Caring gifts to those that care for us! Cupsgiving!

Caring gifts to those that care for us
This post is part of Cupsgiving Week.
Choosing a gift for your carer can be a thoughtful and meaningful gesture to show appreciation for their care and support. Here are some tips to help you select the perfect gift:
1. Consider Their Preferences
Pay Attention to Hobbies: Think about what they enjoy doing in their free time (e.g., gardening, cooking, reading, sports).
Ask Subtly: If you're unsure, you can ask casual questions about their likes and dislikes without revealing your intention. Ask those near to them for ideas.
2. Choose Something Meaningful
Personalized Gifts: Items like engraved keychains, custom mugs, or photo frames can add a personal touch. Remember they may need to be ordered in advance!
Handmade Gifts: If you enjoy crafting or making art, a handmade gift like a card, painting, or knitted item can be incredibly special. Again these take time so it’s important to plan your gift. But these I can vouch for.
3. Practical Items
Useful Gifts: A high-quality notebook, a nice pen, or something they can use daily in their work or leisure.
Relaxation Gifts: Think about self-care items like candles, bath products, or a gift card for a massage or spa day.
Disposable Gifts: Not as in throw-away but something that they can use and enjoy and appreciate and that won’t take up valuable space in the home. Cookies or sweets, chocolate luxury items.
4. Sentimental Options
Thank-You Letters: A heartfelt note expressing your gratitude can mean more than a material gift.
Memory Keepsakes: A small scrapbook or photo album highlighting meaningful moments you've shared. A framed photo too.
5. Experience-Based Gifts
Treat Them to an Experience: A voucher for their favorite restaurant, a cinema gift card, or a ticket to an event they’d enjoy.
Time Together: If possible, plan a simple outing like a coffee date or a park visit. Or organize a tea party in your room or even just a cup of coffee for 5 minutes rest together.
6. Budget-Friendly Ideas
Small Tokens: Flowers, a box of chocolates, or a thoughtful book can be perfect.
DIY Options: Create something with the resources you have—baked goods, a playlist of their favorite music, or a simple drawing or poem that you have taken the time to write for them. Perhaps make it funny or rhyming.
7. Accessibility and Delivery
Online Shopping: If mobility or time is a concern, many retailers offer gift wrapping and delivery services.
Help from Others: Ask a friend or family member for assistance if you need help purchasing or delivering the gift.
8. Show Appreciation in Words
Sometimes the best gift is simply taking the time to tell them "thank you" in a heartfelt way. Pair it with a small token to make it more memorable. Maybe even sing to them!
By focusing on their preferences, adding a personal touch, and staying within your means, you can give a gift that will truly show how much you value their care.
Now some questions for you!
Let's pretend we are giving a gift to another person in the World of Cups or in particular the Disability Support Community:-
How do you choose a gift?
Who would you give a gift to?
What would you give them?
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@777Bre777 @adaptableOcean4193 @adaptablePomegranate1587 @adequatelyInadequate @adventurousBranch3786 @AffyAvo @agreeableTurtle1021 @AguaNector6700 @amusingTalker1267 @Aqua1494 @Arsalanahmed @Ashleylovescats @AttentiveEar @audienta @AutiBoy @Averayne93 @azuladragon34 @BacktotheTrail @BeyondTheInvisible @BlindGrapefruit @blissfulTouch29 @Bndonovan02 @bouncyBreeze44 @bouncyVoice4149 @Breezy2013 @CaringBrit @CheeryPotato @CheerySandi @ChildGoddessFlute @Chloe1644 @cinnamoncocoa @CocoaCassie @Colorfulcatsofhope @considerateBunny7436 @Countrygirl095 @crystallizedrequiem @Daisy7cups @DichotomousDetia @disneymoonlight @Disneywoman @DoISayIt @DonaldK @DylanMark @Edobre399 @Emiliako @emotionalTalker2260 @enthusiasticOwl866 @enthusiasticTortoise6681 @fairmindedWater1140 @Fireskye13 @FrenchMarbles @friendlyEars8792 @goldenSpruce1512 @IcedCoffee211109 @IndigoWhisper @InfiniteThoughts2k19 @Jamesjones10123 @Jewels012222 @jovialButterfly6752 @JoyfulUnicorn @JoyIntoDarkness @K87 @kenzixo @killaj0ule @Kittibear @KuhnDisabled101 @kwheelz @lightTriangle7748 @LikeABirdWithoutWings @lovelycoacoa @lovelySun2900 @LoveMyRotty @magnifiedfaith @ManinblacK @MartianGirl347 @MeaningfulSilence @Meowsicle @MistyMagic @mnhtx3 @modestHickory2783 @modestOcean1286 @moosprbrk @MyNameIsNicole @NaomiR @NevaehRose @NotKhan2 @NovaIsNB @OneErased @PerfectHarmony10 @philosophicalAcai7803 @pinkbunnywabbit @Pixiechu @placidMoth @Plantsaremybestfriends @Poppia @PotFullOfSky2020 @rainbowVibes @Raysofsunshineandrainbow2005 @redGrapes1822 @Redheadmadeofglitter94 @repen13 @reservedCat9143 @RiggsMortis @sabeyesofblue3535 @Seachele @SmolBurrahobbit12 @SparklyCat @specialPurple1582 @StarsOrchidsOwls @stuffiessytem @sunshinegiraffe123 @theboymoana @TimidBear @TomatoEmi @turquoiseHemlock900 @u2canwin @wahmbrenda @Walker7957 @WeedyGarden @wishfulWillow6962 @WishUponAStar968 @wonderfulRainbow817 @xandia @Xisle @youngflowerboy @Zed786 @tinywhisper11 @compassionatemoon4024

does anyone have any ideas of what to give to a profoundly disabled child?
Can anyone suggest any new sensory toys, or any toys that been out for years that are and have been a hit for those you care for please?
even off label use of normal kids toys that have been a hit?
Would appreciate any ideas, thank you
@LabeledBPD thank you for asking this very important question. I have found that nearly everyone can appreciate and feel the special energy of Christmas light spectaculars. Many have easy disabled access and the lights can create a pretty environment (only if the person does not react adversely to the sensory input of course).
Sensory toys, especially easy to make soft and suitable ones.
Label, what have you given as a gift before?

everything I can think of. Even brought an electric car jeep and modified it to accommodate secure supportive seating by ripping out factory standard and manufacturing what’s needed with RC controls. I’m really at a loss and would really value insight to what I may be not aware of.
the Christmas spirit, cheers and general feeling really took a massive blow. My youngest loves trains and they have a polar express going from London. Sounded perfect, wanted to book it and looked forward to such an event until you read how such vintage trains are unable to accommodate wheelchair users.

i feel sad for both my kids. Was hoping to take the youngest to see the London lights, then maybe the polar express. My eldest can’t really see or even understand anything so lights were just a car ride, but the train even as pointless like the lights it was, well what I hoped would be something inclusive but it’s not.
i get it and understand. It doesn’t stop the hurt however that now both kids will not get to experience the novelty and Christmas experience.
a hit in a widely known about toy or anything disabled kids loves, even if my eldest lukes it for 5 min that’s all I hope to find

@MistyMagic 🤔🤔 this is my Xmas present to all of you here in the disability community....

@Tinywhisper11 I drew this a month or so ago before I got to ill ❤

@Tinywhisper11. I love 💕 it thank you.

@adventurousBranch3786 😁😁 you also get a giant xmassy tiny hug
That is lovely, thank you! Giving great big hugs back!
It is always so nice to receive something made personally.
I hope you are recovering well and the pain is lessening as much as it can

@MistyMagic you also get a giant xmassy tiny hug ❤❤

for us we like to make gifts not buy them. as when we made them all the caring and thankfulness go into them. they made just for the person we making them for in a special way. so homemade cards , paintings, craft things we made. sometime it can be something we bake for the person like cookies some made with steva so they sugar free. just spending time with some the greatest gift of all.
we have in mind the lady who been taking us back and forth to small group at church. she became a friend in many ways. she always saying nice things to me about me. this to me a great gift as we not heard nice things about us a lot in our life. so thinking about making her a homemade christmas card and writing how much she blessed our life. we not have many we can give gifts to right now. but have another friend who we use to spend a lot of time with, but she unable to spend time with us right now. due to a car crash she got into and hit her head. so will be a year maybe more before she is better they saying. but we still text and talk on phone some. so going to send her homemade card too,
another person we know we do something for her but not sure what yet.
we put a lot of our heart into making gifts for others and a lot of thought into it too

@stormieandpaws ❤❤ gifts made from the heart are the best gifts of all ❤ I'm sorry to hear about your friend🙁 will keep her in my prayers ❤ and you deserve to hear only nice things about you ❤ I think your amazing ❤❤

thank you friend older then me she in her early 70's we care so much about her and she was so healthy. within mins she became this has a very bad traumatic brain injury. so will take long time to heal. she call me at times to ask questions as we have chronic traumatic brain injury are will not get better. so we try to help her understand better what she dealing with.
we agree homemade gifts the best as from the heart. the other lady older then us too. seem that most the friends we ever had were either older then us or way younger then us. but few friends we had over years have been very special to us.

@MistyMagic Currently there aren't too many people for me to give a gift to... No one I know really fits the description.

I would give my mentor a forever hug if I could