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I broke up with my boyfriend, he was treating me badly.. but I don't wanna lose him. what to do?

4 Answers
Last Updated: 05/04/2020 at 9:09pm
1 Tip to Feel Better
Moderated by

Jui Shankar, Ph.D


My worldview offers a systems perspective that values diverse clients and their struggles. I believe supportive and nonjudgmental therapeutic relationships empower clients.

Top Rated Answers
March 25th, 2019 10:03am
A few years I was dating someone who was very important to me, and he depended on me a lot for love and support through his mental health issues. I really wanted to be there for him and help him, but he was treating me very poorly, sometimes even abusively, and it was only getting worse. I tried everything I could but at the end of the day I could not fix his problems for him or change him in any way, so I left. It's difficult to leave someone you care about, especially when you feel that they need you, but at the end of the day you can not help people - you can only provide them with the tools, resources and support to help themselves, and if the person is crossing your boundaries or hurting you in any way, you are not creating an environment for mutual healing and growth. The only solution is to move on, and hope that they can find the strength to heal and better themselves without you.
May 4th, 2020 9:09pm
I completely understand what you are going through. Relationships can be very difficult sometimes. It can be so hard because you have formed a deep connection with that person however It seems like you have done the best thing for you. Nobody deserves to be treated badly and if you feel he wasn’t treating you right you have done the right thing. Loosing someone can hurt that you have got close to and it takes time to heal. However you have a lot of strength in you for taking the first step in breaking up with him and realising that you deserve to be treated better so that is something to be very proud of. It seems that you didn’t feel the relationship was right for you so I would always trust your decisions and gut and go with that as it is usually right and stay strong.
May 28th, 2018 5:45am
If you feel like you absolutely want him in your life, you should try and maintain a friendship with him, but do not let him be in your life emotionally.
June 25th, 2018 11:36pm
You let him go. If he was treating you badly then he didn't deserve someone like you. I'm sorry I know its hard but you bettered yourself and thats amazing