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Sexual attraction: What's the difference between romantic attraction and sexual attraction?

320 Answers
Last Updated: 01/20/2020 at 3:57pm
Sexual attraction: What's the difference between romantic attraction and sexual attraction?
★ This question about LGBTQ+ Issues was starred by a moderator on 5/12/2016.
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Johanna Liasides, MSc, PhDc


I work with youth and young adults to help them improve depressive symptoms and self-esteem as well as effectively address family, relationship and peer conflicts.

Top Rated Answers
August 15th, 2015 5:47am
Romantic attraction is wanting someone for the opportunity to know them as a person, find out what makes them tick. Sexual attraction is the purely instinctual desire to have sexual relations with someone. The relationship is not necessarily important.
March 19th, 2016 9:43pm
The most simplistic way to explain it is that sexual attraction is just that: a natural desire to have sex with a specific person, it can be an immediate desire upon seeing them or a more gradual one that develops over time, but in the end the base desire is for sex with that person. Romantic attraction is a desire for whatever you perceive is a romantic relationship with a specific person, can also be immediate or more gradual.
June 19th, 2015 3:03am
Romantic attraction is when you're attracted to them in every way, and just want to be near them. Sexual is when you crave sex with this person.
January 21st, 2016 7:24pm
Romantic attraction is like having a crush, or really being infatuated by someone, or love. It's the feeling of wanting to date someone. Sexual attraction is the feeling of wanting to have sex with someone.
January 21st, 2016 10:22pm
Romantic attraction is where you want to hug/kiss the person, sexual attraction is... well, wanting more than that.
January 23rd, 2016 1:57pm
Sexual attraction and romantic attraction are both different depending on who you are. Typically sexual attraction is when you are attracted to a person sexually, meaning that you want to partake in sexual activities with them. Depending on who you are, a sexual activity may be having sex or it may be kissing. Romantic attraction is being attracted to somebody romantically, meaning you want to do romantic things with them (Once again, this varies from person to person, so you can make up your own definition of what "romantic things" are) Romantic things for some may be just going on dates to the movies or holding hands or cuddling. Sexual attraction and romantic attraction really vary from person to person so if you are in a relationship with a person who is ___romantic/sexual make sure you ask what they consider to be romantic/sexual so they are as comfortable as possible :)
July 8th, 2015 5:34pm
Romantic attraction is when you know you love someone and you would like to sit down all the time with them talk to them and listen to them. You know you want to only spend your time including them. Sexual attraction is when you're just attracted to someone just for sex... Both can occur at the same time , but sexual attraction is usually the person is attracted to the pleasure and that's allxxxx
January 28th, 2016 4:02am
The different between sexual and romantic attraction is arousal. Being sexuallyt attracted to someone implies that you feel aroused towards them. You would want to sleep with them or have a sexual relationship. Romantic attraction is the opposite, You may not see them in a sexual manor but you may love them and want to be with them, go on dates. Sexual attraction is more physical, romantic attraction is emotional.
July 12th, 2016 9:39am
Our sexuality exist along a number of dimensions. I found a great deal of peace in knowing that my identity is so much more complex that simply saying gay or straight. Some of the dimensions of our sexuality are romantic orientation, sexual practice, and sexual fantasy. We may be romantically attached to a male, have had sex only with females in our lives and fantasize about both. All of those things can be true at the same time. Speaking of time, where we fall on those dimensions may change as we age or the importance of one will outgrow another. I hope this helps. I wish you peace. ~J
August 9th, 2015 1:45am
Romantic attraction is defined by the romantic attraction you have, and sexual attraction is defined by the sexual attraction you have. For example, an asexual could be romantically attracted to only people they have strong emotional bonds with, ie demiromantic. But a pansexual could be aromantic, meaning they feel sexual attraction to all genders, but no romantic attraction at all.
August 22nd, 2016 4:42am
You should come out when and if you feel safe, and you feel it would make you happier. Don't come out if you believe it could create a bad environment, or if it would make you unhappy. You don't ever have to come out to friends or family if you don't want to.
June 24th, 2015 4:33pm
Romance is mainly those lovey-dovey feelings you experience. Sexual attraction accounts for the want to physical touch and things of that nature.
June 25th, 2015 4:22am
Sexual attraction has more to do with the physical part of the relationship and the romantic attraction has more to do with the emotional part. If you can get those two together fireworks will start :)
September 6th, 2016 8:30am
Attraction by itself is a part of a larger bond between two people. I have never felt sexual attraction against someone who I did not want to get romantically involved with. In the same way, I have always wished to have physical intimacy with someone I thought of as romantic. For me, sexual attraction is an important part of a romantic relationship. Sexual fantasy or obsession, however, is different and shallower.
June 26th, 2015 3:49am
Romantic attraction is when you feel emotionally attached to a person. You feel like you want to be close to that person or in a relationship with them. A sexual attraction is when you feel aroused by another person. You feel like you want to engage in sexual activity with that person. A sexual attraction doesn't necessarily always involve romantic attraction and vice versa.
June 26th, 2015 3:40pm
Romantic attraction is about love, caring, and happiness of the other person. While sexual attraction is about lust and not genuinely caring for the other person, just yourself.
December 17th, 2015 11:37am
Romantic attraction is maybe when you'd see yourself with someone holding hands or hugging and sexually attracted to someone is if you image the two of you alone it escalates quite quickly and you find yourself fantasizing about them and imagine yourself doing stuff sexually with them.
June 5th, 2016 4:42am
Well, I feel that romantic attraction is based on you liking that one person for their personality and looks. Sexual attraction is more of you love just their body and you know... wanna have sex.
January 24th, 2017 12:26pm
Being attracted to the person itself vs being attracted to the person's body. That is the difference.
June 27th, 2015 1:05pm
Romantic attraction occurs when you feel a strong desire to be close with and spend time with another and want to show acts of kindness for this person. Romantic attraction is about enjoying another's personality and conversations. Sexual attraction is when you feel strong desires related to physical and sexual desires and you wish to be intimate with this person in a sexual way. Sexual attraction is about admiring a person for their beauty and sensuality. It is possible to feel both kinds of attraction simultaneously, as well as each on their own.
May 11th, 2016 11:02am
Romantic Attraction + Lust = Sexual Attraction
April 12th, 2016 2:18am
Romantic attraction is felt for long periods of time, consistently, while sexual attraction is usually superficial and short term.
April 1st, 2016 12:13am
In my opinion, this does not mean the right or say all be all opinion, romantic attraction involves only romantic interest and interaction with another individual. Sexual attraction involves sexual interest and interaction with another individual.
March 30th, 2016 1:37pm
I think sexual attraction is more physical. You are attracted to the body of that person, not the person him/herself, you don't really feel the need to know that person beyond physical (if that makes sense) while romantic attraction is more the feeling in your stomach, you feel attracted to the PERSON, the personality and the physique comes second. I think in romantic attraction, you feel much, much more, you don't just want to connect with that someone on the physical level but on the emotional level too, you love them for their beauty of who they are as a person and now how beautiful their body is or is not. That's how I feel.
July 16th, 2015 12:53pm
Romantic attraction is when you feel that you love the person in a non-platonic way and you'd want to pursue a relationship with them, but not necessarily have sexual contact with them. Sexual attraction is when someone is sexually attractive to you, and you desire to have sexual contact with the person, but not necessarily pursue a romantic relationship.
March 23rd, 2016 12:59am
Romantic attraction is the feeling of wanting to date someone or be with them in a romantic, non-sexual scenario- like kissing, holding hands, having intimate conversations, enjoying eachothers' company. Essentially, any kind of attraction or desire not related to sex. Sexual attraction is the feeling of wanting to be with someone in a sexual way, fantasizing about them in a sexual context, and the like. Of course, these definitions vary for everyone and can be very complicated- you can have intercourse without feeling sexual attraction, and you can have sexual attraction without feeling compelled to engage in intercourse.
April 3rd, 2018 5:19pm
the easiest way to understand is to consider physical attraction compared to attraction to someone’s personality traits. Romantic attraction is when you’re attracted to a person because you like their personality and would like a non-sexual relationship. whereas sexual attraction is the attraction to someone physically, wanting a sexual relationship with them.
March 25th, 2016 6:44am
Romantic attraction is when you could see yourself actually being with that person, and falling in love with that person. Sexual attraction is when you can only see yourself having a sexual relationship with that person. The two can go hand-in-hand for some people, and for others the two can be very different. It just depends :)
March 27th, 2016 1:33am
Well romantic attraction is liking their eyes, smile, and laugh. Sexual attraction is more of their body :)
December 31st, 2015 11:32pm
Romantic attraction is something that might last a life time, while sexual attraction might not. It just depends on your views!