaptableOcean4193 @adventurousBranch3786 @adventurousSugar1991 @affableowl5126 @affectionateCat9553 @affectionatePear7889 @agreeablestrawberries1285 @ahaller @ahds2k @ahel58 @akbj @AKmarshmallow @Aksabode @alan254 @alanapiana1970 @alleywood13 @amanda @ambitiousNectarine1482 @Amelia763 @Amelia2324 @amiablePeace77 @amiableTortoise2797 @AmiYumi @amusingcranberry1537 @AmusingJet302 @anderly @andy @Angelface50 @AnnieIsMe @aquaCake3636 @ARIBA5 @Artemis13579 @AshcloudMac @Aspace4u @Awesomesummer1628 @ayeyaeyaaaaaaaa @azureblueheron @azuladragon34 @Baby1120 @ballooningSloth @BaltimoreSpring @bamafan96 @Barltik2065 @Beanno @beautifulsoul @becausepuppies @Beck @becknit @beachyone @believing777 @berta0322 @Bestmaple2045 @bestplum1189 @betheileen @better2Bbrave @beverlianne @bigalt21 @Billyjoe9717 @bimmernizer @BirdsWhoWrite @bisketties @bklnstar @BLSD2021 @bluebell34 @BlueEyes1819 @blueOrange6725 @BlueSky0708 @Blueskye24 @Bluesky1964 @bluevelvet3 @Blugreg @bogartfan @bouncyBeach42 @BookishWendy @bouncyVoice4149 @breezyoctopus @brightChestnut3152 @BrightSugar1923 @bubblePomegranate7179 @BurdensDown @cafelatte46 @cal1860 @CaliforniaViv @calmblueocean @calmVase7032 @Cammiecat @CandyBubblegumSprinkles @carefreeheart57 @CarefulGrapes590 @carefulsailboat231 @carelady @caringone1004 @CaringPanda45 @caringPumpkin64 @CaringSharon @carscarey @casey90 @cathy @catlady @catmandu @caughtinthemiddle @Cazzy8752 @Cheerie @chickadee123 @Chro411924 @CHT @CintaBali @classylady521 @Cliffg747 @coach411 @Communicativepenny8383 @CompassionateLand2815 @Confused7461 @convivialCake8989 @ConvivialFriend9402 @Cookiecrumbles7079 @CoriF @courageousCoconut7282 @CourageousDaisy1111 @CourageousSpring2022 @courteousLime9432 @CreativeYard1702 @crimsonShade6782 @CtownMimi @ctw1237 @Cubby2020 @curiousbutterfly77 @currentwise @cyanBirch4288 @CyclingThroughLife @DanaMH @DancingJoy811 @dapperPond2037 @Dave94305 @debbiehun @decisivetangerine2856 @decisiveBanana1981 @DeeGold @determinedNectarine9383 @dillon8524 @DinaElwy @diofono @diplomaticoak9588 @discreetMelon5938 @discreettriangle87 @DiscretOcean7936 @doginashirt @dolphinlver @Doodles7 @duces @ecstaticlght @einarsgirl @elderfarm @Electric100 @ElizabethGiovi @EmbStitcher33 @empathicForest15 @Emptynest2020 @emotional232023 @endearingLion70 @Enthusiasticnest1089 @equinox56 @Eva66 @Every1ahome @ExDesertScapegoat @exuberantAvocado5095 @fairmindedStrawberries7429 @Faithfulapple2400 @faithlove1111 @Favor2020 @favour @fearlessSouth4632 @FlowerLily23 @FoolsSelf @forcefulFriend4768 @forcefulStrings1005 @forcefulWriter32 @forko23 @Freeskier @friendly10 @friendlyCat50 @fromthetent81 @frothyMagic6772 @FusionX33 @GabbyGee @Gabriellegahnsuksah @Gale1032 @galfromaway @gardenyarn @generousBalloon786 @gentleEast4230 @gentleLand5245 @GiftedEmpath3 @goldilocks1041 @goodmelon8247 @goodYard1477 @gracefulDay3692 @GrammatoBoys @Grandma1 @GrandmaLolly @Gramma2FnM @Grammy23 @Gr8ful1974 @Greenpear036 @greenSummer1236 @gregariousKiwi9594 @gregariousZebra21 @guitarman087 @Gwen1963 @GypsyRed @HaloCompany88 @hoppa12 @HealingGriz @Heather2020 @helloBike4402 @hellopusher @helloTalker8798 @honestPeach5447 @Hotaru419 @hounddog2021 @HY00 @iamroni @Iamwhoiamwhoami @icedcoffee211109 @IHDW1982 @ihtak @impartialDrum1848 @impartialRaspberries1389 @indigolilly1500 @indigoFriend7851 @indigoMoon1246 @innerLove @introvertedextrovert2122 @intuitiveBunny8426 @intuitiveFriend1097 @Irene2552 @IWuzADuck @JackKost @jackrock @japanesegardengirl @jazzgtr @Jim @jlmouranet @jillwings7@JolivetteListens @JoniGirl @Judecat42W1370

Add den2542
2nd Part Taglist
@junem @justbecause @Justbreathingx9 @JustExisting1027 @JustMe1225 @justpassingthrough10 @K8tjee @kala @Katbtrying552 @Kathy1212 @kathy3667 @Kavajava @kcollier6517 @Kevin0291 @kickiree @kickan75 @Kimberley555 @KindblueEyes @kindCloud141 @Kira09 @kit4228 @kitty2018 @kittycat15 @klemen @koyaanisqatse8 @Kurt789 @LadySnowcat @LakeGirl819 @Lara @lateasusual @Lauren63 @LavenderDaily @lesjon @lelahni @Lifer @lightBalsam5585 @LightSoul108 @lilaj3796 @LimegreenNorth1124 @LindaWinNJ @lisamac724 @ListeningKaty @livefreely04 @LivingLovingLifeRecovery @livingwithbpdx2 @lledmonds1969 @Lolowise475 @lonea @Lonelybeth @LoneShade @lookingforpeace @LostanLonely @Lostinlove50 @love @Love2Boat65 @LovecraftianHorror @LoveResearcher @lrsmith9636 @LucianX @luv2shop @mabelanne20 @madhu @Maka10 @mamamel @mamapants @MariaLands @Marspock @meforexample @Melayla @Melissa22320 @Melliemel1971 @mellisendis @metta2u @mettagirl @MidwesternCalmSeeker @Mindy @ministermichelle @MissPen@MistyMagic @Mla69 @mm2022 @modestOcean7984 @modestwatermelon2938 @moi2016 @mommabear0562 @MondoRalph @Mooboxer @moocher @morecake @Motherofcats1955 @MrKindness @MsVee2021 @MusicCandy @Musicman50 @musicwithbrass @mutter3 @myer @MysticSoul88 @Nanci @navyAcai7149 @neatandtidy72 @neverendingtime23 @nippycat @No1Angel68 @nobodyimportantmn @Nogift @NormaAnne @Oddball76779 @oel @OffMyTrack @OliveCamp8456 @omez125 @OmWeAreOne @Open12 @OptimisticAcres4817 @optimisticRaspberries5247 @outofspace7 @PatienceImpatiens @PaytonGlover @Peace1221 @peaceandlove65 @peachy53 @PepperBunny @PetiteSouris @pgreen6840 @phantomsmilesphilosophicalacai7803 @PitbullMom9 @philosophicalAcres8914 @philosophicalKiwi4956 @pianocat @placidplum3193 @pluckystrings4696 @plumPapaya7147 @plumSkies6526 @politePear3867 @positiveriver9935 @potatoxcrispztrish @powerfulMaple1852 @practicalbalsam @PracticalCat2637 @proactiveCup703 @Proudme @Puddinpen @PurpledPeach @purplefan5510 @purplepansies8591 @purpletangerine87 @purpletree4652 @PurpleWater74 @pxidis @Qooo @quietbeach575 @quietFlower25 @quietlightning @quietSail6485 @quietStrawberries9260 @Ran3707 @RainbowRosie @rationalWater7635 @readytolisten7799 @RebelliousMirror @redOrange9587@redCococnut7440 @redPenny @Redpeppers @Redrhapsody @reliablemoon26 @reliablemoon6376 @repen13 @Resourceful2021 @rhoda @richyShiny39 @RideaRainbow @River416 @Roger57 @RogueOne1983 @Ross63 @roxymar @ruffneckred @Ruthanny1243 @sailinsunshine @SallyMoore @sallymander36 @samSympa3 @Sandidegeer @SarahKind @sb805 @ScarletLand3247 @ScarletPear1945 @SeaLady @Seasidelady61 @secretMap2091 @Sedtzl1 @seeker1898 @SeekerSher @seekinghappy55 @seniorlady @sensibleBunny2134 @sensiblePal7535 @Shycat542 @shycranberry2308 @sillyrabbit7 @sincereGrapefruit4682 @sincerelandsincereOak6832 @SKHK @Skyglider @Skyy0 @SleeplessVet @Smilintru67 @smokescrunch @sngrlittle @snugglyLight2001 @sonerii @soothingArrow47 @sophiaaiello @SoulfulCat22 @soulsings @spielmanjr @spongbobishappy @SpreadAloha @StartExploring @stayingsafe @SteampunkOkc @stilltrying126 @sthompso @StormyTimes @straightforwardKiwi7811 @stressBear @strugglingtocope99 @Sue1111 @Sue88 @sunnyplum5193 @SunnySpruce3523 @sunnyZebra2336 @Sunshine4691 @SunShineAlwaysGrateful @SusyKaploosy @SuzieQ1 @swammi01 @SweetSami @swim215 @swinston222 @swordpsalm @Tabbysflower @Tailormade1 @tanimaya @Tanq2u @Tawanda526 @tealCranberry7379 @tealDog6333 @tealPlace1858 @Teresa416 @terrig996 @TexasTabby @thecaringone @thoughtfulRaspberries8714 @ThreeFires @Tish1982 @tranquilheart @Treat @Trying5555 @turquoiseJar411 @twidget @twm @Tyedyedbutterfly @understandingSea8000 @Vadras @versatileHickory1709 @Vintagelung @VioletVeritas @Walker7957 @WarmWool @waterdragon81 @weatherphoto @WharfRat @Whisper292 @whisperingfairy7 @whispersrlonely @whitewingeddove1107 @Wicket51 @willow3836 @wittyNest2941 @WonnderWoman @Woodlandwalk42 @wordnerd @worstpossibleusername @WorkingitThrough2 @worthystruggle @WrenegadeWen @xe14 @xinero @xrosez @Yashoda108 @yzzil @Yushix @youcancallmeLili @zaramerch @Zengrl

How about dealing with chronic pain or illness, as a topic? If you decide to use it then please schedule it as an afternoon discussion...not all of us chronic folk are good for much in the early morning.
We have a discussion about chronic illness but since it is a very popular topic we might do a new one. At the moment discussions are all in the afternoon EDT though. You are welcome to make a time suggestion either here or in pm to me.

Wasn't aware of that 'til now. Shows what I know! 🥸 😆

@amiablePeace77 love this. might i suggest pinning this to the top of the forum? you might get more responses that way too.
here are some topic suggestions in order of preference:
- loneliness is a good one. i'm pretty sure it's been deemed an epidemic at this point. i would love to hear about a variety of options, not just socializing irl because some people might not be able to do that. building off of that, how to make friends as an adult
- i agree with slow about chronic illness and chronic pain
- building resilience
- fear of aging
- accepting ourselves as we are, to the best of our abilities. fighting comparisonitis
- this might be a chat you already have, but how to overcome fear and uncertainty
- how to forgive yourself for past major life-altering "mistakes." personally i'm working on recognizing the grief and negating my self-blame by telling myself "i had no other choice" etc. i need to learn other things to tell myself that can help. reframing thoughts could be a component here or elsewhere for another topic. i think you dealt w/ this with the inner critic topic, which i loved.
misc suggestions:
- not sure if these are suitable for chats, but would be good to have a place/hub (maybe two forum posts, one each) to discuss these two things: brain health - improving memory, keeping the brain healthy, fighting brain fog, preventing alzheimer's; and heart health
- this might already be a question you have, but if in one chat (maybe self-esteem) you could ask a question about affirmations that people find helpful. Sea brought up a few in a previous chat and it opened my eyes to having ones that are actually realistic that i can believe in.
- are you still doing meditation exercises in chats? maybe it was just in mindfulness? i've attended all the chats for the past two weeks i think, and i can't recall any video of an actual meditation exercise like you used to do. i always enjoyed that.
Thank you very much for this extensive list. We will have a look in all the topics you mentioned and also what concerns mindfulness exercises. Here is a suggestion for you
5 minute meditation for focus
You will find many more here Mindfulness exercises

How about finding yourself having to start over when you thought you were on the path that would last the rest of your life?
Particularly finding yourself suddenly without the partner you believed you'd travel that path with. Whether due to death or divorce or some other thing. But also financial hardships, like losing a home.
Starting over is always challenging but I think it gets harder when you're older and believed that phase of your life was behind you.
Anyway, just a thought.
Good thoughts, thanks for sharing. I put it on the list.

this resonates a lot. I would definitely be interested in this! Thanks

@amiablePeace77 oh discussion topics🤔🤔 ok let me think🤔🤔 oh and btw thankyou all for doing theese discussions and supporting people ❤ ❤ best times for me is always the worst times for every one else😂😂 for me it's like 12pm till 2pm anyday, and in UK time zone?
how to find comfort and joy in the little things?
understanding our feelings/emotions?
making the best out of the things we have and no we can do
How to cope on the bad days
how chronic pain. Can affect us
I can't think of anything else ❤
Thank you for those suggestions Tinywhisper and also for mentioning about time. I made a note of it.

@amiablePeace77 Keep the times like you have them now, people in the est time zone, 12pm UK time is 7am est in the United States, would be to early for a lot of people. I would keep the evening chats at the same time as you have them now for open chats. As for topics, what ever you can come up with is fine.
Thanks for your input mango!

@amiablePeace77 Your welcomed.

I'm new to this group, so I am not sure what you have covered in the past.
1.Dealing with changes in long term relationships due to mental or physical illness.
2. How do you deal with mental and physical changes as you age? (loss of memory, flexibility, physical fitness, etc.)
3. Making friends and connections as you age/ How friendships change
Welcome to the 50+ community, glad to have you here 😊 I look forward to see you more in the forums and discussions. This is a link to the mindfulness and 50+ discussion schedule
Thank you for your suggestions for discussion topics, they have been noted. Currently we're working on the topic list so it might take some time but all suggestions will be taken into consideration.

Reading this post makes me see how important being kind is. I tend to be overly critical of myself when I'm going through changes. I'm gonna start practicing my compassion towards myself. I don't really know how but I'm going to try.
Practising self compassion can help well to quiet or lessen the overly negative self-talk. This is a link to an 8 weeks Wellness Series where you can also find a post about the Power of Self-Compassion. Hope this helps.
8 weeks Wellness Series

@amiablePeace77 I am not sure how to see the thread so I can see what 20 others have posted.

@Amelia763 Now I can see what others have posted. Many good ideas.
Awesome! To see all posts click on the + sign under the post to the left. (+ replies)

@amiablePeace77 I'm not seeing any + sign.
Please click on the - sign first now, then you should see the +sign. When all responses are open a minus sign appears.

@Amelia763 Okay, I didn't realize that - was a link. I look for things in blue or prompts that say click HERE.