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Why do anxious feelings create the need to go to toilet frequently?

193 Answers
Last Updated: 02/19/2022 at 2:01pm
1 Tip to Feel Better
United States
Moderated by

Lisa Groesz, PhD


With evidenced based therapies, we find the root of the problem together to implement solutions. We all face crises, transitions, or disorders at some time.

Top Rated Answers
June 2nd, 2016 6:01am
nervous or anxious can make you need to go to the bathroom frequently because the nervousness can make your stomach turn or hurt. When I get nervous or am excited or scared about being in public places, I tend to have to look for the nearest restroom.
June 2nd, 2016 5:28am
Hmm... Everyone is different. Those who suffer from "anxious" feelings may all experience different feelings and symptoms. If you feel that you are going more frequently than normal or usual, perhaps talking to your family healthcare provider might be a good idea and get you the answers that you seek. Good Luck!
June 1st, 2016 4:08pm
Because when you're anxious you're body is too. When you're brain can't relax, it causes other issues.
May 28th, 2016 5:06pm
Anxiety and stress create issues in your stomach and gut. That's why some people might feel sick when they have a panic attack. If your gut is off, you bathroom schedule will be off too
May 27th, 2016 2:58am
Often anxiety is caused because you are burdened about the things that you cannot control. The lack of control is difficult to handle or cope with. It creates stress and sometimes fear. Therefore, going to the bathroom is something that you can control and may offset some of the feelings and anxiety of not being in control.
May 26th, 2016 10:43pm
It comes down to the fight/flight response - your endocrine/adrenaline system is activated. and that makes it easier to run from danger according to evolutionary biology.
May 22nd, 2016 3:39am
The physical feelings of anxiety are caused by the "fight , flight, or freeze" part of the brain firing off prematurely. During this time your body prepares itself, as if it had to run away from a threat (like a safer tooth tiger) thanks to our evolutionary history. Your heart beats faster to get more blood to your vessels, your breathe faster and your digestion slows down to direct that extra energy towards your muscles. When your digestion slows down, and gets altered frequently due to anxiety attacks IBS (or irritable bowel syndrome) can develop where you need to use the bathroom frequently. For me, I get lots of bloating and stomach pains if my anxiety attacks occur frequently enough. But I recommend seeing a doctor about it, if it is causing you too many problems.
May 21st, 2016 9:10pm
Excitement probably, your body releasing fluid to deal with the feeling. Quite a few people can relate to what you mean by this and wonder too.
May 20th, 2016 9:27pm
Maybe because when you are anxious. You tense up your mucles. And your bladder is a mucle. So that may make you have to go to the rest room more frequently.
May 20th, 2016 12:51pm
My theory is basically that anxiety tells us to go to the bathroom because we can avoid other people in there. My anxiety makes me hella gassy (to the point of agony) so I usually have to go lie down (away from people) to make it go away. In my experience, a good way to avoid that is to make sure you've gone to the bathroom (no. 1 AND no. 2) before you enter a stressful situation, then anxiety can't make you do much. Except throw up. Which would be unfortunate.
May 20th, 2016 9:34am
Fear is what makes you want to go to the toilet frequently. Because scientifically speaking as simple as possible the adrenal glands secretae adrenaline when you are scared and the adrenal prepare the body to act in an emergency and the sphincter in the bladder opens up when you're in extreme fear beucase of adrenaline. So anxious feelings have some impact on your kind like fear so that's what happens.
May 18th, 2016 9:19pm
The scientific reason behind needing to go to the toilet when anxious is that the body activates the stress response (fight or flight) and a part of that involves the body removing waste products as quickly as possible, so you wouldn't have to whilst fighting or fleeing. An example would be that if you were being chased by a bear, you would be more effective a either fighting or running away if you didn't need to stop to go to the toilet in the middle of it.
May 15th, 2016 9:01am
In my experience my anxiety shows up sometimes as an upset stomach and that causes me to sometimes frequent the restroom.
May 14th, 2016 4:05am
Anxiety creates an overall tension throughout the body. As the bladder tenses, it contracts and is able to hold less. Therefore, you end up using the bathroom more frequently.
May 12th, 2016 12:37pm
It's the first thing that pop into our mind when we need to be alone. Anxious = need to be alone = toilet.
May 8th, 2016 12:32pm
It is usually because I always feel like something is wrong. so i go to make sure nothing is wrong .
May 4th, 2016 11:47am
There are several beliefs for what causes frequent urination from anxiety, and the likelihood is that all of these factors play a role: Muscle Tension – When you have anxiety, your muscles get very tense. This tension puts pressure on your bladder, which in turn makes you feel like you need to urinate more than you would otherwise. Light Overload – It's also possible that, because anxiety is a misfiring of the fight/flight system, your body may simply be lightly overloaded. The fear is not intense enough to cause immediate urination, but it may make it harder for you to feel like you can hold it back. Also, those with anxiety are more prone to focusing on different sensations unintentionally. There are often times when you may feel the need to urinate slightly but your body has no problem ignoring the feeling and holding it back. It's nothing to worry about though, it happens to everyone :)
May 4th, 2016 6:38am
Anxiety is linked to several parts of the brain and the levels of certain chemicals in the brain. When our anxiety is triggered our bodies go into fight or flight mode which initiates some changes in the body for example heart beats faster to enable more blood to get to your muscles that you might be using to run! Part of this fight or flight response is that the brain tells the body to get rid off anything unnesseccary in order to be lighter in case of fighting or flight. There is a lot more information about this on the internet if you Google anxiety and fight or flight response. I Hope that helps!
April 30th, 2016 10:32am
Anxiety can cause stomach upset,digestive problems,digestive illnesses,collitis,irritable bowel syndrome,ulcers,frequent urination all of which can cause the need to go to the toilet frequently.
April 29th, 2016 4:40am
When we feel anxious our bodies go into whats called "fight or flight" mode which simply means if there is a danger we either fight or run! Of course with anxiety there isnt always an immediate reason for the anxious feelings but out mind and bodies are predispositioned to go into "fight or flight" mode. So needing to go to the toilet frequently is simply the bodys way of evacuating "non essential" contents as it needs adrenalin to either fight or flee!
April 28th, 2016 3:04pm
A lot of people use it kinda like a crutch. (I know it sounds odd but IT'S NOT.) You feel safe in the bathroom. There is no one that can get you. You've locked the door and you can finally be yourself.
April 23rd, 2016 2:49am
Because when we feel anxious or nervous, Our bladder muscles tighten up which make us have to use the restroom frequently, Depending on how nervous or anxious you become on a daily basis.
April 22nd, 2016 9:17pm
Usually with anxiety your muscles tense and contract, which can cause that need to frequent the restroom. It's normal, just try and breath through the anxiety. Focus on your surroundings and your present self and that you are ok in the moment.
April 15th, 2016 4:44pm
It may be that your body has spead up do to the flight or fright response. Following this needing to use the bathroom is a way of getting out of a suitation
April 10th, 2016 9:56am
Panicking and having fears make us feel the need to go to the bathroom more frequently because the anxiety that we're feeling puts stress on our bodies as well. Stay calm and keep yourself healthy.
April 8th, 2016 8:01pm
It's often how the body responds to those type of things. Just like when you get stressed, you can get a headache or your heart suddenly beats faster than normal.
April 7th, 2016 7:11pm
anxiety causes our adrenaline system to kick in and this causes your body to try and excrete unnecessary fluids so it can slow down non fight or flight systems
March 31st, 2016 6:32pm
It's not about the toilet's more about being alone in a place where no one will bother you .. In this case this special place is the toilet cause it is the most isolated place in a house right ??
March 23rd, 2016 2:42pm
Anxious feelings make your stomach turn and hurt. This makes your body think you need to go to the bathroom.
March 18th, 2016 11:20pm
it does that because your scared or desperate something and when that happens you would need to go a lot more frequently.