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How do I let go of my suspicious thoughts about my hubby?

1 Answers
Last Updated: 01/18/2021 at 7:45pm
1 Tip to Feel Better
United States
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Amanda Wiginton, LMFT

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Top Rated Answers
January 18th, 2021 7:45pm
Cognitive distortions such as negative thinking can cause you an immense amount of stress. If you're having concerns regarding suspicious thoughts about your husband, addressing the thoughts head-on can be helpful. Inform your husband you're having these types of thoughts and allow him to express himself. These types of conversations can be exceedingly difficult due to the increased potential of offending one another. He may not appreciate you having those thoughts or he may be relieved you came to him about them so he can provide clarity. It's very important to weigh out the pros and cons of this scenario. If you do speak to your husband and he discusses them with you, will you be satisfied or will his assurances do nothing to subdue your negative thoughts? Don't go around snooping looking for information because you're going to drive yourself through the wall with stress and constant worry and confusion. I really hope this helps and best of luck to you.