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i hate my family. is this going to go away?

2 Answers
Last Updated: 05/11/2021 at 10:04am
1 Tip to Feel Better
United States
Moderated by

Myiesha Beard, LPC, NCC, CAMSII

Licensed Professional Counselor

I maintain a general practice providing services to children, adults, couples and families.

Top Rated Answers
August 6th, 2019 10:36am
Everyone gets mad sometimes. It's a part of life. I get mad at my family all the time, but when you find a healthy way to let your anger out, you might find it easier to be around them and to realize that you love them and that no matter your differences, you will always be connected. Every time I feel like my mother doesn't appreciate me or my siblings don't see me as a person or that my father doesn't understand me, I get mad, sure. That's a part of life. But I'm trying to learn how to process the things I feel and get over my emotions to see that my family loves me and that nothing could make them love me any less.
May 11th, 2021 10:04am
Honestly speaking, in my experience, every human goes through a stage in life where they hate their family intensely. It mostly happens when your family is toxic or hard to deal with in general. I know many families that are very supportive but my own family has always given me a tough time and even I hated family a few years back when I was a young teenager. I've grown up to realize that there is no need to hate your family because they are the only ones who have got your back at the end of the day. Your family mostly doesn't want bad for you, but they might be horrible at expressing their love and concern. So to answer your question, if you are a young teenager, don't worry, this feeling will go away once you grow up. Just don't try to do something rash while you're young and silly.