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Sometimes I hear a voice in my head that tells me negative things like everyone hates me or I should kill myself. What should I do?

225 Answers
Last Updated: 05/27/2022 at 7:09pm
1 Tip to Feel Better
United States
Moderated by

Danielle Gonzales, PsyD


Hello! My name is Dani, I am a Psychologist and registered Psych Assistant. I have a passion for helping a different types of clients from all diverse backgrounds!

Top Rated Answers
August 10th, 2017 6:43pm
Talk to someone about it! Life is hard and we all have moments when we feel that everything is falling apart. Having someone to talk to (a friend, a family member or a listener from 7cups) can help you clear your mind and get rid of that negativity. I'm here if you want to have a chat!
August 12th, 2018 5:12am
Well, In my opinion, it is best for you to get help from a counselor. They can help you a lot more than I can. I am not a professional in this type of thing,
September 8th, 2018 7:47pm
It's not my place to give advice. But do you think you could tell me more about what makes you feel this way and I'll try to help as best as possible. I can guarantee that there are people that love you and can't imagine you out of their lives. I'm gonna be here for you and help you work through this feeling okay? I'd like you to as a little mission to each day write something you love about yourself on a sticky note and place it on the first place you see when you wake up, add a new one each day.
April 5th, 2018 8:21pm
I keep every kind note that anyone has ever written me, and when I'm struggling with worthlessness or suicidal thoughts, I go back and read them. They remind me that people do care about me and I would not be making a better world if I left it. You can do this!
May 10th, 2020 9:53pm
I have a list of all the things that I have done right in my life, from graduating to being good at taking care of my friends. I also screenshot the sweetest texts I received from my friends and record the voicemails from my dad. It helps me to keep in mind that nobody is gonna hate me because a one single bad decision. I learnt to say thank you to the people who support me no matter what I am going through instead of being sorry. I do believe in gratitude and forgiveness, and I think that if I want it to feel true to others when I tell them I hold no grudge, I first have to apply it to myself. I remember that some people look up to me for inspiration. If I am hard on myself, they will be hard on themselves. I dont want that because I truly believe that most of the things we worry so much about arnt real after all and that we should enjoy the little things. My cat inspires me a lot : as long as he can get food, water, tenderness and a warm place to rest, he is happy. He doesn't care about any accomplishments. He is just glad to be alive. So am I. I dont think that there are many good or bad decisions to take in life. What matters is to be fair, honest, and gentle. What matters is to make your life interesting, not perfect. And I feel like many journeys ahead are thrilling. When I am facing something that really scares me, I remind myself that the "worst" things that could happen is to die. I do not panic unless something really threatens my life directly because I know that unless I die, I'll be able to make things evolve somehow. It is ok when life puts me on roads I did not plan to explore. What we usually consider as problems are often opportunities. Boredom is what happen when nothing unexpected ever happens. Not peace. Peace is a state of mind. It is the belief that no matter what I have to deal with, I'll make the best of it. I am not afraid of "risks" (different from danger) because sometimes what you could gain taking a risks is much worthier than the wound you could get by failing or worse, the stain that would forever ruin your memories if you did not even try. I believe in my ability to heal almost anything thanks to my personal resources, but also thanks to the loving people and community I surrounded myself with.
August 2nd, 2020 10:19pm
Our thoughts affect our moods, desires, feelings, attitudes, decisions, and behavior in sometimes surprising ways. Often when we hear voices that suggests negative things, we panic as it feels as if it originates from external sources. But we need to realise that these are artifacts from negative thoughts. These negative self-talk trap us into a loop of self-defeat and we are thrown into a roller coaster ride of self-loathing, self-doubt ups n downs. Being aware of negative thoughts is the first step to recovery. Any healing should not fuel negative self-talk. You should try to remove any triggers(sad music, being with certain people, being in certain situations), monitor n control your thoughts. Dont allow negative thoughts to dwell in your minds nor fuel them in any way. Try to engage in positive thoughts or engage in calming activities that will bring you peace, stability and happiness.Mindfulness n meditation has helped calm agitated and distressed minds. Develop healthy coping skills such as self-care to bring yourself out of the dark well into the light.
September 19th, 2019 5:41am
Close your eyes and think of all the times you made people smile. All those times your small deeds made someone feel loved, happy and acknowledged as important. And ask yourself, did those people hate me then? I think you know too, that they don't. I know its so easy to feel less and judge ourseves critically. Its human nature as we tend to want to improve in the world we live in. But its essential to remember all the good parts of you too that is very much part of you and matters as much if not more!
October 23rd, 2016 10:08am
Oh darling, you could be experiencing many things. You seem to be showing signs of Schizophrenia. It could be anxiety. Seek help.
March 26th, 2019 9:01pm
Speak to friends, family, and a trained professional. You may also check in to a nearby hospital if you are feeling unsafe at your home. You will be immediately connected with a professional. Nobody is worthless, everyone deserves to be happy and live their life thinking the best of themselves. Talking to one person can make a huge difference. If everyone did this, perhaps the suicide rate in the country would be at an all time low. While waiting for help to arrive, think of all the people who value you in life and see you everyday. They would be the most effected.
December 16th, 2016 6:21pm
Imagine saying that to your best friend, or the most important person to you. You wouldn't be able to, would you? That's because they don't deserve it. But neither do you.
February 9th, 2019 12:49am
I would try saying something like 'No' or 'Stop' whenever you hear that voice. You can try saying it out loud or in your head. Also, make a list of positive things about yourself. If you are struggling to do this, ask friends and family what they think is something positive about you. Then write it down. Whenever you are feeling down about yourself, take a look at this list. It will be hard in the beginning, but overtime you will find yourself believing the positive things more an it will become easier. I wish you the best of luck!
January 18th, 2020 11:02pm
Even i feel the same most of the time. I don't know what to do. Please let me know if you know the answerEven i feel the same most of the time. I don't know what to do. Please let me know if you know the answerEven i feel the same most of the time. I don't know what to do. Please let me know if you know the answerEven i feel the same most of the time. I don't know what to do. Please let me know if you know the answer
December 14th, 2019 9:42pm
Although hearing those negative voices can be unsettling and hurtful, they are thoughts, and as such you can ask those thoughts why they are there, if they are speaking the truth, or if they are alerting you to deeper fears about yourself. If that voice tells you that everyone hates you, is that actually true? Does every single person who interacts with you hate you? Chances are, most likely no. There are most likely several people who love you and care about you. In terms of killing yourself, as yourself where those feelings are coming from? Are they a result of you believing that everyone hates you, therefore you feel like you should kill yourself? Are there any other options available to you? Can you find one or two reasons to live? The goal is to critically question our thoughts and see if we have enough evidence to truly believe them, or give into them. Once we take a deeper look at where they are coming from, and how closely they align with what is true, we discover that our worst fears are really just that: fears. The reality is, we are loved, we are capable, and there is ALWAYS a reason to stay alive.
December 6th, 2019 5:17pm
Negative voices are usually the result of negative thoughts. If you look at life as negative it will be the same. And normally focus yourself on optimistic thoughts. Don't you think life is too shaky for you to have negative thoughts?Get rid of it, relax yourself, make a change and practice it. That will only eliminate the negative thoughts.Pleace answer for next yout feeling and what happened to you after we got the chance.I am very happy because I help for yours, Practice a smile and be relaxed .. Everything else will be great.Good look for your life .
December 1st, 2019 3:26pm
First of all, I'm glad you're able to recognize that these thoughts are NEGATIVE, untrue, and ultimately not thoughts that you want to have! Come and have a chat, if you like! I know it can be very hard when the person you're fighting against yourself, so airing out these thoughts to someone else might help you feel better. If this problem is severely affecting your daily life, though, I definitely recommend seeking professional help. Left untreated, these negative thoughts could lead to pretty drastic consequences. I hope you feel better soon. Feel free to come and chat anytime you feel like it :)
November 30th, 2019 5:07am
Remind yourself of 5 good things about yourself and 5 good things about your life. Ask a friend to name a good quality about you. Think back on something good you did. No one should ever have to think that way. Always remind yourself of the people you are closest to, they are there for a reason. Not everyone will like you or everything about you, and that’s okay. You don’t need everyone on your side, only yourself. Someone out there cares, and until you find that someone or figure out that someone, let yourself be the one you know for a fact cares. Stay strong, and never give up.
November 27th, 2019 4:35pm
Try to keep your head up and don't listen to it. Do things you really like to do! Like go on a bike ride or go shopping with your friends! And soon you will forget that voice in your head. You are strong and beautiful and smart and so much more. Don't let a stupid voice bring you down you are strong and can get through this! We are all here for you and when you need to talk we will always be here! And remember if you want to see the rainbow then you have to deal with the rain!
November 21st, 2019 8:42pm
Those voices come and go. You are not alone in this struggle. But what you need to remember is, that that voice is a lie. You are important and loved. And no one can take that from you. And when that voice leaves, you'll know there is better to look forward to. There is so much to live for. Death never brings peace to anyone. Just imagine saying those words to your younger self. You are not alone. Find help and find someone to talk to. Build yourself up and surround yourself with people that cherish and love you.
October 30th, 2019 8:40pm
Firstly, I'd say "That voice is simply a figment of your imagination, it can do no harm to you and you should disregard it." and advise the client to practice deep breathing and other distraction techniques to avoid them from harming themselves. If needed, I will refer the client to crisis support, as therapy is not a viable option for them at the present time, they need immediate support such as the National Crisis Line and the Suicide Prevention Lifeline. It's really important that a listener is aware of many psychotic conditions that may cause hallucinatory voices promoting negative thought patterns.
October 26th, 2019 10:23am
Human autonomy differs among each individual. But, one-thing remains same i.e. we all have voice, which continuously let us know about right & wrong in our daily dealings. This voice is collection of our feelings. If a person suffered during different occasions & haven’t expressed oneself too. Then, his/her associated voice starts plotting negative agendas inside mind and manipulate oneself thinking (Which is quiet alarming). Usually, this happens with introverts because they are not quiet vocal in expressing their feelings. In order to avoid being trapped in this state or being manipulated by your unexpressed feelings, he/she should work on their communication-skills, be good listener and share their inside with their love ones. Good communication sort out about 99% of such issues & stops the ‘negativity’ feeding upon your soul. In short, "Whenever you feel bad about other, go talk to them directly... & when you feel bad about yourself, go talk to good listener (7Cups)" I hope, this answered your question.
July 30th, 2019 1:01pm
i think most people with social anxiety can relate. i myself, hear the voice all the time. the important thing is to remind yourself that the voice is just a tiny part of you. you are stronger than your fears and you are stronger than the voice. you can overcome this by reminding yourself that you are here for a reason and that not everyone hates you and you certainly should not kill yourself. you might feel that the voice is right, but it is not. it is only showing you a reflection of how wrong things could go, which would give you all the more reason to want to show the voice that you are stronger and also feel better.
July 7th, 2019 2:12am
Open up, talk to someone, anyone. Getting it out there will help identify the cause, maybe lead to an answer and definitely show you are not alone. You will find that voice can be silenced, that you are worth the life you own, but most importantly how cherished and vital you are to those around you. Your presence impacts others in ways you could never dream of, just by your existence, be it’s brother, sister, friend, parent, partner. People need and want you daily as their lives would lessen without you to light the path and show them a unique and wonderful person
April 25th, 2019 1:39am
That voice is a mental illness, it could be depression or anxiety. Or just an effect from bullying. It’s best if you get scanned for any mental disorder, that way you will be able to start getting treatment and not have to wait till it gets really really bad. Where you have to contact a suicide life line because you’re not sure that you’ll be able to sure that you will be able to see the next morning. And those voices can become super harmful when that’s all you hear 24-7. And you start to believe them. Talk to someone get out everything you’re holding in. It’s way better so you know that you won’t end up doing something that will effect you future. While talking may be hard, talk on a site like this we don’t know each other, yet this a bunch of people who can relate to what you’re going through. And give you advice which they weren’t given. We want to see you succeed, and that may take a while. And that’s ok, but it’s not ok to run from you’re problems because they’ll just end up popping up at the worst moment.
August 11th, 2018 5:51pm
Block it out. Tell it no you are wrong! Get out of my head! Tell yourself you are beautiful and you are kind and amazing
August 5th, 2016 4:16am
Seek a therapist or someone to talk to. If you hear voices in your head it could be schizophrenia and if so you need help right away. Call a hotline about mental disorders and talk to someone.
September 26th, 2018 12:23pm
This is a very scary, lonely moment when this happens, but its important to remember that things get better, life can change and we can be happy. There is a negative voice, but there is also a positive one. It's important to talk to someone family or on 7cups or a therapist to help us find that positive voice again as it can be lost. You never have to face this alone. Just think of that negative voice as a bully who just wants you to fail, try to shut him in a little box and show him that you don't need that in your life.
September 22nd, 2018 5:17pm
Being able to single out that voice is an important first step. What I find to be more helpful then, is to try to integrate that thought within a wider frame that includes a positive response to those negative thoughts. This is the most effective strategy I have tried so far and I thank my therapist very much for it. I used to battle those thoughts, but even if I won a battle, they would come back. On the other hand, by accepting these thoughts' message, but confronting them with pertinent objections, you begin a dialogue that allows you to play with that negative energy and somehow change it, even flip it. For example, if the voice says "everyone hates you" an objection could be "ok, you say everyone hates me, but what is the evidence for it? Because when I think of it, I remember occasions in which people in my life told me and/or showed me they loved me. So, maybe there is people who hates me, but certainly not everybody." In the end, the fact that everyone might hate you is probably a real concern of yours, so why not address it like you would if a friend came to you saying "everyone hates me". You'd understand the concern is real, but the thought it stems from has no confirmation in reality.
September 9th, 2018 10:29am
Do NOT listen to it and seek professional help so that they can get you the proper help you need. I'm sure not everyone hates you, we all have someone who loves us even if you do not know about it. Stay strong, okay?
September 1st, 2018 10:34am
Just Breathe deeply and repeat to your self:“ I’m Beautiful And I’m worth everything, I have people who love me, I have great things waiting for me, and I have days and days to look forward too!” Another thing to do is trying fun little activities! Such as bakimg, drawing, dancing, singing, basically anything that you find entertaining and fun! By doing those things, it really helps distract you from bad things and it puts our state of mind remain calm and peaceful. Yoga is also a nice way to relieve tension and stress the mind is giving you.
August 2nd, 2018 11:50am
Please see a doctor immediately and tell them all it is you are feeling and hearing. Please do not hurt yourself, you are not hated.