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What could it mean if I am sleeping too much?

155 Answers
Last Updated: 06/11/2022 at 2:43am
1 Tip to Feel Better
United States
Moderated by

Penny Dahlen, Ed.D., LPC

Licensed Professional Counselor

I am committed to helping you find your passion, heal old wounds, and flow smoother in all aspects of your life path! I use a compassionate listening approach.

Top Rated Answers
March 26th, 2022 4:22am
Oversleeping could be a sign of an underlying issue, like feeling anxious or depressed. Planning your day the night before, could also help motivate you to get up, plan for something you enjoy first thing in the morning. It could be as simple as a cup of coffee in the morning sun or in front of the fire, and in that time you could think about all the things you're grateful for, and what you're excited about that day. If you need an extra motivator, ask a friend to come round for coffee at 9am, to get you set for a great day. Talk to your friend about any issues you're having, they may be able to give you some perspective and help you feel better.
April 9th, 2022 12:26pm
There could be many reasons as to why one is sleeping to much. Some reasons could be pathological and some psychological. Pathological causes could vary from being sick to being tired from excessive body workout. Psychological on the other hand could be because of stress, lack of motivation and procrastination. Though, I believe stress and procrastination are inter-related. One must be able to figure out which is the underlying reason behind it. For example, lacking the motivation to face the day-to-day activities head on, or just the thought of dealing with the stress throughout the day gives the person an excuse to sleep it off.
April 15th, 2022 7:35pm
there are a lot of reasons as to why you feel sleep too much, one of the main and the most common reason would be laziness, as plain as that. we all feel lazy at times, but when it exceeds a certain limit and when you give into it, you might not have the motivation to wake up from your sleep to carry out your other tasks. some other reasons could be depression, health-related issues like anemia (an iron deficiency that makes you feel very tired at times) and it could also be just because you don't move around more often.
April 20th, 2022 11:14am
If you are sleeping too much, it could possibly mean that you need a little self care. This can be caused from many things, (mental exhaustion, depression, etc) If you are fearful of experiencing any of these things, it would be helpful for you to speak with a professional. I have personally experienced a situation similar to this before. My most recent experience was dealing with a loss that I did not know how to handle. In order to stress it as little as possible, I spent most of my time sleeping. In order to overcome, I decided to seek professional guidance.
June 11th, 2022 2:43am
It would depend on how long you’ve been sleeping too much. If it’s been going on for a couple of weeks and nothing has changed then I would assume it would be something to do with depression or experiencing grief. I’ve had my fair share of sleeping too much when I was depressed or had just lost someone close to me. My emotional energy felt drained and no matter how much I slept I couldn’t get over the fatigue i felt 24-7. Sometimes it was all I could do was to just go to sleep rather than feel the hurt I had been feeling.