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Heather225 profile picture
Prayers Request Thread!
by Heather225
Last post
January 19th
...See more We all face moments of struggle and uncertainty at some point in our life journey. It can help to know that there are people out there thinking about you and rooting for you. This thread is a dedicated space for prayer requests and support. Whether you're going through a personal crisis, facing health concerns, or other difficulties, you can ask for an empathetic ear, offer prayers, or just comforting words. If you'd like a specific kind of support, please do mention it with your share. You can say as much or as little as you like about your situation. (It can be as simple as "please pray for x", "please send me strength/blessings/vibes", "please keep me in your thoughts", "send beams" [] etc!) For those who are willing, please consider extending your support to fellow members. Your compassion and words of encouragement can provide solace and strength to someone in need. Let's come together as a community to lift each other up in times of hardship. Reminder Please be mindful when posting in the forums, particularly in discussions around religion. Ensure that all posts are respectful, kind and productive. Flag a post for review by forum moderators by clicking the flag option in the lower right hand corner of the post if you feel it is inappropriate, offensive or goes against our forum guidelines. Thank you for supporting 7 Cups. 
tommy profile picture
Religion & Spirituality Automated Taglist!
by tommy
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October 3rd, 2024
...See more Welcome to the Religion & Spirituality Taglist This thread is an auto-updating list. The list is regularly updated by forum leaders and can be found below. Having issues? Reply below and someone will help you! Why should I join the taglist? ✔ Never miss out on sub-community check-ins, discussions or events ✔ Get tagged and notified by community leaders whenever a new relevant thread has been posted ✔ Become a more active member of the community. What do I need to do? ✅ To add yourself to this taglist, press the Post to Thread button below and write the exact words Please add me. ❌ To remove yourself from this taglist, press the Post to Thread button below and write the exact words Please remove me. ------------------------- Current taglist as of 12 Aug 2024 (updated by @tommy) @Adamw12 @adripika @amiablePeace77 @AnemechWahab @Armon23 @beck1 @Bella20 @blindCupcake8608 @cal1860 @Carolincares7 @Chevy81 @courageousRiver589 @cyanVase4070 @DragonView2 @easyDime4319 @egrima729 @enigmaticOcean8813 @FluffyBunny0022 @goodAcres5039 @GoodEar1972 @Helgafy @HisLivingWaters @IamAubrey23 @IntuitiveThoughts01 @Invisibility101 [] @ivoryDog4942 @Jaeteuk @Jenna @loyalApricot1375 @lyricalAngel70 @magnificentNutella @Mahad2804 @MalindaBelle @MeaningfulSilence @Michele2 @Nistar @ovowoody @passionateSea1909 @persistentFriend274 @philosophical2741 @pineapplepeanut @PoliteOcean @politePeach9642 @rhodawoolf @RogueOne1983 @SammiSweetheart30 @smilingnivedita [] @Snowy00 @soulsings @stallion3 @StarrySkies1236 @StillSurvivingThriving @SunShineAlwaysGrateful @Swordpsalm @ThatChristLover @TheJenInBlack @Tinywhisper11 @tommy @trueconfidant123 @Tyedyedbutterfly65 @yaswecan7
CheeryMango profile picture
Forum Moderation Guidelines for Religion & Spirituality
by CheeryMango
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September 22nd, 2023
...See more Hello everyone! I would like to take a moment to introduce some additional forum moderation guidelines that we will be implementing to ensure that this community remains a respectful, constructive, and inclusive space for all members. Note: All forum moderation will be handled by the forum moderators or community leaders. 1. Respectful Dialogue: Encourage respectful and open dialogue that allows members to express their feelings and thoughts about religion without targeting specific religious groups. Ensure that discussions maintain a courteous and tolerant tone. 2. Avoid Forced Beliefs: Remove any posts that attempt to impose personal religious beliefs on others or pressure individuals to adopt a particular faith. Our community respects diverse perspectives and choices. 3. No Shaming or Discrimination: Prohibit any posts that involve shaming, discrimination, or derogatory language towards individuals, religious groups, or spiritual beliefs. Promote an inclusive and accepting environment. 4. Focus on Personal Experiences: Encourage members to share their personal experiences and insights related to spirituality and religion, emphasizing the impact on their lives rather than making sweeping judgments or condemnations. Moderate with Sensitivity: Exercise moderation with a sensitive and understanding approach. When removing posts, provide a clear explanation to the member and offer guidance on how they can rephrase or refocus their discussion in a more constructive manner. 5. Feedback and Appeals: Allow members to provide feedback on moderation decisions through the email or messaging the admin, @CheeryMango directly for those who believe their posts were unjustly removed. 6. Consistency: Maintain consistency in applying these guidelines to all posts and members, regardless of their religious or spiritual background. Ensure fairness in moderation. 7. Community Building: Lastly, focus on creating a positive and supportive atmosphere within the religious and spiritual community, where members can freely explore and discuss their beliefs and feelings without fear of judgment or disrespect. ------------------------- tagging the community taglist to be updated: @MeaningfulSilence @AffyAvo @Sunisshiningandsoareyou @tommy @theriverissinging @@Adamw12 @adripika @amiablePeace77 @Armon23 @beck1 @blindCupcake8608 @Carolincares7 @Chevy81 @courageousRiver589 @DivineLove04 @DragonView2 @easyDime4319 @egrima729 @goodAcres5039 @GoodEar1972 @Helgafy @HisLivingWaters @IamAubrey23 @ivoryDog4942 @Jaeteuk @Jenna @LoveMyMoonflowers @loyalApricot1375 @lyricalAngel70 @magnificentNutella @Mahad2804 @MalindaBelle @MeaningfulSilence @Michele2 @officialanonymous @ovowoody @passionateSea1909 @persistentFriend274 @philosophical2741 @pineapplepeanut @PoliteOcean @politePeach9642 @rhodawoolf @RogueOne1983 @SammiSweetheart30 @soulsings @stallion3 @SunShineAlwaysGrateful @Swordpsalm @ThatChristLover @TheJenInBlack @tommy @trueconfidant123 @Tulipsmile @Tyedyedbutterfly65 @yaswecan7
BlatantHonesty profile picture
by BlatantHonesty
Last post
52 minutes ago
...See more All that you can think of is not the absolute. All you can have are mere worthless representations of truth. All the wisdom literature can not help you understand that which is fundamentally on a different plane of existence than you. The infinite can not be conjured up by it's finite parts. Quit pondering, in your understanding of your limits, lies your freedom. Your bondage is the door to your liberation.
BlatantHonesty profile picture
Self-Esteem and the Truth
by BlatantHonesty
Last post
15 hours ago
...See more Those who are under confident are ignorant. Those who are over confident are ignorant. Those who are the right amount of confident are ignorant too. The moment, you begin to attach a worth to you (positive or negative), is the moment you are sowing the seeds to sorrow. You can not have a worth. Understand that all these things are chimerical and transient. The real YOU is flawless without having to do anything. And the you that you think is you, well that's a sorrow in itself.
soulsings profile picture
Seasons Change
by soulsings
Last post
1 day ago
...See more In the Northern latitudes we are in the midst of winter. The trees are mostly bare and the ground hard and frozen and possibly snow covered.  * What is your least favorite season and what is so challenging about it? * What is your favorite season and how do you feel in that season? @Adamw12 @adripika @amiablePeace77 @AnemechWahab @Armon23 @beck1 @Bella20 @blindCupcake8608 @cal1860 @Carolincares7 @Chevy81 @courageousRiver589 @cyanVase4070 @DragonView2 @easyDime4319 @egrima729 @enigmaticOcean8813 @FluffyBunny0022 @goodAcres5039 @GoodEar1972 @Helgafy @HisLivingWaters @IamAubrey23 @IntuitiveThoughts01 @Invisibility101 [] @ivoryDog4942 @Jaeteuk @Jenna @loyalApricot1375 @lyricalAngel70 @magnificentNutella @Mahad2804 @MalindaBelle @MeaningfulSilence @Michele2 @Nistar @ovowoody @passionateSea1909 @persistentFriend274 @philosophical2741 @pineapplepeanut @PoliteOcean @politePeach9642 @rhodawoolf @RogueOne1983 @SammiSweetheart30 @smilingnivedita [] @Snowy00 @soulsings @stallion3 @StarrySkies1236 @StillSurvivingThriving @SunShineAlwaysGrateful @Swordpsalm @ThatChristLover @TheJenInBlack @Tinywhisper11 @tommy @trueconfidant123 @Tyedyedbutterfly65 @yaswecan7
BlatantHonesty profile picture
by BlatantHonesty
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2 days ago
...See more There is absolutely no state of complete enlightenment.
BlatantHonesty profile picture
by BlatantHonesty
Last post
2 days ago
...See more All these big words, fancy pronunciations, vast knowledge. Just to hide how vulnerable you are. How helpless you are. How petrified you are.
quietlistener2023 profile picture
Forgiveness in shaban for the month of Ramadan
by quietlistener2023
Last post
3 days ago
...See more Some people ask how we should prepare for Ramadan.  People's preparation can be different, some people try to fast more, give more charity and read more Quran.  Others go shopping and buy whatever they need for the month so that they won't need to go shopping during Ramadan so much However, one important preparation is to prepare one's heart to receive the month.   The heart is important in Islam.  All action is judged by intention and our hearts bring us closer to Allah.   Therefore, it is a good idea to try and purify our hearts and connection to Allah before the beginning of Ramadan.   Since Ramadan involves our gratitude for the revelation of Quran, then avoiding things that keep us from that gratitude makes sense.  One big factor that we are asked to deal with before Ramadan and that might get in the way of our spirituality is harbouring grudges, resentment, anger and hatred.  We should try to improve our relationships with others during this time, and this might involve clearing up personal disputes and relationship issues.  We are asked to forgive and make up with people before Ramadan and especially this night of 15 Shaban (the month before Ramadan) and this should help us benefit more from spirituality throughout the month when we are not harbouring anger or hatred towards anyone.  Some people find forgiveness difficult because they think that forgiveness means excusing someone's action and letting them off.  Forgiveness is not excusing bad behaviour and abuses, but rather clears our own hearts and selves from hatred, excessive anger or obsessing over something that happened.  We can forgive someone and still hold them to account for wrong doing.  They might still go to court, receive a punishment, pay a fine and so forth but by forgiving we are acknowledging their humanity and that they made a mistake. Empathy can help a lot when trying to forgive someone and understanding what happened.  Therefore sometimes it is necessary to talk or bring someone else to help the two people understand one another.  Forgiveness is beneficial for us and might help us decrease negative emotions, lower blood pressure, reduce anger issues and improve our relationships.   It can help us to increase our empathy and be more at peace with ourselves and others.  Of course, when it is us who have done wrong we might need to put some effort into helping someone forgive us.  When we have made a mistake or harmed someone in some way we should be the ones coming forward to apologize and put things right.  In Islamic law this means acknowledging your mistake with the person and requesting their forgiveness.  Also giving back things that might have been taken wrongfully, repairing or replacing something broken or correcting claims of slander and so forth.  We can help people to forgive us through our own efforts and by trying to put things right when we did wrong.  A person is allowed to avoid speaking to someone for three days.  We have been given this time period to allow us to avoid contact or talking to someone when angry, and to calm down.  After three days a person should at least begin acknowledging the other person by greeting them.  Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him said that the best of the two is the one who greets first.  If people don't get on or wish to remain friends then we are asked to keep to the lowest level of interactions, which is greeting one another and avoiding negative feelings towards others.  In this way we can hope to maintain our own inner peace and peace amongst those around us.  Here are some relevant links concerning Shaban and forgiveness.  About 15 the Shaban: [] Benefits of forgiveness: [] If you have some experience with forgiving others and how it made you feel or benefited you feel free to share it
BlatantHonesty profile picture
by BlatantHonesty
Last post
...See more I have special place in my heart for seekers. Those who are courageous enough to contemplate about existence. Those who devote their lives in pursuit of truth. Those who cry at nights just to feel the connection with God. You all are the only human beings who're doing what they are born to do.
BlatantHonesty profile picture
by BlatantHonesty
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...See more You want to believe there are mystical dimensions out there. That there are some arcane energies that govern this universe. You besmirch the divine by considering it something you can fathom. You believe there is life after death. You believe in astrology and you believe in divine and mysterious entities. It's really sad, you neither know nor have devotion.
BlatantHonesty profile picture
How do you make sure you're closer to God?
by BlatantHonesty
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...See more By understanding you were never really far.
BlatantHonesty profile picture
by BlatantHonesty
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...See more Existence itself is the proof.
BlatantHonesty profile picture
by BlatantHonesty
Last post
...See more The glistening lights at the airport intimidate you, The salary hike of a childhood friend intimidates you, The person that talks with your partner intimidates you, The bleak future intimidates you, The judging gaze of the girl/boy next door intimidates you, The strong winds and lightning intimidates you, And you tell me you are free.
Admirablerainbow2825 profile picture
Lessons God teaches us
by Admirablerainbow2825
Last post
...See more Forget the past do not dwell on it. For he is doing a new thing. Forgive one another and pray for each other. Forgiveness is really important. Sometimes we end up in conflict with others. One lesson God taught in my journey was to forgive others. It is also crucial to pray for those who are suffering.

Religion and Spirituality
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Community Guidelines

Welcome to the Religion and Spirituality Community! We aim to create a respectful and inclusive space where individuals from various backgrounds and belief systems can engage in meaningful discussions. To maintain a harmonious and constructive environment, we kindly ask all members to adhere to the following guidelines:

1. Respect and Tolerance:

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  • Avoid engaging in disrespectful or derogatory language when discussing different faiths or viewpoints.

  • Promote an atmosphere of tolerance and open-mindedness, even when you disagree with others.

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  • Avoid spamming, trolling, or engaging in disruptive behavior that hinders productive conversations.

  • Focus on your emotions and experiences to share. Please do not make any generalizations.  

  • Treat others how you would wish to be treated. Please ensure the content you post is kind and is not intended to cause harm to others.

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  • Avoid making sweeping generalizations about any particular group or religion.

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  • While discussions about different belief systems are encouraged, refrain from using the community as a platform for aggressive proselytizing.

  • Share your beliefs and experiences respectfully, without pressuring others to adopt your viewpoint.

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  • Trust the moderation team to enforce these guidelines fairly and consistently.

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  • If you wish to discuss unrelated topics, consider exploring other appropriate communities.

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  • Use inclusive language that welcomes individuals of all genders, backgrounds, and orientations.

  • Avoid language that may be offensive or exclusionary.

9. Be Patient and Empathetic: 

  • Recognize that individuals may be at different stages in their spiritual journey or have varying levels of knowledge.

  • Practice empathy and patience when engaging in discussions.

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By following these guidelines, we can foster a positive and enriching environment for all members of our Religion and Spirituality Community. Thank you for your commitment to maintaining a respectful and insightful space for discussion.