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Wife and I split up last weekend and its hard to deal with. I feel alone and depressed and just want to move on. I keep thinking about drinking to get over it. What can i do?

2 Answers
Last Updated: 06/25/2019 at 12:37am
1 Tip to Feel Better
United Kingdom
Moderated by

Graham Barrone, ICHP, MCBT


Believing in and supporting you wholeheartedly, we cultivate gentle awareness for responsibility in thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Together, we foster growth, improve your

Top Rated Answers
June 25th, 2018 7:09pm
Separations are never easy. Distraction yourself, trying out new things, learning a new skill or have an objective that you feel passionate about, all can soothen your loneliness, until time do it's thing and you're healed.
June 25th, 2019 12:37am
Drinking is not the answer by any means. Drinking just sends one to an escape and then when you sober up you are right back to where you started. The best thing to consider is something to motivate you. What was something she did not like about you that you loved about yourself? Maybe a hobby? Get into your hobby. Take this time on emptiness and use it to fulfill yourself with things that are enriching and inspiring. Do something you always wanted to do but never could. Go skydiving, paint with friends, go wind sailing, learn to surf. Whatever it is, go do it because you deserve it. This is your chance to truly find somethings out about yourself you would have never otherwise learned. Use your hurt as a step stool into a better version of you that she will be sad that she is missing out on. There's another version of you that you have yet to meet and it is waiting to come out. Now is the chance and drinking won't get you there