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Why do I still feel like this? It started three years ago and was much worse, but it got slightly better after a few months all of the sudden and hasn't changed since.

1 Answers
Last Updated: 12/15/2020 at 4:09am
1 Tip to Feel Better
Moderated by

Maria Wasielewski, Master of Arts in Counseling and Guidance, University of Arizona

Licensed Professional Counselor

I am inspired when working with clients, who are facing challenging life experiences, to be able to help them to develop the needed skills to live their best possible life!

Top Rated Answers
December 15th, 2020 4:09am
Sometimes situations take longer to heal than others. One time, for instance, I had fallen in love with a girl in the eighth grade and was expecting the one-sided love to be over within a year or so. On the contrary, another year passed, and another year passed, and I still liked the same girl. By that time, we had already quit talking and I was pretty down about it. After all, the situation was much worse and she had gotten a boyfriend. Nothing in my life for two years seemed to work for I was so focused on her. Finally, I found a way to solve the problem after two years of waiting and it was simply reaching out to her and explaining my feelings. After all, I was not trying to interrupt her life or relationship, but only fix mine for the better. In the end, she understood and I have happily moved on from such dark times and been quite successful in my pursuits. In essence, I cannot give advice. I am not even sure what your situation is. But what I can say based on personal experience is that if time does not heal the problem approaching the root of it directly just might. Have a good day-- don't forget that you are an amazing person!