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My parents have no respect for me. How can I get them to respect me for just who I am?

2 Answers
Last Updated: 03/24/2020 at 1:01am
1 Tip to Feel Better
United States
Moderated by

Brenda King, PsyD


I treat life changes, women’s issues, and issues of aging using evidence-based treatments with healthy doses of warmth, empathy and humor to enhance healing and growth.

Top Rated Answers
October 29th, 2018 12:08am
First, we have to accept that we cannot be responsible for other's feelings and actions. We cannot "make" any one love or respect us. We can take pride in who we are and focus on improving ourselves. It can he beneficial to view it from this standpoint because it takes the responsibility off of you and puts it back on the person you want to earn respect from. Often times we are taught that respect is earned. That is not always the case. Sometimes respect is just given. Focus on being the best that you can, for yourself. If your parents see that, then that is great. Either way, you will have evolved and grown for the best!
March 24th, 2020 1:01am
I believe that what you think of yourself and if you take yourself seriously is more important that what others say or think of you. You should never think less of yourself just because others do, and if your parents see that you take yourself seriously they might start doing that too, because they will understand you are your own person and make your own decisions, what will show them that you don't depend on what they think to be respectable and there's nothing they can say to take that away from you. So trust what you feel and think of yourself and only then others will follow.