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Relationship Stress Q&A

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674 Questions
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My boyfriend still talks to an 'ex' most days. Is it unacceptable to ask him to cut ties?

Answers: 0 |Romantic Relationships | 0

How do I tell my crush I like him when he likes somebody else, even though my crush is my best friend?

Answers: 0 |Romantic Relationships | 0

My boyfriend is a man-child and refuses to own up to it or change. We live together, work together, and while I love him, I'm unhappy and can't afford to live by myself. What do I do?

Answers: 0 |Romantic Relationships | 0

How do you realize that you are falling in love with a friend?

Answers: 1 | Last Answer: June 7th, 2022 | 0

I realized that I missed out on my soulmate 2 years ago. We talked for a few weeks only but I can't get over it. I'm so messed up. Is there a chance that he still likes me/remember me? What should I do?

Answers: 1 | Last Answer: November 4th, 2020 | 0

Should I stop being friends with this person? Basically I think my friend has some toxic traits. She doesn't consider my feelings as much as normal friends would. I'm not sure.

Answers: 0 |Friendship | 0

Why do I feel insecure about who my girlfriend talks to when she is on Facebook or Snapchat?

Answers: 0 |Romantic Relationships | 0

How do I avoid a guy that is my best friend when I know our friendship is toxic?

Answers: 0 |Friendship | 0

Wallpaper. My boyfriend yesterday put a wallpaper of his favorite actress. Things like this make me angry. I hate it. I get angry. What do I do ?

Answers: 0 |Romantic Relationships | 0

What should I do when I found my bf's sex video with his ex out?

Answers: 0 |Romantic Relationships | 0