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tommy profile picture
OCD & Related Behaviors Automated Taglist!
by tommy
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October 7th, 2024
...See more Welcome to the OCD Taglist! This thread is an auto-updating list. The list is regularly updated by forum leaders and can be found below. Having issues? Reply below and someone will help you! Why should I join the taglist? ✔ Never miss out on sub-community check-ins, discussions or events  ✔ Get tagged and notified by community leaders whenever a new relevant thread has been posted ✔ Become a more active member of the community.  What do I need to do? ✅ To add yourself to this taglist, press the Post to Thread button below and write the exact words Please add me. ❌ To remove yourself from this taglist, press the Post to Thread button below and write the exact words Please remove me. ------------------------- Current taglist
Valforever profile picture
by Valforever
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3 hours ago
...See more ughh. back in my old roleplay server from high school, i gave ownership up to one of my mods who was younger than i cause i felt like i got too old to be running it anymore (im 18, i made the server when i was 17/freshly 18, and left when i graduated) and i just feel horrible. i didn't realize that *** servers required so much attention and i hope i didn't cause them too much stress (i checked in recently after the server was inactive and they said they never were stressed but yknow) i just worry and i hate that i made that dumb mistake. in the mod application they gave a age range of 13 - 15 and since the other mods were 15/16/17, i thought it was fine since everyone would work together. plus they ran their own server before and my other moderator was friends with them. but nope! im pretty sure theyre 15 though thank god. their account is from 2022 and we've both talked about high school. whenever big situations came up like adults being weird i dealt with it myself because i didnt want anyone else to. i then told them im not comfortable with them running the server by themselves nor being owner. we agreed on it and the server is being run by a close friend of mine who i trust immensely.  i feel like a monster. my moral ocd is always finding ways to try to make me feel like someone who hurts others.
asro profile picture
Please help with consumed thoughts 😞
by asro
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2 days ago
...See more I’m desperately seeking help with my consumed thoughts that are taking over my life right now.  A brief background: I recently returned to work after a traumatic incident following severe bullying and discrimination. When I returned I was shocked that many colleagues/friends were hostile to me, as they stayed  working with my bullies (there was no discipline in the end). While I did have some support, I’ve found it difficult when I’m face to face with these others that have chosen to be hateful without even reaching out to me. It’s a complicated case.  Well last week I was in the office of a former friend I guess and I was caught off guard with the conversation.  I’m not great on the spot as I usually need to digest what’s being said before I can respond properly. Long story short I didn’t say what I should’ve said to defend myself properly. This person represents a big group that has treated me unwell for a long time. Here’s where I need help. I know it’s one thing to just say forget about the event, but I can’t. I have been so consumed with these invisible conversations. I should’ve had nonstop for the last week. I can’t eat. I can’t sleep. I’ve been pulling my hair out. I do get consumed with thoughts, but for some reason, I can’t seem to break out of this. I feel like I missed the biggest opportunity ever to make somebody understand something so big even though I know it doesn’t matter. I’m so close to even texting this person to seek out another conversation even though I know it’s a bad idea. Someone please help me heal. My brain is eating itself up. Does anyone have tips to break this obsessive cycle? 
jovialMoon2495 profile picture
Mental health (PTSD)
by jovialMoon2495
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...See more Hello everyone! I have decided to share with you one of my most memorable experiences in life. PTSD: I have suffered from PTSD for more than a year due to a bad problem that happened to me one day. It was a misunderstanding and I was the victim. I survived finally after so much pain but now I became stronger and I use my experience to help others. So if there is anyone who wants help or a Listener who chooses to send the member to another listener, I am here and I will do my best to help. MOON 🌚 🌝 
Mango33 profile picture
Mental status
by Mango33
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February 8th
...See more I was here a couple months ago, I was deep in depression, OCD and other mental issues. I reached out for help to different people who were very willing to help. I used this app as my therapist for a while. I got encouragement and I've been working hard on bettering myself. I've noticed that in the past few weeks I've gotten much better and I've felt myself getting unstuck more and more. I still overthink and have OCD related intrusive thoughts but I can say for sure I've come from afar. This was just to key you in on my mental health and to reach to people who relate. Thank you
reservedOcean4062 profile picture
New here!
by reservedOcean4062
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February 7th
...See more Hello! I am new to 7 cups and new to this community! I’ve never been properly diagnosed with OCD because I live in the US and the healthcare system is unaffordable for most people. However, I struggle with head picking, intrusive thoughts, and threatening myself that something bad will happen to someone I love if I don’t do something completely non related. For example, if I see a piece of trash on the ground and don’t pick it up my mom will die. Anyways, I’m here to get support and support others in a welcoming community.
diplomaticZebra9364 profile picture
Hard to stop certain urges..
by diplomaticZebra9364
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February 5th
...See more Idk how to explain it without it coming off weird.. My counselor says it's a form of self sabotage and might stem from past childhood trauma or something but idk why I enjoy the risk and thought of someone wanting the worst for me.. I've been having the urge to give my passwords and personal information like pictures of my credit cards and stuff.. I know it's not the best thing to do but idk why I continue to have the urge to do so.. My counselor says to avoid it but it's hard at times.. Sorry I'm sure it all comes off weird.. Idk why I enjoy the risk of it all so much..sorry for such a long post
blueSpruce4070 profile picture
Ocd is so tiring
by blueSpruce4070
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February 5th
...See more Ocd is literally so exhausting. It literally takes over your life. Who else hates it?
funnyCircle930 profile picture
Is this OCD or am I in denial
by funnyCircle930
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February 5th
...See more I (24 F) always identified myself as straight, even though most of the male crushes I had were fictional. I have never had any interest in women. I was trying to read a BL called ten count, but I was worried about being misogynistic. So I decided to look at a few forums and I stumbled on Quora and other sources about experiences about being a lesbian. I decided to read a GL called Asumi chan is interested in lesbian brothels: I read the first chapter and I began to have nightmares and intrusive thoughts, to the point where I couldn’t sleep alone. I also started to look up book covers of the manga, YouTube videos of women kissing each other, women (celebrities) in sexy clothes, Yuri porn on r34, use those perverted AI girlfriend chatbots , looking at lesbian dating apps, and started having intrusive thoughts of kissing women or having sex with them to confirm my orientation. I looked up other forums on reddit and quora to see if my orientation has changed. My sister said that sexuality is fluid but I saw other forums say that the statement was homophobic. I am muslim so there might be societal pressure as well but I have been depressed, sometimes to the brink of tears. I have lost interest in drawing, learning Japanese and a lot of my previous hobbies and I have lost interest in men and forming relationships with both men and women, to the point where my whole routine and goals are being ignored. What should I do? I am not having intrusive thoughts at night and I am smiling at certain dreams (kissing and having sex with women). I am having intrusive thoughts at other times and sometimes I get anxious. One time, I had an intrusive thought of kissing my friend and I cried in the surgery. Some of my thoughts feel real (like marrying women, kissing them in bikinis and touching them ). I sometimes feel calm and sometimes I am indifferent, which scares me I still look up images (sexy or not) of women and the results vary from anxious to feeling nothing. I don't know if I am a lesbian or if I got desensitised to the whole thing. One time, I looked up images of a cornstar (changed the word ) completely nude and a few hours or so later I went to the bathroom to test and started laughing and crying. I have these intrusive thoughts at work (I never felt this way before) where I would get nervous around women and I don't know why it started. I did a quiz on wikihow on am I lesbian and when I did it, it said I was attracted to women and when I saw the comments, one of them said that one sign is having mainly women friends and male fictional characters and I kept using chatgpt and reddit to reassure myself. When I watch certain shows like Mr Bean, I stop thinking about this and I feel better, which worries me because I wonder if these thoughts are genuine if a TV show is able to distract me I had my therapy session and I mentioned sometimes I go onto reddit to explore the possibility of OCD and they said I might have it or not and I am worried because I wonder what if I don't and I am in denial of everything. I just want my old life back (before the intrusive thoughts). If I stop the compulsions, will the intrusive thoughts go away? I feel "excited", an urge to smile and anxeity like I am enjoying my thoughts but I still look depressed. When someone mentions I look depressed I lose it and start crying I went out with my sister on the train to a cafe and I couldn't stop staring at all of the women to see if I was attracted to them. When I arrived to the cafe, I had fun but when I went back on the train, I had an intrusive thought about my best friend wondering if I had a stronger relationship than I thought. I heard sexuality is fluid but that makes me nervous. I posted this query on reddit, quora and *** for answer but I am scared for the future. Is this OCD or am I in denial?
KevinRodriguez profile picture
by KevinRodriguez
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February 5th
...See more How can I deal with OCD and be able to stop these repetitive behaviors that is affecting my daily life. Any suggestions?
Lolo368 profile picture
by Lolo368
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February 5th
...See more Heyyyy so stuf got really bad the other day for other reasons and my mom took me to the emergency room and we talked to a psychiatrist and I finally got diagnosed! I felt like I had OCD for a while now so 🎉🎉 just wanting to share some good news!
Valforever profile picture
is it my moral ocd or am i a monster?
by Valforever
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February 3rd
...See more When I graduated high school I gave up my server to my younger moderators (owners were 14 and 16, rest of the mod team was 15/16/17) because I got too old to run it anymore (i was 18). It was a simple SFW art and roleplay server. But I feel horrible for giving that responsibility up to people who were younger. I remember I checked in and everybody was inactive, so people were acting up/breaking rules.  I shut down the server and explained to the new owners when they came back what went wrong, as well as what new rules to establish if they wanted to lift the shut down. I just feel bad and like a groomer. I made it known that since all of the staff was inactive and they were minors, they should not run the server alone and just delete it. They agreed but they're making a new seperate server of their own.  I wish I never gave them that responsibility. I remember I was very frustrated when I found out that the other staff members weren't helping. I discussed new rules to be implemented such as more emphasis on what no nsfw means (found out someone sent a story they made that was gorey/suggestive and i immediately banned them) and how adults/minors shouldn't be roleplaying romance with each other, but i think looking back that was far too serious to ralk about. I just wish I never made that stupid decision of handing the server down to new owners.  i know its probably just my ocd but i really can't tell anymore. am i a monster?  im terrified of being like my groomer.
hellokitty227 profile picture
by hellokitty227
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February 3rd
...See more My ocd is really bothering me. I'm 16 and my mom won't help me. I don't want to live like this. I struggle with wanting to seclude myself from everyone, suicide, or just giving up all together. I’m very very put together on the outside no one could tell that I talk to myself and micromanage everything I do. I don’t have anyone to talk to and no one understands me.
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