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Can anyone give any advice on how I can stop letting others actions or words ruin my day?

1 Answers
Last Updated: 04/06/2020 at 12:13pm
1 Tip to Feel Better
United States
Moderated by

Brenda King, PsyD


I treat life changes, women’s issues, and issues of aging using evidence-based treatments with healthy doses of warmth, empathy and humor to enhance healing and growth.

Top Rated Answers
April 6th, 2020 12:13pm
You can break down their actions into small pieces/questions like "1- Do they annoy me intentionally?" if the answer is yes, then getting upset is what they want, I often tell myself, well, you can try! If the answer is no, then probably clarifying to them what annoys you would solve the problem. "2- Why do they annoy me?" often times, people do annoy others out of jealousy or out of misunderstanding sometimes, they fear what they don't know. I often try to develop a neutral feeling towards other, and tell myself, I am not an enemy to anyone, so I start each day with greeting whomever I see. Try to put your focus on the things that you would like to get and achieve, don't let others actions distract you from your goal. When someone annoys you, (unless it is a harmful person or a bully), point it out to them, clarify that you have no intentions to harm them. Let them be, and be yourself.