Help with Bracelet Making

Hey, peeps!! I am trying to come up with phrases/words that are not too long so i can make more bracelets. I just bought a whole container with letter beads costing me too much to let them go to waste and I haven't used them yet for the sole fact I can't come up with words or phrases.
So below if you guys can help by putting the following
- Words/phrases (please keep phrases short hehe)
- 1-3 colors
Colors available are:
-(sparkly/not sparkly/transparent) Blue
-(sparkly/not sparkly/transparent) Orange
-(sparkly/not sparkly/transparent) Yellow
-(sparkly/not sparkly/transparent) Green
-(sparkly/not sparkly/transparent) Pink
-(sparkly/not sparkly/transparent) Purple
I also have heart beads <3
Thank you guys so much. Take care stay safe and remember you guys are enough

Aww that's such a lovely DIY project, you gotta share the bracelets after making them lol!🥰
Phrases and words, mhm, are you making these for you or perhaps for your love ones also, as gifts/ souvenirs?😮
I feel, for gifting others, using words/ things that remind you of them or the bond you share with them could be a nice idea. Or for phrases, that you wanna tell them, could be affirmations also.
Similar for yourself, any words, things, phrases that bring you light and hope, make you feel good etc, some v usual words like "hope", "one day at a time", "I got this", "better than yesterday", "Strength. Hope. Courage", "Live. Love. Laugh", "Seize the day", "Keep swimming", "to loving thyself" etc hehe, I'll honestly get my hands on any bracelets that have the above words lol, pickk what feels most *you* to you or feel free to customize accordingly!🥰
@Sunisshiningandsoareyou I just like making bracelets to sell them hehe. But that is an amazing idea, thank you so much and I will try to remember to share the bracelets when I'm done making them.

@AdrienLovesYou23 that sounds super cool and yusss, looking forward to see them when ready!

Hi, Adrien,
I made bracelets like that for myself. They have words on them that are skills to help me when I'm having an anxiety attack. I used multicolor beads in blues and greens for the bracelet and white for the letters. Each bracelet has one word. Only one has two words. The words are; deep breaths, meditate, sun, ground, journal, forward, water, pray, dance, sew, and I think that's it.
Have fun!

@AdrienLovesYou23 I make bracelets too what do you use for string or elastic? Can we see some pictures perhaps? I always love to see what others are making.
Listening - One Step At A Time!

Hi, Magic,
I've used elastic that i bought from a cheap craft store. It comes in a couple sizes so you have to get elastic that fits through the holes in your beads.

@purpleTree4652 How did you secure the elastic? Did knots alone work or do you glue or crimp?
Listening - One Step At A Time!

Great idea. For me what comes to mind are words like
friend, You are kind use a heart bead to say kind-hearted, you rock, I love you etc... just a few thoughts❤️

@AdrienLovesYou23 wonderful idea. The concept is popular I do not see people selling them.
"Carpe Diem" aka Seize The Day!

Hi, One
I saw Target selling them for a while, but I haven't been to Target in about a year.

@purpleTree4652 yeah they come and go. There is sales demand for them so I think you should be able to sell them just fine!