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im depressed. I don’t know why but I’ve recently started lying and exaggerating things then I get shouted at and it makes me feel worse about myself am I lying cuzI’m depressed or am I a bad person?

2 Answers
Last Updated: 03/18/2019 at 3:14am
1 Tip to Feel Better
Moderated by

Kajsa Futrell, RTC


I specialise in respectfully helping people navigate their way through trauma and relationship issues. The adversities in our life can actually transform us.

Top Rated Answers
April 30th, 2018 10:18pm
Hey. I have been having this same problem, and I’m trying to get over it, but once you start telling lies, it becomes an addiction. I started doing it because of depression, I didn’t want people to find out my life was a mess. The way I see it, you’re not a bad person because you do it, it’s only a way to deal with depression, but it can get so much harder if you continue to do it. Just try to see things as they are, try telling people the truth. You don’t need to tell them that the things you said were lies, but try to stop adding more bullshit to the mess. Hope you can do it, good luck!
March 18th, 2019 3:14am
I'm so sorry that you have to go through such a difficult time on your own right now. I'm glad that you know you're depressed, being able to identify your emotions and the base problem is the first step to feeling better! Now as for the problem at hand, I truly, with my whole heart, believe that you are the furthest thing from being a bad person. The fact that you are here, pondering over your mistake, proves that you are a truly kind and good person at heart. Have you considered that, perhaps, while you are depressed, you might also be feeling lonely? There is a high chance that you're exaggerating things to get the attention of other people because you want to feel heard and noticed. If that's the case, then maybe instead of making things up, you could consider talking about your feelings to these people and let them understand what you're feeling. I'm sure they would understand why you did what you did when they know what's going through your mind and how sad you feel. I'm sending you all my love! Please take care and stay hydrated at all times. :) You are so strong, and I believe in you! Take care!