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How can I calm down during a panic attack?

298 Answers
Last Updated: 12/29/2020 at 6:10pm
How can I calm down during a panic attack?
★ This question about Panic Attacks was starred by a moderator on 5/12/2016.
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Kajsa Futrell, RTC


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Top Rated Answers
December 18th, 2015 1:35am
Take a deep breath and count to ten, try to do something to distract yourself. Like reading a book or listening to some music.
December 17th, 2015 9:17pm
This is a hard thing to do, so don't beat yourself up if it takes time. Most people and mental health professionals will recommend belly breathing, which is where you use your diaphragm to breathe. It's a healthier, stress-relieving way to breathe that humans are supposed to breathe but don't tend to anymore because of stress. Generally, you inhale so that your stomach inflates, not your chest, and exhale so that it falls. Focusing on this breathing helps your muscles relax and calm you down. Afterwards, I generally ground myself by focusing on objects around me and naming them in my head or out loud, or touching them if I can. There are many other techniques, but these help me most with my panic attacks.
December 17th, 2015 6:55pm
You can help the person by doing the following: Stay with the person and keep calm. Offer medicine if the person usually takes it during an attack. Move the person to a quiet place. Don't make assumptions about what the person needs. ... Speak to the person in short, simple sentences. Be predictable.
December 17th, 2015 4:19pm
Breathing techniques always helps. Just close your eyes and focus on your breath as you breathe in and out slowly while you count to ten. Also, you can try acupuncture techniques. Google a couple of them. And if you are feeling nauseous or faint, then try keeping one of those smelling salts or something with you all the time.
December 17th, 2015 6:46am
personally i find moving my self a bit like positioning my feet flat on the ground and noticing what is going to happen helps me a lot
December 16th, 2015 8:50pm
Breathing! Taking calm, slow, and deep breaths can help stop a panic attack in its tracks! If you're experiencing panic attacks or anxiety, consult a physician to work out the best plan for you.
December 16th, 2015 7:24pm
There are different ways, which mostly depend on personal preferences. If available, I always like to have something to drink with me (e.g. water), or I try to talk to someone about something different to distract myself. Probably the most important thing is, learning to control your breath in any situation. If you're breathing calmly, then your whole mood will change and you will relaxe. There are a lot of techniques out there. I like to breath in for 5 seconds, hold my breath for 5 seconds and breath out for 5 seconds, then repeat the whole process. If you practice this technique and are able to perform it in case of a panick attack, then you should be fine :)
December 16th, 2015 3:56pm
ice water or a cool rag on sensitive skin works best. Breathing and focusing on nothing else but breathing works too.
December 16th, 2015 4:11am
Take deep breaths. It sounds cliche but stopping to close your eyes, breathe, and tell yourself "This too will pass-- I've been through this before and survived, and I will again" can help bring you back to a place where you can start thinking more clearly. Don't impose expectations or deadlines on yourself (i.e. "I've been like this for a half hour now-- what's wrong with me?"). Take them as they come on an individual basis.
December 16th, 2015 12:28am
Try breathing in deeply and be with someone to help you to calm down. Sit down and rest and try to breathe deeply and exhale
December 13th, 2015 12:39pm
I suppose it's all just trial and error. There are different things that work for different people. But for me at least, if it's possible, I remove myself from the situation. So if I'm in the middle of an exam, if possible I'll step outside for a moment to calm myself down. But I suppose sometimes you really can't remove yourself from a situation. So what you might be able to try is just doing things that calm you down in any other situation. Whether that's closing your eyes and listening to music for a few minutes. Deep breathing. I hope this helped :)
December 13th, 2015 12:41am
Remove your mind of the situation. Think about something good, something calming. Talk to a friend. Do an exercise.
December 12th, 2015 11:04pm
Sometimes the best thing to do is let your body go into panic. Attempting to hold it back may extend the negative mood. It's not exactly fun but sometimes you just have to ride it out and let it out. After all, a common cause of panic attacks is keeping things inside it only makes sense that letting out may be the solution.
December 12th, 2015 3:33pm
Practice some Mindfulness exercises, stop and close your eyes, touch something for 3 seconds and really think about what your touching, Listen to something around you for 5 seconds and really concentrate on the sounds, what are they? where are they? allow yourself to become totally engrossed in the now and the present. Sights, smells all of these will help bring you into the present and hopefully calm you down.
December 11th, 2015 1:00pm
in your free time discover what things make you feel calm, music or a certain smell or whatever it is, and then when you feel a panic attack coming on or when you're in a situation that makes you feel panic-y, listen to that music or smell that scent, keep the scent in your bag or pocket or something
October 6th, 2015 9:33pm
I've always found that finding three things right near me to focus on help. Let's say there's a lamp next to you; focus on the lamp and start describing it in your head. Move on to the next item and do the same thing. This is a way grounding I guess and the methodical thought process of describing objects takes my mind off of my panic and slows my breathing.
August 16th, 2015 8:23pm
You can use the grounding method. Find something that appeals to each of your senses. What can you smell, hear, see, touch, and even taste. Alternately you can focus on your breathing or on constants in your environment.
August 16th, 2015 12:00pm
Accepting a panic attack for what it is can help to lessen its effect. To start feeling in control of your anxiety, make an appointment with your doctor and get a full physical exam. This will help you focus your approach, as you’ll find out for certain that you’re coping with panic attacks and not some other ailment. A clean bill of health can also help alleviate irrational fears of dying and doom, which can surface during a panic attack. Also, your doctor can differentiate between occasional panic attacks and a more serious panic disorder, which may require professional treatment and possibly medication. Being able to recognize it for what it is will help you decide what action to take to overcome it. Although symptoms differ from person to person, and only a trained professional can provide a definite diagnosis, some common ones include: Irregular heartbeat Dizziness and lightheadedness Shortness of breath Choking sensations and nausea Shaking and sweating Fatigue and weakness Chest pain and heartburn Muscle spasms Hot flashes or sudden chills Tingling sensations in your extremities A fear that you’re going crazy A fear that you might die or be seriously ill If you feel an attack coming on, simple breathing and relaxation techniques can help you feel more in control. But don’t wait until you’re having a panic attack to perfect the techniques. Practicing them twice a day for just 10 minutes at a time may make your panic attacks less frequent and easier to conquer. A panic attack can trick you into feeling fatigued, but often the opposite is true. Instead of retreating to your couch or bed, try to do some excercise or write in a journal. More information can be found here:
August 16th, 2015 11:43am
During a panic attack, take deep breaths and close your eyes until you feel as if you're calm enough to go through with whatever you were doing before the panic attack happened.
August 15th, 2015 9:31pm
Hum and tell yourself that its going to be okay, start thinking about something you're excited about or makes you happy, and if you can, try and find some supportive people.
August 15th, 2015 4:53pm
Breathing exercises! Focus on your breathing. This while using self talk- Self talk is telling yourself you are safe, you can get through this- it's just a panic attack. You're mind is tricking your body. Find a distraction- something you enjoy. Something to take your mind off it. Panic attacks are scary- but you can shorten them and lessen them with breathing exercises, self talk, imagery, and distractions.
August 15th, 2015 4:27am
Try and breath in and out deeply. realise that you have just had a panic attack then try to calm down
August 14th, 2015 11:04pm
you can breath in and out. avoid staring at one exact object and instead look around you and avoid looking at humans. If you have an option of listening to music then listen to calm music. If worse come to worse then ask a friend to go to the washroom with you in order to relax
August 14th, 2015 3:59pm Please read about this table, it really helps to become aware of them, of knowing why and how. If you experience another panic attack, please contact one of our Listeners and I am always free to help anyone out as well.
August 14th, 2015 6:52am
Breathing exercises can help a lot with this. Breath in deeply for seven seconds, hold it, and slowly exhale for eight seconds. Repeat as many times as you need to. It forces you to concentrate on the breathing rather than what is panicking you and slows down your heart rate.
August 13th, 2015 8:29pm
Be AWARE. Acknowledge what's happening, don't ignore it! Wait, don't react just take a breath and calm down. Actions, do something that makes you comfortable be it having a glass of water or simply sitting down. Repeat, you may feel another wave much like a tsunami so repeat the same steps again and finally End, the panic attack ends regardless of what you do, all that matters is that your comfortable.
August 13th, 2015 5:09pm
Remember that you're having a panic attack and that your body is safe, and that it will pass. Try taking deep breaths. Breathing out longer than you breathe in activates your parasympathetic nervous system, which forces your body to calm down. Breathe in for a count of 5, and out for a count of 7 or 8. Once you've calmed enough to move, try making yourself some soothing tea or taking a hot bath if you're able. Panic attacks can leave a person feeling incredibly drained, and it's important to rest and recuperate.
August 13th, 2015 12:58pm
Sit, relax, take deep breaths, entertain yourself with something and remember that nothing scary will happen.
August 13th, 2015 9:28am
It requires planning. This planning is very similar to packing your luggage on a long trip. Firstly realize that the human stress response hormones have an impact time of 90 sec. If you can sustain for that time and not engage in panic, you are free. So you are planning to relax in the first 90 seconds. Now what should you plan. Ideas will come to you in times mostly after you get out of the attack. I can give you some seeds. Record your own voice, tell yourself to calm down and get over the 90 seconds. Secondly see that if you can get hold of a bad/shopper, try breating into that. it reduces oxygen in your body calming you down. It is very effective. Keep paper bags in reach. You have full right to enjoy life. Be ready to pass through its ups and downs. Love
August 12th, 2015 10:21pm
Breathe. Curl up in a corner and give yourself time to breath. Take your time, there's no time limit on how long it should take. Only when you're ready. Then see if you can find a friend or family member who you can talk to, even if it's just briefly to help calm yourself.