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Why do I feel suddenly anxious for no reason? It happens when I'm around people or when I’m alone.

2 Answers
Last Updated: 05/02/2023 at 1:07am
1 Tip to Feel Better
United Kingdom
Moderated by

Graham Barrone, ICHP, MCBT


Believing in and supporting you wholeheartedly, we cultivate gentle awareness for responsibility in thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Together, we foster growth, improve your

Top Rated Answers
May 24th, 2022 4:24pm
I may not have a solid answer to it but there are a few things I am sure there could be reasons behind it. I have been in your shoes several times, it feels as if all the confidence is being sucked out of you whenever you go around people. After a lot of self-talk, I realized that I was not comfortable around the people I hung out with. I always felt they are judging me from the Inside. There are a few things that helped that might or might not help you. Conversing and meditation. It is very courageous of you to be able to put yourself first.
May 2nd, 2023 1:07am
It can definitely be very hard sometimes when the wave of anxiety hits us out of no where. Sometimes it can feel like it came out of the blue. But sometimes, we can be thinking about things with out even realizing it. Or other times, maybe we are triggered by something around us and not even realize that it is a trigger. Whatever the reason, it is important that you feel supported in those moments. So if you don't have someone in your life you feel like you can go to and talk to, please be sure to jump onto Cups and chat to a listener. There's always someone here to listen. I hope it gets better.